United Nations


Convention on theRights of the Child

Distr.: General

27 October 2011

Original: English

Committee on the Rights of the Child

Fifty-ninth session

16 January–3 February 2012

Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

List of issues concerning additional and updated information related to the consideration of the initial report of Niue (CRC/C/NIU/1)

The State party is requested to submit in writing additional, updated information, if possible before 1 December 2011.

The Committee may take up all aspects of children’s rights contained in the Convention during the dialogue with the State party.

Part I

In this section, the State party is requested to submit its responses to the following questions (30 pages maximum).

1.Please indicate the measures taken by the State party to harmonize the multiple sources of law (civil, customary and common law) and to review those that are incompatible with the Convention, in particular the provisions of the Niue Act-1966 on the minimum age for marriage and sexual consent and on sexual offences, as well as Niue customs on land inheritance and acquisition by the girl child and children of non-Niuean descent.

2.As regards the National Coordinating Committee for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, please specify its exact mandate and the concrete achievements it has made incoordinating the implementation of children’s right under the Convention. Please also indicate the budget allocated for the implementation of the Convention.

3.Please indicate to the Committee whether any steps have been taken to establish a comprehensive system for the collection of data on children that can be disaggregated, analysed and regularly evaluated.

4.Please update the Committee on all measures taken by the State party to introduce human rights education, in particular on children’s rights, in school curricula. Please also provide information on all measures taken by the State party to raise awareness of the Convention’s principles and provisions, especially among children.

5.Please inform the Committee of the legislative, administrative and judicial measures taken by the State party to eliminate corporal punishment at home and in school.

6.Please indicate how the public court hearing on adoption under the Adoption Act complies with children’s right to privacy, and what measures are taken by the State party to ensure the protection of the child’s best interests throughout the adoption process. Please also indicate what measures are taken by the State party to ensure the protection of children’s rights and registration in cases of traditional adoptions.

7.Please update the Committee on measures taken to introduce effective and confidential sexual and reproductivehealth programmes for adolescents that are aimed at combating teenage pregnancy and thattake into account adolescents’right to privacy. Also please inform the Committee of policies, strategies and other measures taken, if any:

(a)To raise awareness among children and adolescents of thehealth implications and consequences associated with early sexual relations;

(b)To eliminate gender-based stereotypes and societal taboos which contribute to persistent discrimination and sexual abuse of girls at school and at home;

(c)To establish mental health services and programmes for adolescents.

8.Please provide information on measures or policies adopted by the State party to combat adolescent drug and alcohol abuse. Also please inform the Committee of plans to establish rehabilitation programmes and reintegration services for adolescents.

9.Please inform the Committee of the treatment and counselling services offered by the State party for child victims of sexual and physical abuse. Also please indicate the steps taken by the State party to make these services known to and accessible for children.

Part II

In this section the Committee invites the State party to briefly (three pages maximum) update the information presented in its report with regard to:

(a)New bills or laws, and their respective regulations;

(b)New institutions (and their mandates) or institutional reforms;

(c)Recently introduced policies, programmes and action plans and their scope;

(d)Recent ratifications of human rights instruments.

Part III

Data, statistics and other information, if available

1.Please provide information on the number of complaints and number of victims of sexual abuse, including incest, under the age of 18 between the years 2005 and 2010, disaggregated by age and sex; on the number of investigations and prosecutions carried out in this regard; and on pending cases.

2.Please provide data on the number of children with disabilities and on the number of those who enjoy access to education.

3.In the context of adolescent health, please provide data, covering the years 2005 to 2010, on:

(a)The number of adolescents affected by sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, and by tobacco use and drug and alcohol abuse, disaggregated by age and sex;

(b)The number of teenage pregnancies, disaggregated by age.

4.Please provide data on the number of children underthe age of 18 detained and tried by the court between the years 2005 and 2010.

5.In addition, the State party may list areas affecting children that it considers to be of priority with regard to the implementation of the Convention.