Twenty-sixth session

14 January-1 February 2002

* CEDAW/C/2002/I/1.

Item 6 of the provisional agenda*

Implementation of article 21 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Reports provided by specialized agencies of the United Nations on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities

Note by the Secretary-General


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

1.On behalf of the Committee, on 30 October 2001, the Secretariat invited the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to submit to the Committee a report on information provided by States to UNESCO on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in areas falling within the scope of its activities, which would supplement the information contained in the reports of the States parties to the Convention that will be considered at the twenty-sixth session of the Committee.

2.Other information sought by the Committee refers to activities, programmes and policy decisions undertaken by UNESCO to promote the implementation of the Convention.

3.The report annexed hereto has been submitted pursuant to the Committee’s request.


Report of the United Nations Educational, Scientificand Cultural Organization to the twenty-sixth sessionof the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Measures taken by UNESCOa to implement the provisions of CEDAW in the countries being considered at the twenty-sixth session: Estonia, Fiji and Trinidad and Tobago.


Basic statistics:b

Total population 2000: 1,393

Projected population by 2030: 995

•Female population 2000: 745

•Projected female population by 2030: 528

Gross enrolment ratios primary/secondary (M/F): 98 (1996)

•Gross enrolment ratios primary/secondary (F): 99 (1996)

Gross enrolment ratios tertiary (M/F): 42 (1996)

•Gross enrolment ratios tertiary (F): 46 (1996)

Activities under UNESCO’s programmes:


Activities under UNESCO’s Participation programme:



Basic statistics:

Total population 2000: 814

Projected population by 2030: 961

•Female population 2000: 400

•Projected female population by 2030: 471

Gross enrolment ratios primary/secondary (M/F): 97 (1992)

•Gross enrolment ratios primary/secondary (F): 98 (1992)

Gross enrolment ratios tertiary (M/F): 3 (1985)

•Gross enrolment ratios tertiary (F): 2 (1985)

Activities under UNESCO’s programmes:


Activities under UNESCO’s Participation programme:


Trinidad and Tobago

Basic statistics:

Total population 2000: 1,294

Projected population by 2030: 1,442

•Female population 2000: 651

•Projected female population by 2030: 736

Gross enrolment ratios primary and secondary (M/F): 88 (1995)

•Gross enrolment ratios primary and secondary (F): 88 (1995)

Gross enrolment ratios tertiary (M/F): 8 (1996)

•Gross enrolment ratios tertiary (F): 7 (1996)

Activities under UNESCO’s programmes:

The Division for Human Rights, Democracy, Peace and Tolerance organized, in cooperation with the University of the West Indies, a workshop on “Gender, Peace and Development in the Caribbean” (September, 2001) as part of a wider regional project aimed at contributing to gender sensitive socialization and training. Research results on the status of gender in the region were presented and discussed, existing areas of needs identified and recommendations made for addressing those needs. In the upcoming biennium the Division, in collaboration with the SHS regional pole of expertise at the UNESCO Mexico Office and with the possible cooperation of the University, hopes to extend this research agenda to look more closely into the factors impacting gender relations in the region.

Activities under UNESCO’s Participation programme:

1.Description: International Conference to celebrate emancipation.

Sector responsible: Culture

Amount requested: 10,000

Amount approved: US$ 0 (priority 9)


Sources: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNESCO Statistical Yearbook 1999; United Nations, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, World Population Prospects: The 200 Revision, vol. I: Comprehensive Tables (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.XIII.8).

aConsidering that no mention has been made either to the regular programme and budget of the Organization for 2000-2001, or to extrabudgetary resources, UNESCO’s contribution to the twenty-sixth session of the Committee is inadequate.

bFigures in thousands and millions.