Pre-session working group

Thirty-ninth session

23 July-10 August 2007

List of issues and questions with regard to the consideration of periodic reports


1.The pre-session working group examined the second and third periodic reports of Liechtenstein (CEDAW/C/LIE/2 and CEDAW/C/LIE/3).


2.Please provide information about the preparation of the second and third periodic reports, including which Government offices were involved, the extent of their participation and whether the reports had been presented to the Parliament prior to their submission.

Legal issues and institutional mechanisms

3.While Liechtenstein has withdrawn its reservation to article 9 (2) of the Convention, it maintains its reservation to article 1 of the Convention, with respect to obligations under article 3 of the Liechtenstein Constitution. Please indicate whether any efforts are taking place to review the reservation with a view to its withdrawal.

4.Please clarify the relationship, and the division of labour between the Office of Equal Opportunity and the Gender Equality Commission.

5.Please indicate what arrangements are in place to ensure that the expanded mandate of the Office of Equal Opportunity does not lead to a weakening of efforts to eliminate discrimination against women.

Employment and reconciliation of work and family life

6.Please explain what measures are being taken to reduce the unemployment rate of women, in different sectors, and the impact of such measures.

7.The third periodic report describes the availability of childcare facilities in Liechtenstein. What other measures are in place to enable women to balance their family and professional responsibilities and to pursue their careers?

8.What percentage of eligible parents, mothers and fathers, have availed themselves of parental leave since it has been introduced?

Violence against women

9.Please provide an update on the status of the draft victims assistance act, including whether it has been adopted by Parliament, and its content and the progress in its implementation.

10.Please provide updated data on the prevalence of all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence and sexual harassment.

11.Please provide information on the number of complaints of violence against women, number of prosecutions of perpetrators, as well as the number of convictions and sentences imposed.

12.Within the context of the Violence Protection Act, the majority of police interventions have led to mediation (see third report). Please explain the difference between mediation and invitations to counselling by the Office of Social Affairs. How has the Violence Protection Act contributed to preventing and ending violence against women? Has its effectiveness been assessed by the Government since its adoption in 2001, and if so, what were the findings?

13.Please provide further information on the programme and duration of training for police officers, judicial officers and counsellors working on cases concerning violence against women.

Political representation and decision-making

14.The representation of women remains low in Government, Parliament, municipal councils, commissions and advisory councils and other public bodies. What measures are being undertaken to realize women’s full and equal participation in such bodies, including the use of temporary special measures in accordance with article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee’s general recommendations Nos. 23 and 25?

Education and stereotypes

15.Please explain what steps the Government is undertaking to encourage young women and men to consider a wider range of occupations rather than focus narrowly on traditional career choices, and the impact of such measures over time.

16.Please provide data disaggregated by sex on students graduating from tertiary education and broken down by fields of study, and trends over time.

17.According to the third periodic report, a number of measures have been taken by the Office of Equal Opportunity to combat gender stereotypes. Please provide information whether any assessment of the impact of those measures has been undertaken, and if so, what lessons have been learned and how these have informed policy development.

18.Please discuss the portrayal of women in the media. Has there been any analysis of the role of the media in perpetuating or combating gender-role stereotypes, and if so, what follow-up action has been taken in response to any findings?


19.Please explain why contraception is not covered by State health insurance.

Migrant women and women asylum-seekers

20.Please provide information about the employment, social security and health-care services available to migrant women who are non-European Economic Area citizens.

21.Please indicate whether consideration is being given to enabling women to seek refugee status on the basis of gender-based persecution.

Optional Protocol

22.What steps are being taken to publicize the Optional Protocol and encourage its use?