اسم العضو

بلد الجنسية

السيد غالية محمد بن حمد آل - ثاني**


السيد جويس أ ليوش * *

كين يا

السيدة أليسون أ ندرسون *

جامايك ا

السيد جاكوب أ غبيرت دوك*

ه و لند ا

السيد كامل فيلالي*

الجزائ ر

السيدة مشيرة خطاب*


السيد حاتم قطران*


السيد لوتار فر يدريش كرابمان *

ألماني ا

السيدة يانغي لي**

جمه ورية كوريا

السيد نوربوتو لي فسكي*

ا ل أرجنتي ن

السيدة روزا ماريا أور تيث*

با راغواي

السيدة آ وا ن دي أودرا وغو *

بور كينا فاس و

السيد ديفيد برنت بارف ي ت**

كن دا

السيد أويش بو لار* *

أوغن دا

السيد كمال صديقي**


السيدة لوسي سمي ث**

ا لنرو يج

السيدة نيفينا فوكوفيتش - سا هوفيتش * *

صربيا وال جبل الأس ود

السيد جان زرماتن* *

سويس را


* تنتهي مدة العضوية في 28 شباط/فبراير 2007

** تنتهي مدة العضوية في 28 شباط/فبراير 2009

المرفق ا لثاني

ممثلو الدول الأطراف والمنظمات والهيئات المسجلة للمشاركة في يوم المناقشة العامة بشأن الأطفال المحرومين من رعاية الوالدين

ممثلو الدول الأطراف في الاتفاقية:

الأردن والأرجنتين وإستونيا وألبانيا وألمانيا وبنما والجمهورية التشيكية وجمهورية الكونغو وسري لانكا والسويد وشيلي والفلبين وقطر وكوستاريكا والنمسا.

هيئات الأمم المتحدة ووكالاتها والمنظمات الحكومية الدولية الأخرى:

منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة، ومفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين، وفرع المراقبين العسكريين التابع لبعثة الأمم المتحدة في سيرالي ون، والأمانة المسؤولة عن دراسة الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بشأن العنف ضد الأطفال، ومجلس أوروبا، ومؤتمر لاهاي للقانون الدولي الخاص، وبرنامج الأمن الغذائي التابع للمفوضية الأوروبية.

أمناء المظالم والمفوضون المعنيون بالأطفال:

السيدة تيريزا دفلين ، مفوضة شؤون ا لأطفال والشباب في آيرلندا الشمالية، والسيد بيتر هوسكينغ ، مفوض شؤون الأطفال في ويلز، والسيد بافل جاروش ، أمين مظالم الأطفال (بولندا)، والسيدة إيملي لوغَن ، أمينة مظالم الأطفال (آيرلندا)، والسيدة ميري مكورماك ، مفوضة شؤون الأطفال والشباب في اسكتلندا، والسيد يِن ْس أولَندر ، مكتب أمين مظالم الأطفال (السويد)، والسيدة لورا باتن ، مفوضة شؤون الأطفال والشباب في اسكتلندا، والسيدة كلير فيليبس ، مكتب مفوض شؤون الأطفال (المملكة المتحدة).

المنظمات غير الحكومية وغيرها من المنظمات والمؤسسات والدوائر الأكاديمية والأفراد:

Adoptionscentrum Sweden, African-European Young People Initiatives, Alliance International des Femmes, The Amigos Group, Anglicare Victoria, Arigatou Foundation, Association“Comunitá Papa Giovanni XXIII”, Association Enfant Droit, Association François-Xavier Bagnoud, Association Tunisienne des Droits de l’Enfant, Baha’i International Community, Bernard van Leer Foundation, Bethany Community Support, Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), Child Rights Information Network (CRIN), Children’s Law Centre, Children on the Edge, Christian Children’s Fund, Civic Aid International Organisation, CLAP‑Committee for Legal Aid to Poor, CRY - Child Relief and You, Defence for Children International Nederland, EveryChild, Flemish Children’s Rights Coalition, Focus on Adoption, Friends Committee for Consultation (Quakers), Fundación Emmanuel, Garante Regionale per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza, German League for the Child, German National Coalition for the CRC, Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Gruppo di Lavoro per la CRC, Hope and Homes for Children (HHC), Include Youth, India Alliance for Child Rights (IACR), Integrated Family Service Organization, International Advocates for Children, International Catholic Child Bureau, International Federation of Educative Communities (FICE) Austria, International Federation Terre des Hommes, International Foster Care Organisation, International Social Service/General Secretariat, International Social Services Ireland, Joint Council on International Children’s Services, Kildonan Child and Family Service, Kilmany UnitingCare, Lebanese Association of SOS Children’s Villages, MacKillop Family Services, Movement for Protection of the African Child, National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), NGO Group for the CRC, Physicians for Human Rights, Plan - Norway, Pro juventute, Quality 4 Children, Refugee Educational Sponsorship Programs Enhancing Communities Together (RESPECT) - International Education and Resource Network (iEARN), Save the Children Geneva, Save the Children Norway, Save the Children Sweden, Save the Children UK,Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care, Social Services Inspectorate (Ireland), SOS Children’s Villages, SOS Children’s Villages of India, SOS-Kinderdorf International, SOS‑Kinderdorpen, Street Kids Rehabilitation Association, Sudanese Human Rights Watch, Social Welfare Organization Marghuz (SWOM), United Aid for Azerbaijan, Village Development Society, Who Cares?, VIS-Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo, Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF), World Movement of Mothers, World Vision International, Youth Substance Abuse Service, Mr. Bruce Abramson,Ms. Marina Adjukovic, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Ms. Evangelia Bouna, Goldsmith College, Ms. Alice Hearst, Smith College, Mayeda Jamal, Stockholm School of Economics, Ms. Titti Mattsson, Lund University, Faculty of Law, Ms. Lusia Peilouw, Institute of Social Studies, Ms. Branka Sladovic Franz, School of Social Work, University of Zagreb, Mr. Thomas Whalen,Georgia State University and Ms. Annegret Wigger, University of Applied Sciences/Social Work.

