United Nations


Convention on the Rights of the Child

Distr.: General

3 August 2011

Original: English

Committee on the Rights of the Child Fifty- eighth session

Geneva, 19 September-7 October 2011

Item 1 of the provisional agenda

Adoption of the agenda

Provisional agenda and annotations

Note by the Secretary-General*

1.The fifty-eighth session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child will be held at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 19 September to 7 October 2011. The first meeting of the session will be convened on Monday 19 September at 10 a.m.

2.In accordance with rule 6 of the rules of procedure and in consultation with the Chairperson of the Committee, the Secretary-General has prepared the attached provisional agenda for the fifty-eighth session. Annotations to the provisional agenda are also attached.

3.Pursuant to rule 39 of the rules of procedure, the meetings of the Committee shall be held in public, unless otherwise decided by the Committee.

4.The attention of States parties is drawn, in particular, to the annotations to item 4 which lists the reports that will be before the Committee at its fifty-eighth session.

5.A pre-sessional working group, established in accordance with rule 67 of the rules of procedure, met at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 20 to 24 September 2011.

Provisional agenda

Adoption of the agenda.

2.Organizational matters.

3.Submission of reports by States parties.

4.Consideration of reports of States parties.

5.Cooperation with other United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and other competent bodies.

6.Methods of work of the Committee.

7.Days of general discussion.

8.General comments.

9.Future sessions.

10.Other matters.

Annotations to the provisional agenda

1.Adoption of the agenda

In accordance with rule 9 of the rules of procedure, the Committee may revise the agenda and may, as appropriate, add, defer or delete items. Only urgent or important items may be added to the agenda.

2.Organizational matters

Under this item, the Committee may wish to consider its programme of work for the session, as well as any other matter concerning the modalities of discharging its functions under the Convention.

3.Submission of reports by States parties

Reports received

In addition to the reports which are scheduled for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-eighth session (see the timetable for consideration of reports under item 4 below), and reports included in the provisional agenda for the fifty-seventh session (CRC/C/57/1), the Secretary-General has received the following reports under the Convention and its Optional Protocols.

Convention on the Rights of the Child

State party Due in Symbol

Dominican Republic 2011 CRC/C/DOM/3-5

Russian Federation2011CRC/C/RUS/4-5


Optional Protocol to the Convention on the involvement of children in armed conflict

State party Due in Symbol

Venezuela (Bolivarian2005CRC/C/OPAC/VEN/1

Republic of)

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography

State party Due in Symbol

United Kingdom of2011CRC/C/OPSC/GBR/1

Great Britain and Northern



Republic of)

Overdue reports

Under rule 71 of the rules of procedure, the Secretary-General is required to notify the Committee at each session of all cases of non-submission of reports. The full list of initial and periodic reports due under the Convention and the initial and periodic reports due under the Optional Protocols can be found in the document on the status of submission of reports (CRC/C/58/2). This document also indicates exceptional measures granted by the Committee to States parties that are encountering problems in complying with the strict time frame for submission of reports established by the Convention in article 44, paragraph 1, or the consideration of whose reports has been delayed.

4.Consideration of reports of States parties

A tentative timetable for consideration of reports at the fifty-eighth session, prepared by the Secretary-General in consultation with the Chairperson and subject to approval by the Committee, is given below.

Tentative timetable for consideration of reports of States parties



Agenda item

State party

Tuesday, 20 September

10 a.m.

3 p.m.



Italy CRC

Italy (continued)

Wednesday, 2 1 September

10 a.m.

3 p.m.



Republic of Korea CRC

Republic of Korea (continued)

Thursday , 22 September

10 a.m.

3 p.m.



Syrian Arab Republic CRC

Syrian Arab Republic CRC (continued)

Friday , 23 September

10 a.m.

3 p.m.



Iceland CRC

Iceland CRC (continued)

Monday , 26 September

10 a.m.

3 p.m.



Panama CRC

Panama (continued)

Wednesday, 28 September

10 a.m.

3 p.m.



Seychelles CRC

Seychelles (continued)

Monday , 3 October

3 p .m.


Sweden OPSC

In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure, representatives of the States parties shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Committee when their reports are examined. Representatives should be able to answer questions put to them by the Committee and make statements on reports already submitted by their States, and may also submit further information.

In accordance with rule 72 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, the Secretary-General has notified the States parties concerned of the opening date, duration and place of the fifty-eighth session of the Committee, at which their respective reports will be examined, and has invited them to send representatives to attend these meetings of the Committee.

5.Cooperation with other United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and other competent bodies

Under this item, the Committee will pursue its discussion on how existing cooperation with various relevant bodies could be further strengthened to enhance the promotion and protection of the rights of the child. In particular, the Committee will hold its third biennial meeting with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

6. Methods of work of the Committee

Under this item, the Committee will pursue its discussion concerning the organization of its future work, as well as the procedure to be followed in the consideration of reports by States parties and their follow-up, including where necessary areas identified for technical assistance.

7.Days of general discussion

The Committee decided at its fifty-fifth session that it would hold a day of general discussion in 2011 on the rights of children of incarcerated parents. The Committee will hold its day of general discussion on this theme on 30 September 2011 at the Palais des Nations . Documentation and information related to the day of general discussion is available on the web page of the Committee on the Rights of the Child at http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/discussion2011.htm.

8.General comments

Under this item, the Committee will continue to draft general comments based on the various principles and provisions of the Convention, and specifically on article 3, the principle of the best interests of the child; on article 31, the right to play; on article 24, the right to health; and on business and children’s rights; as well as the draft joint general comment with the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on harmful practices. It will also discuss other topics for future general comments.

9.Future sessions

Under this item, the Committee will be informed of any developments relating to the schedule of its future sessions.

10.Other matters

Under this item, members will discuss such other matters relating to the work of the Committee as considered necessary.