United Nations


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Distr.: General

26 February 2019

Original: English

English, French, Russian and Spanish only

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Twenty-first session

11 March–5 April 2019

Item 7 of the provisional agenda

C onsideration of reports submitted by parties to the Convention under article 35

List of issues in relation to the initial report of Rwanda


Replies of Rwanda to the list of issues *

[Date received: 20 February 2019]

A.Purpose and general obligations (arts. 1–4)

Answer to question 1 (a)

1.The Government of Rwanda committed during the Global Summit on Disability held in July 24, 2018 at London, UK that by end 2019, the National Disability Law (01/2007, 02/2007) will be revised including aligning the official definition of disability with the UNCRPD and WHO’s International Classification of Disability Functioning and Health (ICF).

2.The Laws No. 03/2011 establishing the NCPD will be amended upon the approval of the National Policy on Persons with Disabilities.

3.The technical work to develop the National Policy on Persons with disabilities was completed and document awaits approval by the Cabinet meeting.

Answer to question 1 (b) 1

4.The Government of Rwanda adopts inclusive approach in the development of legislation and policies. The role of specific groups including women and children with disabilities is taken into consideration in all legal and policy development.

5.Since 2006, Rwanda has Instructions of the Minister of Justice No. 01/11 of 14/11/2006 relating to the drafting of the texts of laws. In addition, there are instructions of the Minister of Justice no. 01/11 of 20 May 2005 on the procedure to be followed when drafting bills. While the two instructions have been instrumental in guiding the legislative and policy drafting, it worth to note that they had many loopholes particularly on the issue of public consultations.

6.With the view to addressing all the shortcomings in the instructions, the Government of Rwanda, through the office of the Prime Minister and the Rwanda Law Reform Commission, is currently finalizing new Prime Minister’s Instructions on legislative drafting. These instructions put much emphasis on the public consultations and considerations of public views in the draft policy of legal documents.

7.To operationalize the above instructions, the Rwanda Law Reform Commission is developing a comprehensive Legislative Drafting Manual.

8.In this regard, for example, during the development of the National Policy on Persons with Disabilities, the line Ministry (Ministry of Local Governments) and the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (hereafter refer as NCPD) consulted all Organizations of Persons with Disabilities from the situational analysis up to the development of the Policy. The draft document was presented to all stakeholders for validation before adoption.

9.This Policy includes specific components on women and children with disabilities as well as intellectual or psychosocial disabilities.

Answer to question 1 (c)

10.NCPD supported the National Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatric of Rwanda (NOUSPR) to be registered. After their registration NCPD supported them with office materials to equip their office. In addition, NCC supported different Centres taking care of children and adults with disabilities by providing legal registration certificate, financial support through annual earmarked transfer as well as technical support where needed.

11.NCPD mostly support the Umbrella of Centres of Children with Disabilities by providing free office in the Government building (Ministry of Local Government), whereby they don’t pay any rental, water and electrical bill, in order to help them organizing themselves and advocate for the rights of children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

12.Further, NCPD mobilizes resources through bilateral and multilateral partners to support their projects, which mainly reside on the raising awareness on the recognition of their rights.

Answer to question 1 (d)

13.At national level, every year, the Government of Rwanda through NCPD allocates budget a total of Rwf 75 million to support local economic initiatives and sports of Persons with Disabilities with no interest.

14.In addition, NCPD have so far disbursed more than frw 425 million to support projects of Persons with Disabilities whereby the recipients return the half only and the rest is the government subside.

15.For the 2019/20 financial year, NCPD will consult on all sector budgets, and by 2020/21 will launch a national, annual disability budget tracking process, to ensure spending on disability interventions and mainstreaming is monitored across government.

16.At local level, each District allocate budget to support social cases for Persons with Disabilities like supporting education programs, purchase assistive devices, provide health insurances, among other initiatives.

