United Nations


International Convention onthe Elimination of All Formsof Racial Discrimination

Distr.: General

6 October 2011


Original: French

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Eightieth session

13 February–9 March 2012

Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 9 of the Convention

Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination



Information received from the Government of France on the follow-up to the recommendations contained in the concluding observations*

[Received on 11 August 2011]

1.The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) considered the report submitted by France on 11 and 12 August 2011 during its 77th session held in Geneva.

2.As you know, France has always been committed to constructive collaboration with the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and it is in this spirit that it has examined the recommendations made on that occasion.

3.It has given priority to the recommendations requiring a reply within one year, and in particular to paragraph 24, which requests information on the follow-up to the recommendation contained in paragraph 9 concerning the implementation of the national plan to combat racism, an initiative welcomed by the Committee.

4.In this connection, we are pleased to inform the Committee as follows.

Reply to paragraph 9 of the concluding observations (CERD/C/FRA/CO/17-19)

5.In October 2011, France began preparing a national action plan to combat racism and anti-Semitism under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior, which appointed Prefect Michel Morin to see the project through to completion.

6.The preparations for this plan have mobilized all the relevant administrative authorities in an effort, in cooperation with civil society, to increase the effectiveness of our common fight against racism and anti-Semitism. To this end, several inter-ministerial meetings have been organized along with consultations with the National Consultative Committee for Human Rights.

7.This plan aims to cover all the policies to combat racism and anti-Semitism that have been implemented by France to date, and the whole spectrum of State activities in this area. These include:

Establishment of the national legal framework

France’s participation in the fight against racism and anti-Semitism in international organizations

State policies to evaluate racist and anti-Semitic acts with a view to formulating the most suitable responses in terms of prevention and eradication

Actions aimed at fostering respect for diversity in French society and at raising the awareness of the population about such issues, especially among young people and public employees

Promotion of equal opportunities, particularly in professional circles

Initiatives aimed at helping foreigners integrate into French society

8.The plan is currently being finalized. A final consultation with the National Consultative Committee for Human Rights is all that remains to be done before the plan is submitted to the Prime Minister for approval.

9.France will inform the Committee as soon as the plan has been finalized.

Reply to paragraph 14 of the concluding observations

10.As to the other two recommendations mentioned in paragraph 24 and the request for information on the follow-up thereto, France would like to begin by pointing out that the difficulties facing many Roma throughout Europe and the need to improve their living conditions feature prominently among the Government’s major concerns.

11.France seeks to promote the social and economic integration of the Roma in collaboration with States parties, the European Union and regional organizations such as the Council of Europe, while combating the human trafficking to which the Roma, including the most vulnerable, namely women and children, are exposed.

12.In this connection, France was in favour of and supported the Strasbourg Declaration on Roma, which was adopted on 20 October 2010 by Council of Europe member States. The Declaration attaches particular importance to follow-up. The project receives substantial funding and, in 2010, it received its greatest voluntary contribution, amounting to 185,000 Euros, aimed at bolstering its efforts to assist the Roma.

13.France particularly supports the training programme for between 400 and 600 mediators across Europe, for which France has supplied three trainers. Twenty-four French mediators have already completed the first training session.

14.Furthermore, France supports the initiative of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe to organize a summit of mayors with a view to consolidating local and regional action to assist the Roma.

15.France has also requested that a significant proportion of the funds allocated to the Cultural Routes Programme of the Council of Europe be used to promote Roma culture in Europe in an attempt to combat the prejudice to which the Roma are exposed.

16.The decision to appoint a high-ranking French expert to join the new Ad hoc Committee of Experts on Roma Issues of the Council of Europe, in the person of Senator Pierre Hérisson, who is also the Chairperson of the National Advisory Commission for Travellers and has been appointed by the Prime Minister to conduct a study mission on national legislation applicable to the travelling community, bears further witness to the strong commitment of France to all matters relating to the Roma.

17.Lastly, within the European Union, France has actively participated in drafting the European Union Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020, which was adopted on 19 May 2011 by the Council of the European Union. This framework highlights the efforts that must be undertaken at the national, European and international levels to facilitate the integration of the Roma community, to allow them to exercise their fundamental rights without discrimination and, in particular, to allow them to access education, quality services including health care, and housing.

18.The conclusions of the Council also recall the need for the Roma themselves to take an active part in efforts to improve their living conditions. France will make every effort to implement this European Union framework and is already taking steps to ensure the application of all the European funding available for the project, which has not so far been sufficiently utilized, a situation that France has deplored on several occasions.

19.This preliminary information is intended to assure the Committee that France is deeply committed to implementing the recommendations made in August 2010 and that it hopes to communicate the outcome of its efforts as soon as possible.