United Nations


Convention on the

Rights of the Child

Distr.General30 March 2010

EnglishOriginal: French

Committee on the Rights of t he Child

Forty-fourth session

Summary Record of the Second Part (Public)* of the 1228 th Meeting

Held at the Palais Wilson, Geneva, on Friday, 2 February 2007, at 10 a.m.

Chairperson: Mr.Doek


Adoption of the report of the committee on its forty-fourth session

Closure of the session

The second part (public) of the meeting was called to order at 12.40 p.m .

Adoption of the Report of the Committee on i ts Forty-Fourth Session ( CRC /C/44/3)

1.The Chairpersonrecalled that the Committee had adopted concluding observationson initial reports under the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and on the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict from Costa Rica andKyrgyzstan (CRC/C/OPSC/CRI/CO/1 andCRC/C/OPAC/CRI/CO/1, andCRC/C/OPSC/KGZ/CO/1 andCRC/C/OPAC/KGZ/CO/1), concluding observations on the initial report of Malaysia on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC/C/MYS/CO/1), which was submitted 10 years late, concluding observations on the second periodic reports of Kenya, Mali, Suriname and the Marshall Islands(CRC/C/KEN/CO/2, CRC/C/MLI/CO/2, CRC/C/SUR/CO/2 andCRC/C/MHL/CO/2), the latter having been considered in the absence of a delegation, and concluding observationson the third periodic reports ofChileand Honduras (CRC/C/CHL/CO/3 andCRC/C/HND/CO/3).

2.The Committee had also examined and adopted general comment No.10 (CRC/C/GC/10) on children’s rights in juvenile justiceand the framework of the day of general discussionon article 4 of the Convention on 21 September 2007.

3.The Chairpersonsaid that if there was no objection he would take it that the Committee wished to adopt the report on its forty-fourth session (CRC/C/44/3).

4 . It was so decided .

C losure of the session

5.The Chairpersonthanked the outgoing committee members, Ms.Ouedraogo, Ms.Anderson and Mr.Liwski, for their hard work and dedication.He too was standing down from the Committee and noted that the eight years he had spent as a member, including six as Chairperson, had been most enriching.He thanked the institutions and bodies of the United Nations which contributed to the Committee’s work, especially the United Nations Children’s Fund, whose help was invaluable.He thanked the non-governmental organizations which were very active on the ground and helped the Committee with their “parallel” reports.Even thoughthe States parties were still primarily responsible for implementing the Convention they would be unable to perform that task without the unceasing work of civil society organizations.Finally the Chairperson thanked the Secretariat,without which the Committee would not be able to discharge its mandate successfully.

6.M s. Connors (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) thanked the Chairperson and the other outgoing members on behalf of the Secretariat for their dedication to the cause of children’s rights.The Committee on the Rights of the Child was distinguished by its team spirit and innovative working methods.

7.The Chairpersonthanked everyone who had contributed to the success of the Committee’s forty-fourth session.

The meeting rose at 1 p.m.