B.Specific rights (arts. 5–30)

Equality and non-discrimination (art. 5)

Answer to question 2

17.The GoR commits to step up efforts to eliminate discrimination based on the grounds of disability. In this regard, the GoR, during the Global Summit on Disability held in London, UK on 24th July 2018, the GoR committed to:

•Ratify the AU Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa, and the East African Community Persons with Disability Bill;

•Revise the National Disability Law including aligning the official definition of disability with the UNCRPD and WHO’s International Classification of Disability Functioning and Health (ICF);

•NCPD will consult on all sector budgets, and by 2020/21 will launch a national, annual disability budget tracking process, to ensure spending on disability interventions and mainstreaming is monitored across government;

•Provide training on roles, rights, and advocacy to all 13,000 cell and sector level NCPD Executive Committee members, including how to fulfil the responsibility to mainstream disability within local home-grown solutions such as Umuganda, Ubudehe, Itorero, Kuremera and Parents’ Forums;

•Promote sporting activities for Rwandan people with disabilities nationally and internationally, by expanding sponsorship available to competing teams and individuals.

18.In addition to the above commitments, there are existing legal, policy framework to fight discrimination. Article 163 of the Rwanda Penal Code (official gazette no. 27/09/2018 prohibits any form of discrimination based on whatsoever… physical or mental disability and is punishable by the Penal Code of Rwanda.

19.Article 27 of the Law No. 01/2007 dated on 20/01/2007 protecting Persons with Disabilities in general stipulates that any person who exercises any form of discrimination or any form of violence against a disabled person, shall be punished with the heaviest penalty among the penalties provided by the Criminal Code and those of the special laws relating to such a crime.

20.The Government of Rwanda instituted a local arbitration committees called ABUNZI to receive and handle all civil cases including those involving persons with disabilities.

21.The Ministry of Justice hired three lawyers in each districts (90 countrywide) provide free legal services to all, including Persons with Disabilities.

22.In addition, free short message system was put in place to facilitate Rwandans to know about the Laws especially regarding the discrimination of violation of human rights and how to complain about it.

Answer to question 3

23.Article 27 of the Law No. 01/2007 dated on 20/01/2007 protecting Persons with Disabilities in general stipulates that any person who exercises any form of discrimination or any form of violence against a disabled person, shall be punished with the heaviest penalty among the penalties provided by the Criminal Code and those of the special laws relating to such a crime.

24.The Refugees with Disabilities are protected by the Geneva Convention as ratified by Rwanda.

Women with disabilities (art. 6)

Answer to question 4

25.The data collection system was strengthened and is spearheaded by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR). According to Law No. 53 bis of 28/06/2013 establishing NISR, the latter is in charge of coordinating and streamlining national statistics.

26.As the primary data producer, NISR produces mandatory statistics such as the Rwanda Population and Housing Census, and other more specific statistics from surveys such as the Household Living Condition Survey, Labor Force Survey and statistical yearbooks among others where disaggregated data on women and girls with disabilities can be found.

27.Under the National Policy on Persons with Disabilities, the GoR has prioritized children and women with disabilities in the response.

28.The GoR through NCPD works closely with the National Organizations of Women with Disabilities (RNADW and UNABU) to raise awareness on issues hindering women with Disabilities.

Children with disabilities (art. 7)

Answer to question 5

29.Every year the Government of Rwanda through the National Commission for Children support financially Centres that take care of Children with Disabilities. The supports help them to provide basic health care, rehabilitation services and assistive devices.

30.Children with disabilities from vulnerable families get social support like direct support every month and free medical services. The Government provides shelters to those who live in remote areas and provides them with free primary and secondary education.

31.Children with Disabilities are represented in Children forums from local to national levels. Their concerns are channelled through these forums which ae held annually.

Awareness-raising (art. 8)

Answer to question 6

32.The Government of Rwanda through the NCPD carried out the awareness raising meetings for local authorities, organizations and Centres of Persons with Disabilities in order to discuss on appropriate strategies to mainstream Persons with Disabilities in all local government programs, projects and budgets.

33.The Government has also met with legal practitioners over this matter, whereby 169 lawyers from Rwanda Bar Association (2015/2016), 312 Judicial Police Investigators (2016/2017), 333 from Rwanda Correctional Services (2017/2018) were trained on rights of persons with disabilities and social model of disability. Moreover 385 school tears were trained on the rights of leaners with disabilities. In addition, trained more than 52 media houses (2016) on disability rights and most of them have permanent spaces, they cover and report events on persons with disabilities.

34.The awareness raising is also conducted during the preparation and celebration of International Disability Day, White Cane Day, Mental Health Day, International Deaf Awareness Week, Albinism Awareness Day and Deaf-blind Day. Further, every year the Government of Rwanda organizes Disability Week.

