United Nations


Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Distr.: General

26 July 2016

English only

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Sixty-fourth session

Summary record (partial)* of the 1430th meeting**

Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 22 July 2016, at 4 p.m.

Chai r:Ms. Hayashi.


Adoption of the report of the Committee on its sixty-fourth session

Statement by the Chair

Closure of the session

The discussion covered in the summary record began at 5.35 p.m.

Adoption of the report of the Committee on its sixty-fourth session (CEDAW/C/2016/II/CRP.1; CEDAW/C/ALB/CO/4; CEDAW/C/FRA/CO/7-8; CEDAW/C/MLI/CO/6-7; CEDAW/C/MMR/CO/4-5; CEDAW/C/PHL/CO/7-8; CEDAW/C/TTO/CO/4-7; CEDAW/C/TUR/CO/7; and CEDAW/C/URY/CO/8-9)

1.Ms. Schulz (Rapporteur) introduced the Committee’s draft report, which was contained in document CEDAW/C/2016/II/CRP.1. She drew attention to chapter IV of the draft report concerning the draft concluding observations on the eight State party reports that the Committee had considered during its sixty-fourth session, which were contained in documents CEDAW/C/ALB/CO/4, CEDAW/C/FRA/CO/7-8, CEDAW/C/MLI/CO/6-7, CEDAW/C/MMR/CO/4-5, CEDAW/C/PHL/CO/7-8, CEDAW/C/TTO/CO/4-7, CEDAW/C/TUR/CO/7 and CEDAW/C/URY/CO/8-9.

2.The Chair said she took it that the Committee wished to adopt the documents containing the draft concluding observations.

3. It was so decided.

4.Ms. Schulz (Rapporteur) introduced the draft report of the Working Group of the Whole, contained in chapters VI and VII of the draft report. She also introduced the provisional agenda for the sixty-fifth session, contained in the draft report.

5. The provisional agenda for the sixty-fifth session was adopted.

6. The draft report of the Committee on its sixty-fourth session was adopted as a whole, subject to finalization by the Rapporteur.

Statement by the Chair

7.The Chair said that the Committee had considered eight State party reports during the session, including one in respect of which the interactive dialogue with the Committee had been held by videoconference. The Committee had held informal meetings with NGOs and national human rights institutions and had attended several lunchtime briefings organized by NGOs, many of them supported by International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific, which had made significant contributions to the Committee’s work. Thanks were due to the United Nations entities and other intergovernmental bodies that had provided the Committee with detailed information, including the inter-agency group on reporting and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

8.The Committee had made satisfactory progress in its implementation of General Assembly resolution 68/268 on strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body system. It had reviewed the draft joint statement of the Committee, the Committee on Migrant Workers, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN-Women on gender in large-scale mixed migration flows, and it had proposed parameters for its future cooperation with UN-Women on the follow-up and review of indicator 5.1.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

9.Progress had been made by the working group on gender-based violence against women in refining the first draft of an updated version of general recommendation No. 19, which would be posted on the Committee’s website for stakeholders’ comments, and by the working group on the right to education, in planning the work needed to finalize the draft general recommendation on that topic. The Committee had adopted three decisions on individual communications, based on drafts prepared by the Working Group on Communications under the Optional Protocol, and had revised its standard operating procedures on inquiries and had taken action in relation to several pending inquiries, thanks to the preparatory work of the Working Group on Inquiries under the Optional Protocol. The diligent work by the Rapporteur and alternate Rapporteur on follow-up had enabled the Committee to adopt seven follow-up assessments.

10.The Committee had received a private briefing from Amnesty International on the latter’s new policy on sex workers’ rights and had hosted a side event on the human and labour rights of women migrant workers that had been organized by UN-Women.

11.The session had been overshadowed by the heinous attack against innocent people celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, which had resulted in more than 80 casualties. On behalf of the Committee, she expressed solidarity with the victims of that attack and their families, as well as with those of the recent attacks in Baghdad, Brussels, Dhaka, Istanbul, Medina and Orlando.

Closure of the session

12.Following an exchange of courtesies, the Chair declared the sixty-fourth session closed.

The meeting rose at 5.45 p.m.