United Nations


International Human Rights Instruments

Distr.: General

19 May 2011

Original: English

Twenty- third meeting of chairpersons

of the human rights treaty bodies

Geneva, 30 June and 1 July 2011

Provisional agenda and annotations

Note by the Secretary-General*

1.The twenty-third meeting of chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies will be held on 30 June and 1 July 2011, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 49/178 of 23 December 1994.

2.The present document contains the provisional agenda and annotations for the twenty-third meeting.

Provisional agenda

1.Opening of the meeting and election of officers.

2.Adoption of the agenda.

3.Organizational matters.

4.Enhancing the effectiveness of the treaty bodies: a coordinated approach to the work ofthe treaty bodies:

(a)Discussion of the recommendations of the twelfth inter-committeemeeting;

(b)Harmonization of working methods;

(c)Eligibility and independence of members;

(d)Enhancing the meeting of chairpersons.

5.Informal consultations with States parties.

6.Adoption of the report and setting of dates for the twenty-fourth meeting ofchairpersons.


1. Opening of the meeting and election of officers

The meeting will convene in Genevaon Thursday 30 June 2011, at 10 a.m. The meeting will confirm its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, who have acted in these capacities for the twelfthinter-committee meeting.

2. Adoption of the agenda

The meeting will adopt its agenda on the basis of the provisional agenda contained in thepresent document.

3. Organizational matters

Under this agenda item, the meeting will consider and adopt a programme of work.

4. Enhancing the effectiveness of the treaty bodies: a coordinated approach tothe work of the treaty bodies:

(a) Discussion of the recommendations of the tenth and eleventh inter - committee m eetings

Under this agenda item, participants will consider the draft points of agreement of the twelfth inter-committee meetings held from 27 to 29 June 2011;

(b) Harmonization of working methods

Under this agenda item, the participants will discuss the working methods of treatybodies, including coordination and possibilities for harmonization. The meeting will havebefore it the updated version of the report on the working methods of the human rightstreaty bodies (HRI/ICM/2011/4);

(c) Eligibility and independence of members

Under this agenda item, participants will discuss the recommendation of the Poznan Statement inviting the Chairpersons to entrust a working group to prepare guidelines on eligibility and independence of experts to be adopted in the near future by the Annual Meeting of Chairpersons;

(d) Enhancing the meeting of chairpersons

Under this agenda item, participants will discuss the issue of providing in future themeeting of the chairs with decision-making powers for procedural matters, as already suggested in 2008.

5. Informal consultations with States parties

Under this agenda item, participants will meet with representatives of States. It is proposed that the topic of discussion during this informal consultation be the strengthening of support to and enhancing the effectiveness of the treaty bodies including through harmonization and simplification of their working methods, as well as the relationship of the treaty body system to the wide human rights machinery of the United Nations, including the Human Rights Council. The Secretariat has, in consultation with the treaty bodies, prepared a specific and detailed agenda for the meeting.

6. Adoption of the report and setting of dates for the twenty-fourthmeeting ofchairpersons

The chairpersons will adopt a report on their meeting, including conclusions andrecommendations, to be submitted to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixthsession, inaccordance with Assembly resolution 55/90 of 4 December 2000.

In addition, the chairpersons will determine the dates of their twenty-fourthmeeting, tobe held in 2012.