35.All these awareness raising events are coordinated by the Government through the NCPD and Districts at local levels in close collaboration with organizations of Persons with Disabilities.

Accessibility (art. 9)

Answer to question 7

36.Article 15 of the Ministerial Order No. 04/Cab.M/015 of 18/05/2015 determining urban planning and building regulations instituted the Rwanda Building Code. Its annex III provides building faults and administrative sanction depending on building categories on which the fault is committed.

37.The Government is revising its transport policy to include accessible vehicles for all, especially for Persons with Disabilities.

38.The GoR has also developed National Digital Talent Policy which provides how Persons with Disabilities will benefit from it. The GoR has also put in place regulations governing ICT accessibility for PwDs and special needs in Rwanda.

39.To monitor the implementation, the GoR through NCPD carried out the accessibility audit in all 5 secondary cities countrywide in 2015. In 2017, NCPD carried out the accessibility audit in 502 public buildings and conducted a meeting to share the findings of the audit to the high level management to take action. In 2018, NCPD carried out the accessibility audit in 180 public and private schools.

40.In 2018 the GoR, through the Ministry of Infrastructure developed the transport strategy “Rapid Bus Transit” considering Universal Design which is inclusive.

41.Establishment and operationalization of 5 ICT inclusive centres, one per each province.

Right to life (art. 10)

Answer to question 8

42.The right to life is protected by the Constitution. Article 12 of the Constitution states that everyone has the right to life and that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of life. Article 12 provides that human being is sacred and inviolable. It obligates the State to respect, protect and defend the human being.

43.Besides the Constitution, the law No. 68/2018 of 30/08/2018 determining offences and penalties in general punishes a whole ranges of acts of taking someone’s life.

44.So far there is no cases of killing of persons with albinism which has occurred on the territory of the Republic of Rwanda.

Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies (art. 11)

Answer to question 9

45.Article 9 of the Law No. 01/2007 dated on 20/01/2007 protecting Persons with Disabilities in general stipulates that a person with disability shall be catered for and assisted particularly in times of conflict, accidents and other disasters.

46.Since 2009, the GoR adopted the Ministerial Order No. 04/09 of 30 March 2009 governing Modalities for Assisting People with Disabilities in case of Conflicts, Accidents and other Disasters. Article 2 lists government responsibilities in the framework of assisting person with disabilities in terms of conflict, accidents and other disasters. These responsibilities include:

•1° Remind and sensitize organizations which give assistance in such periods to provide emergency aid and help those with disabilities;

•2° Give special attention to persons with disabilities;

•3° Donate to and assist persons with disabilities to access basic emergency requirements they need;

•4° Constantly give progress reports on the prevailing situation;

•5° Institute modalities to alert persons with disabilities in order to know some extraordinary event has that taken place;

•6° Train and inform persons with disabilities about exits which can easily be used in case of emergency;

•7° Give a person with disabilities appropriate equipment which can easily be used to call for emergency help whenever deemed necessary;

•8° Give first aid training to persons with disabilities;

•9° Evacuate persons with disabilities from zones of conflict or other disasters.

47.In addition to the above, the GoR has a commitment that by 2020 it will strengthen national disaster response protocols and procedures to ensure that people with disabilities are prioritized and receive appropriate support.

Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)

Answer to question 10

48.The Civil Code Book One was repealed by the law No. 32/2016 of 28/08/2016 governing persons and family. Article 150 of the family law stipulates that the competent court declares legally incapacitated an adult with mental disability and appoint a guardian for that adult when the latter giving in a habitual state of mental deficiency even if such deficiency show lucid intervals.

49.However the guardian must be appointed officially and is recognized by the law.

Access to justice (art. 13)

Answer to question 11 (a)

50.The provision of legal aid service to vulnerable persons with disabilities is free of charge. Whoever needs a lawyer is assisted free of charge.

51.Ex combatants with disabilities are exempted to pay all court fees.

52.During the implementation of Rwanda Building Code of 2015, all new court houses are built considering the needs of Persons with Disabilities.

53.Since January 2016, Rwanda introduced, Integrated Electronic Case Management System (IECMS). IESMS is a computerized judicial case processing and management system for the whole Rwanda judicial chain (Investigation, Prosecution, Adjudication and Judgement execution) to provide easier, faster and affordable judicial service delivery to the citizen. The system is also user friendly for persons with disabilities.

