United Nations


International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

Distr.: General

21 June 2018

Original: English

Committee on Enforced Disappearances

Decision adopted by the Committee under article 31 of the Convention, concerning communication No. 2/2017 * , **

Communication submitted by:M.I.

Alleged victims:The author, and her daughter M.J.

State party:Czechia

Date of communication:22 June 2017

Date of decision:30 May 2018

Substantive issue:Extent of the State party’s obligation to provide information as to the whereabouts of a person

Articles of the Convention:1, 12, 17, 18, 20 and 24, read in conjunction with 2

1.The author and her daughter are nationals of the Russian Federation. In the communication, the author submitted that her daughter had disappeared with the latter’s husband in October 2015, and that the daughter’s husband had last been seen in Czechia in December 2015. The author had not been able to obtain any information from the authorities in Czechia as to their fate and whereabouts.

2.Following the transmittal of the communication, the State party confirmed that the alleged victim and her husband were in Czechia, and that they were well but did not wish their location to be revealed.

3.In April 2018, the author advised that her daughter had been located.

4.In the light of the information made available to it by the parties concerned, and taking into account the fact that the allegations raised by the author were directly linked to the individual situation of her daughter, which has been resolved, the Committee considers that the subject matter of the submitted complaint is moot, and decides to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2/2017.