United Nations


International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

Distr.: General

2 December 2013

Original: English

Committee on Enforced Disappearances

Fifth session

Summary record (partial)* of the 76th meeting

Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 14 November 2013, at 3 p.m.

Chairperson:Mr. Decaux


Matters related to the methods of work of the Committee

Interaction with relevant stakeholders

The discussion covered in the summary record began at 5.10 p.m.

Matters related to the methods of work of the Committee (CED/C/5/R.1)

Interaction with relevant stakeholders

The Chairperson said that the Committee had held a working session to analyse the comments which had been made on the draft document on the relationship of the Committee with civil society actors (CED/C/5/R.1). It was important to note that the document was primarily a road map and expression of the Committee’s principles, rather than a formal doctrine. One of the Committee’s major concerns was to prevent reprisals against civil society, human rights defenders and the families of victims providing information. The document did not, however, contain specific details on how the Committee would react to reprisals or crisis situations, since flexibility was usually the best policy in such cases.

Ms. Janina, introducing the document, emphasized that the Committee greatly appreciated civil society’s assistance and contributions. The document complemented the Committee’s rules of procedure and working methods by setting out how civil society could contribute to the Committee’s work.

She read the document aloud.

The Chairperson took it that the Committee wished to adopt the draft document.

It was so decided.

The meeting rose at 5.35 p.m.