54.Free legal aid service is offered to vulnerable people including PwDs (National legal aid policy); Rwanda facilitates easy communication between justice actors and deaf defendants or complainants by providing professional sign language interpreters, in addition to this, there is also a free hotline number to be used in provision of legal related information.

Answer to question 11 (b)

55.From 2015 to 2018, NCPD conducted awareness raising trainings to 169 lawyers from Rwanda Bar Association, 312 Judicial Police Investigators, and 333 staff from Rwanda Correctional Service. Trainings are planned with the view to reach other actors including judges and prosecutors.

Liberty and security of the person (art. 14)

Answer to question 12

56.On this particular point, the GoR wishes to report that it does not entertain any form of involuntary placement of persons with disabilities in the justice system or in mental health facilities on ground of impairment.

Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse (art. 16)

Answer to question 13 (a)

57.Article 33 of Gender Based Violence Law (GBV) law punishes any person guilt of sexual violence commit to handicapped person.

58.The Rwanda penal code provides disability status as aggravating circumstance in case of rape.

Answer to question 13 (b)

59.Establishment of Isange one stop centres country wide that provide psychological and counselling services to all people including PwD.

60.Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) has a specific service for victims of violence and abuse.

Answer to question 13 (c)

61.As it was indicated in the report under CRPD and subsequent state’s periodic report under CRC, corporal punishment is prohibited in all setting.

Answer to question 14

62.Inhuman or degrading treatment is prohibited by the Constitution (article 14) and punished by the law (article 113 of penal code 2018).

63.Establishment and dissemination of appropriate terminologies used for PwDs to prevent abuses or inhuman treatment.

64.Establishment of a free Hotline in Rwanda Investigation Bureau where Rwandans provide information on different type of abuse.

Protecting the integrity of the person (art. 17)

Answer to question 15 (a)

65.Article 14 of the Constitution recognizes the rights everyone to physical and mental integrity. In accordance with this provision no one shall be subjected to torture or physical abuse, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. No one shall be subjected to experimentation without his or her informed consent.

66.Penal code lists forced sterilization among the acts constituting crimes against humanity and punishes the act with life imprisonment (article 95 and 96).

67.Rwanda adopted the law No. 49/2012 of 22/01/2013 establishing medical professional liability insurance. The law recognizes the rights of all patients without discrimination to consent (art. 9) and to refuse treatment and withdraw consent (art. 10). The prior consent of patient or any other health service user to be examined or treated must be sought in all cases. If the patient or any other health services user is not in a condition to express his/her will, the health professional cannot intervene unless his/her trusted person has been warned and informed. Further, the health professional who intends to provide healthcare services to a minor or an incapable person must endeavour to inform his/her parents or his/her representative of his/her guardian and obtain consent.

Answer to question 15 (b)

68.Rwanda has 2 psychiatric hospitals (CARAES Ndera and Kabutare) dealing specifically with mental health issues. In addition there is a department of mental health in each district hospital countrywide.

Liberty of movement and nationality (art. 18)

Answer to question 16

69.Rwanda adopted the law No. 13 ter/ 2014 of 21/05/2014 relating to refugees. The law recognizes the right to identity card to all refugee without any discrimination. Article 12 of the law states that a refugee identity card shall be issued to the person granted refugee status, his/her spouse, children under the age of eighteen (18) years and persons under his/her dependence.

70.Currently all persons with refugee status have identity cards.

Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)

Answer to question 17

71.In 2016, the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion in partnership with UNICEF launched the Tubarere mu Muryango (TMM, Let’s Raise Children in Families) campaign which highlights the importance of raising children in families. Numerous radio, TV programmes and community mobilisation sessions were organised to reach populations with the message. As a result, 1,102 “Malaika Murinzi” (foster families) were identified and trained to be on standby for children in need of care in homes.

72.The aim of TMM program is to ensure that all children including children with disabilities benefit from family-based care. Since 2014, NCPD in collaboration with Troupe des Personnes Handicapées Twuzuzanye, Urunana Development Communication Center, Media for the Deaf Association, UNICEF and Rwanda Broadcasting Agency through Itetero program, sensitizes and mobilizes the community about the rights of children with disabilities and their abilities.

