Convention on the Rights of the Child




16 October 2006

Original: ENGLISH

COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILDForty-fourth session15 January-2 February 2007


List of issues to be taken up in connection with the consideration of the initial report of KYRGYZSTAN (CRC/C/OPSC/KGZ/1)

Under this section the State party is requested to submit in written form additional and updated information, if possible, before 24 November 2006.

1.Please provide, if available, statistical data (including by sex, age, urban/rural areas) for the years 2003, 2004, and 2005 on:

The number of reported cases of sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, with additional information on type of follow-up provided on the outcome of the cases, including prosecution, withdrawals and sanctions for perpetrators;

The number of children trafficked to and from Kyrgyzstan as well as trafficked within the country;

The number of child victims provided with recovery assistance and compensation as defined in article 9, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Protocol.

2.Please inform the Committee if the State party has a mechanism of data collection on the issues covered by the Optional Protocol.

3.Please provide information on specific budget allocations (national, regional and local) for the implementation of the provisions of the Optional Protocol.

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4.Please also provide information on the financial contribution for the Presidential Decree of 21 April 2002 on measures to combat the smuggling and trafficking of persons in the Kyrgyz Republic.

5.Please indicate which body is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the Optional Protocol.

6.Please provide information on whether the State party considers adopting a National Plan of Action related to the issues covered by the Optional Protocol, or plans to incorporate the issues covered by the Optional Protocol into the “New Generation” programme.

7.Please indicate whether the State party has introduced or intends to introduce into the Penal Code the prohibition of sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography in accordance with article 3, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Optional Protocol.

8.Please provide information on programmes/services (including on budget and staff) meant to provide child victims of sale, prostitution or pornography with counselling and other support for recovery and social reintegration. How many children have benefited from these programmes?

9.Please indicate if there is any legal provision which would allow for prosecution of a child involved in the sale of children, prostitution or pornography and, if so, under what conditions.

10.With reference to extraterritorial jurisdiction (see report, sect. III under (b)), please inform the Committee whether there is a requirement of double criminality in the Penal Code of the State party.

11.Please inform the Committee whether special training, particularly legal and psychological, is provided to persons working with the social reintegration and physical and psychological recovery of child victims.