73.The Government support families who receive children with disabilities.

Answer to question 18

74.For 30 visited institutions, there was 1869 children with disabilities including 912 boys and 957 girls.

Personal mobility (art. 20)

Answer to question 19

75.The Government of Rwanda accredited HVP Gatagara as a Referral Orthopaedic and surgeon Hospital and all Persons with Disabilities are being facilitated to get services using community health insurance.

76.PwDs get these services using community health insurance in University Teaching Hospitals and Districts hospitals.

77.In addition, NCPD works with partners to produce wheelchairs locally and distribute them in all districts. The beneficiaries of these wheelchairs are those from the poorest families.

Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information (art. 21)

Answer to question 20

78.Rwanda Broadcasting Agency has a permanent staff as Sign Language Interpreter to support during Rwanda television news program and other national events. Sign Language is being used in all schools accommodating deaf children.

79.The GoR through NCPD is currently finalizing the Rwanda Sign Language Dictionary which will be utilized in different sectors to ensure communication is ease for all. The University of Rwanda, College of Education, School of Special and Inclusive Education trains qualified students in Braille and Sign Language. Braille is being used in different meetings and events in favour of persons with visual impairment.

80.NCPD and its partners organize continuous training for public servants and members of civil society organizations in Sign Language.

81.Some churches in Rwanda are training their members in Sign Language (i.e. Jehovah Witness, the 7th Day Adventist Church).

82.While there is no specific law adopted recognizing Rwandan sign language, the Constitution of Rwanda of 2015 as revised to delegates the power to an organic law to add or remove an official language (article 8).

Respect for privacy (art. 22)

Answer to question 21

83.The main intervention is this regard is to continuously raise public awareness and conduct families’ education on the rights to privacy of persons with disabilities particularly those with psychosocial disabilities.

84.Currently the GoR is in process of adopting the Minimum Standards and Indicators for Community-Based Family-Like Homes for Children and Adults with Disabilities. This document emphasizes the rights to privacy of persons with disability as provided for under the international human rights instruments and the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda. It sets clear indicators to measure the respect of the right to privacy in centres and homes/families accommodating where PwDs. These indicators are:

•Caregivers and other family members respect the needs and wishes of PwDs for privacy;

•Caregivers have had discussions and awareness about personal boundaries and how they can respect the privacy of PwDs;

•There is a private place in the home where the PwDs can use the toilet, bathe and dress (with assistance as needed).

Respect for home and the family (art. 23)

Answer to question 22 (a)

85.NCPD developed Community Based Rehabilitation Guidelines which captures all relevant information on what services needed by Persons with Disabilities at community level.

86.NCPD have also developed guidelines for supporting cooperatives of Persons with Disabilities in all Districts, whereby it was underlined that families headed or having persons with disabilities are priority in getting financial supports.

87.NCPD has local elected committees (from cell to national) which among other responsibilities share information with persons with disabilities on all matters related to their wellbeing.

Answer to question 22 (b)

88.NCPD in collaboration with its partners particularly the Umbrella of Persons with Disabilities fighting against HIV and Health Promotion (UPHLS) developed inclusive and accessible Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials. The IEC materials are widely disseminated to health facilities, organizations of persons with disabilities and the general community through media. There are regular trainings of health professions and members of organizations of PwDs in the prevention of HIV and AIDS and health promotion.

Answer to question 22 (c)

89.NCPD conducts regular awareness to committees of associations of parents having children with disabilities and groups of parents having children with disabilities many of whom being those with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities.

90.Currently there 32 associations of parents having children with disabilities. In this regard, during the period from 2017/2018 a total of 32 associations comprised of 651 parents were reached through community outreach programme.

91.The main objective of these general awareness events is to mobilize parents and families to not keep their children with disabilities indoors, which infringes on their rights.

92.As it was indicated in previous sections, in the framework of sensitizing the justice sector including the judiciary, series of training on the rights of persons with disabilities including the rights related to family, parenthood and relationships were conducted to advocates, Judicial Police Officers (currently Rwanda Investigation Bureau Officers) and Rwanda Correction Service Officers. The trainings are planned to reach Judges and Prosecutors.

93.There are no cases of children removed from parents on the basis of an impairment or parents separated from their children on the same basis.

Education (art. 24)

Answer to question 23

94.Article 51 of the Constitution of Rwanda of 2003 as revised in 2015 stipulates that: The State has the duty to establish special measures facilitating the education of persons with disabilities. From this legal provision, the Ministry of Education published the Ministerial Order No. 007/2016 of 01/03/2016 determining modalities for special treatment of persons with disabilities in schools, whereby article 2 and 3 provides that children from the poorest families are facilitated to study free of charge. Recently NCPD has identified the PwDs in schooling age and do not attend school due to different reasons such as long distance from home to school, lack of mobility aids and inaccessibility of environment. To this, collected data is equal 42,329 in total and the Ministry of Education has started to implement the mentioned ministerial order by placing them in inclusive and special schools.

95.The National Competency Based Curriculum was also revised and incorporated component of inclusive education, whereby all teachers should learn how to take care of learners with disabilities.

96.The inclusive and Special Needs Education Policy with its implementation plan is adopted by the cabinet session of 18th January 2019, furthermore displaced, refugees and returnees are among the targeted groups.

97.In addition, during Global Summit on Disability held in July 24 the Government of Rwanda has committed to:

•From 2019/20 Fiscal Year onwards we will expand the government’s tertiary education scholarship programme to cover courses in Inclusive Education;

•By 2020 we will finalize and adopt the Inclusive and Special Education Policy and develop a costed implementation plan;

•By end 2020, at least 500 Sector and District level Education Officers will be trained and facilitated to monitor and assess Special Needs Education provision in schools;

•By end 2019 we will develop a plan to roll-out the Guide to Inclusive Education for Mainstream Teachers (REB, 2016) nationwide. By end 2020, at least one teacher in every primary and secondary school in Rwanda will have been trained to use the guide and deliver training on it to other school staff;

•By end 2020 inclusive education will be made a compulsory component of curricula offered by all accredited Teacher Training Centers and Teacher Training Institutes;

•By end 2020, every school in Rwanda will include Inclusive Education actions in their Annual Plan and Performance Contract;

•By end 2020 we will develop and roll-out Minimum Standards of Care and Inclusion for children with disabilities to be applied in all education and care centers, including Early Childhood Development centers and residential care homes;

•By end 2020 we will adapt the National Curriculum for use in special schools and centers for children with severe disabilities;

•By 2030, all public schools and health centers will be compliant with the revised disability-inclusive building code.

98.NST 1 Priority Area 4: Enhancing the demographic dividend through improved access to quality education. In particular, pillar 62 stipulates that people with disabilities are able to start school and progress through all levels of education. This must be achieved by developing a system for identifying children with special educational needs, availing suitable special needs education materials, building capacity of teachers and ensuring accessibility of infrastructure.

•Special Needs and Inclusive Education Policy-2018 (draft): The policy provides the overarching framework for the development and delivery of education services to eradicate intrinsically and/or extrinsically motivated barriers met by learners with special educational needs in schooling;

•ESSP 2018/2019–2023/2024 (draft): Priority seven calls for an increased participation and achievement of children and young people with disabilities and SEN at all levels of education. All pre-service teaching institutions include component on inclusive education and in-service teachers receive continuous professional development opportunities on inclusive education;

•Competence Based Curriculum Framework-2015 includes inclusive education among other crosscutting issues that need to be addressed by any subject teacher;

•The policy on inclusive teaching and learning services in University of Rwanda adopted in 2015 with purpose to guide, promote and ensure full and equal opportunity of access, and participation in all UR services all activities by students and staff with special needs;

•In 2018, there has been developed a toolkit to raise awareness on inclusive education;

•In 2018, there has been conducted accessibility audit in 180 schools.

Answer to question 24

99.Rwanda has established a School of inclusive and Special Needs Education in the University of Rwanda that train qualified teachers to easily facilitate the inclusive education. Every year Ministry of Education provides accessible equipment to inclusive and special schools for learners with specials needs education.

100.In 2018, an awareness campaign meeting with 385 teachers from Eastern Province was held to equip them with knowledge on rights of children with disabilities to education and how to address bullying in school against students with Disabilities. So far from 2015, 108 students with visual and hearing and speaking impairment are in University of Rwanda and are facilitated to get scholarship.

Health (art. 25)

Answer to question 25

101.Mental Health Law clarifying patients’ rights and caregivers’ rights and responsibilities (both families and service structures) is still under process.

102.The Ministry of health developed training manual on mental health. Regular trainings are organized for health professional n disability rights.

Answer to question 26

103.The health care package in Rwanda covers also assistive devices for PwDs and it is provided through community Based Health Insurance whereby the beneficiaries from rural and urban areas can afford them. These services are also accessible to refugees with disabilities.

104.From 2015, 5 health centers have been upgraded to provide services to Persons with Disabilities; and the new health facilities are to comply with Rwanda Building Code Regulations.

105.The Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials were adapted to facilitate ease communication and information sharing for PwDs.

Habilitation and rehabilitation (art. 26)

Answer to question 27

106.The Government initiated different departments within the University of Rwanda to increase the number of rehabilitation professionals (P&O, ophthalmology, occupational therapy, surgery and physiotherapy).

107.Rwanda has initiated a program on prevention and follow up of Non Communicable Diseases, palliative care at home and homme based care practitioners at community level whereby since 2017, 100 countrywide at cell levels the 216 homme based care practitioners in charge of NCDs were deployed, the refugees benefit to those services.

Work and employment (art. 27)

Answer to question 28

108.As provided by the national employment policy of 2018 (p24), Government of Rwanda is committed to integrate PwDs into all policy frameworks, programmes/initiatives and society in general. In this regard, NEP pay special consideration in formal employment in public, private sector and civil society. Hence in the design of employment programmes, special requirements to fully integrate young PwDs are taken into account.

109.However, as stated in the main socio characteristics of persons with disabilities in employment sector, the majority of the currently employed population aged 16 and above are self-employed, both among persons with and without a disability However, the population affected by a disability tends to be even more concentrated in self-employed jobs than the population without a disability (75% as compared to 68%). At the same time, a smaller percentage access wage employment (13% as compared to 18%), indicating that salaried jobs pose higher barriers than self-employed work.

Answer to question 29

110.To support job creation, the Government of Rwanda through Business Development Fund (BDF) supports Persons with Disabilities to have access to loan and get start-up kit; so far 350 million disbursed to Persons with Disabilities countrywide, while NCPD provides to all Districts 60 million every fiscal year to cooperatives of PwDs and women cooperatives are the most encouraged.

Adequate standard of living and social protection (art. 28)

Answer to question 30

111.Since June 2018, a total of 22.000 families of PwDs received 1.2 billion of Rwandan franc as direct support.

112.Further, in July 2018 the Government of Rwanda made the following commitments on disability which are to be implemented by the social protection sector:

•By 2021, Government of Rwanda will expand our existing programme of Direct Support (income support) to reach all people categorized with severe disabilities (categories 1 and 2 in the current classification) in ubudehe categories 1 and 2 (the two lower categories in the Rwandan socio-economic classification system) and gather evidence towards a more universal approach thereafter;

•By end 2020 Government of Rwanda will develop and roll-out Minimum Standards of Care and Inclusion for children with disabilities to be applied in all education and care centers, including Early Childhood Development centers and residential care homes;

•Strengthening the national disability classification mechanism and, eventually, linking this to the integrated Social Protection MIS to enable closer monitoring of access by PwDs to social protection sector programmes and services.

Answer to question 31

113.The Government of Rwanda in its social protection strategic plan of 2018 to 2024 grants the direct support to PwDs in category 1&2 of disability and ubudehe.

Participation in political and public life (art. 29)

Answer to question 32

114.With the adoption of the organic law No. 001/2018 of 21/06/2018 Governing Elections, persons with disabilities especially those with visual impairments are no longer required to be assisted with minor to cast their votes. There has been introduction of special ballot paper accessible to this category of PwDs. In addition, the National Electoral Commission’s Instructions no. 03/2018 of 09/07/2018 list persons with disabilities among specific groups who have priority in vote casting (art 94).

115.The same instructions allow other groups of PwDs who need it, to be assisted by a minor of their choice. The latter should be above 14 and below 18. However, the person with disability who is being assisted is required to be present.

Answer to question 33

116.Women with Disabilities are represented in elected NCPD structures from the Cell level up to national level. However, they are also present in other leadership positions, not because they have disabilities, but because they are qualified.

117.NCPD will continue to discuss with relevant institutions which have elected organs to put in place strategies to include women with disabilities in elected organs.

Answer to question 34

118.Members of organizations of Persons with Disabilities are ipso facto members of the National Council of Persons with Disabilities as stated in article 4 of the law no. 03/2011 of 10/02/2011 determining the responsibilities, organization and functioning of the national council of persons with disabilities. So, they play key role in the election of two deputies representing Persons with Disabilities in Chamber of Deputies and East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).

Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport (art. 30)

Answer to question 35

119.The Government of Rwanda built an accessible gymnasium which serves as culture, sport, recreation and leisure facility for PwDs. This is mainly used by PwDs living in Kigali City.

120.At local level, districts have started to build/install model play grounds for persons with disabilities. Currently the districts of Gisagara, Rutsiro, Gicumbi and Kayonza in Southern, Western, Northern and Eastern Province have these facilities.

121.The GoR also provides all requirements to players with disabilities to represent Rwanda in different games and events organized at national, regional and international level.

122.The GoR has committed to promote sporting activities for Rwandan people with disabilities nationally and internationally, by expanding sponsorship available to competing teams and individuals by 2020.

C.Specific obligations (arts. 31–33)

Statistics and data collection (art. 31)

Answer to question 36

123.For the details of data collection system in Rwanda please refer to the section on article 6 above.

124.During the Global Summit on Disability held on 24th July 2018 in London, UK, the GoR committed to integrate the Washington Group questions into the National Census (2022) and Demographic and Health Survey (2019/20) questionnaires and ensure that enumerators and officials are adequately trained in their use.

International cooperation (art. 32)

Answer to question 37 (a) (b) (c)

125.There is a Disability Coordination Forum composed of Government institutions, national and international non- governmental organizations working in matters related to disabilities. It is a forum whereby all stakeholders plan together with the view to aligning their development plans to the national development programmes (Vision 2020, NST 1, ...).

126.In the framework of celebration of 10th anniversary of Rwanda’s ratification of the UNCRPD, in December 2018 NCPD and its partners organized a high level panel discussion during which SDGs and their linkages with the rights of PwDs were discussed at length.

127.During this meeting which was attended by approximately 150 persons including the representatives of persons with the disabilities across the country; 14 recommendations relevant in the implementation of SDGs were adopted and currently being implemented.

128.From 2015 to 2018, National Employment Program (NEP) though Business Development Funds (BDF) allocated frw350 million to support small and medium projects initiated by persons with disabilities. To date 603 projects have financially supported under this scheme.

129.Since 2015, NCPD earmarks frw60 million to support social projects (cooperatives) of PwDs each year.

130.In Gira Ubuchurizi Programme, implemented by the Kigali City, a total of frw105 million have been given as revolving funds. So far approximately 300 PwDs have benefited from the Program.

National implementation and monitoring (art. 33)

Answer to question 38

131.National Council of Persons with Disabilities is a Constitutional organ (article 139 30 C). It is an independent institution established by the law No. 03/2011 of 10/02/2011 determining the responsibilities, organization and functioning of the National Council of persons with disabilities. According to article 6 of the law, the National Council of Persons with Disabilities is a forum for advocacy and social mobilisation on issues affecting persons with disabilities in order to build their capacity and ensure their participation in the national development. The same provision (Article 6 (80 and 90)) mandates the NCPD to monitor the respect of laws which protect persons with disabilities and to collaborate with non-governmental organizations engaged in activities benefitting persons with disabilities. Organizations of Persons with Disabilities are also involved in the monitoring the implementation of rights of Persons with Disabilities especially National Union of Disability Organization in Rwanda (NUDOR).

132.The Constitution also creates the National Commission for Human Rights as an independent body (article 139 (10 a)). Article 42 of the Constitution mandates the NCHR to promote human rights.

133.Article 10 of the No 01/2007 of 20/01/2007 protecting persons with disabilities in general stipulates that the NCHR shall provide special procedures of monitoring how rights of persons with disabilities are respected.

134.NCHR has a Commissioner specifically tasked to deal with matters related to the rights of persons with disabilities. In addition the Commission has a staff who serves as focal person of NCPD at the NCHR.

135.In its monitoring responsibility, the NCHR conducts regular monitoring visits in the centres taking care of persons with disabilities.