المرفق الثالث

يوم المناقشة العامة بشأن "الأطفال المحرومين من رعاية الوالدين" *

16 أيلول/سبتمبر 2005

قائمة مستوفاة بالدراسات المقدمة

1.Association Comunitá Papa Giovanni XXIII (Italy), Children without Parental Care.

2.Children’s Rights (USA), Overview of Institutional Care in the United States.

3.CLAP - Committee for Legal Aid to Poor (India), A Socio-Legal Analysis from Indian Perspective.

4.CRY - Child relief and You (India), Children without Parental Care.

5.Association François-Xavier Bagnoud (Rwanda) Stratégie globale de soutien aux enfants sans protection parentale.

6.Quakers - Friends World Committee for Consultation (Switzerland) Parental Imprisonment Deprives a C hild of Parental Care.

7.Quakers - Friends World Committee for Consultation (Switzerland) Child Soldiers.

8.Georgia State University, Prof. Thomas Whalen (USA), Appropriate Technology to Support Timely Child Placement Decisions.

9.Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children (UK) Corporal Punishment.

10.Gruppo di Lavoro per la CRC (Italy), Children without Parental Care.

11.Include Youth (Northern Ireland), Children without Parental Care.

12.India Alliance for Child Rights (India), Children out of Parental Care: Sites and Situations of Denial.

13.International Advocates for Children (USA), Submission.

14.International Federation of Social Workers (Switzerland), Children without Parental Care.

15.International Foster Care Orga nisation , Children without Parental Care.

16.International Social Service, A Global Policy for the Protection of Children Deprived of Parental Care.

17.Joint Council of International Children’s Services, White Paper on Child Welfare Legislation.

18.Leba nese Association of SOS Children’s Villages, Children without Parental Care.

19.Matilde Luna (Argentina), Experience in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina (in English and Spanish).

20.NGO Working Group on Children without Parental Care (Switzerland), Recommendation for the Development of International Guidelines for the Protection of Children without Parental Care.

21.NICCY - Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (Northern Ireland), Children without Parental Care.

22.Plan Finla nd, Supporting AIDS Orphans in Child-headed Households in Uganda.

23.Quality4Children (Austria), Submission.

24.Jacqueline Ramdatt (Canada), Protecting the Rights of Children in Residential Care.

25.Save the Children + Children’s Law Centre, Submission.

26.Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care (UK), Creating a Place for Us: An Overview of the FICE Young People’s Conference 2004.

27.Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care (UK), A View from Scotland: Meeting the Challenges of Out-of-Ho me Care Provisions.

28.SOS Aldeas Infantiles (Venezuela), Importancia de la familia en la vida de los niños , niñas y adolescentes en el marco de la convencion sobre los derechos del niño.

29.SOS Children’s Villages Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sandra Kukic, What after 18? Raising awareness on Problems of Children without Parental Care in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

30.SOS Children’s Villages Manila (Philippines), Contemporary Challenges in Out-of-home Care.

31.SOS Kinderdorf International, SOS Children’s Villages Experience of Supporting the Transition Process from Out-of-home Care to Independent Living.

32.United Aid for Azerbaijan, Meeting the Challenges of Out-of-Home Care Provision.

33.Mayeda Jamal (India/Sweden), Child Trafficking in India.

34.Terra dos Ho mens (Brazil), Contribution to the Committee on the Rights of the Child Discussion Day on Children without Parental Care (in English) and Contribution au Comité des droits de l’enfant et de l’adolescent (in French). Annexes (in French): Sur l'auteur - Pl an national - Glossaire.

35.Plan International, Birth Registration.

36.Voice of Young People in Care (Northern Ireland), Children without Parental Care.

37.Fundación Emmanuel (Argentina), Right to Foster Care.

38.Goldsmiths College, BOUNA, E. and SMITH , P. K. (UK), The Role of Grandparents and the Implications of Legal Issues on Grandparent - Grandchild Relationships in European Countries.

39.First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada,The Chance to Make a Difference for this Generation of Indigenous Children: Learning from the Lived Experience of First Nations Children in the Child Welfare System in Canada.

40.International Social Service and UNICEF, Improving Protection for Children Without Parental Care: a Call for International Stand ards (in English), Mejorar la protección de los niños privados del cuidado de sus padres : la necesidad de reglas internacionales (in Spanish) andPour une meilleure protection des enfants ne bénéficiant pas d'une prise en charge parentale: la nécessité d e normes internationals (in French).

Care for Children In Emergency Situations: Implications for International Standards (in English), El cuidado de niños en situaciones de emergencia : repercusiones sobre las reglas internacionales (in Spanish) andLa pr ise en charge des enfants dans les situations d’urgence: enjeux dans la perspective de normes internationales (in French).

Care for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS: the Urgent Need for International Standards (in English), El cuidado de los niños afectados por el VIH/SIDA: La urgente necesidad de reglas internacionales(in Spanish)and Le cas des enfants touchés par le VIH/sida: la nécessité urgente de normes internationales (in French).

Kinship care: an issue for international standards (in English), El acogimiento por familiares : un tema para las reglas internacionales(in Spanish) andLa prise en charge par la famille élargie: un enjeu pour des normes internationales (in French).

41.EveryChild (UK), Childcare: the family and the State: A study of institutional and family-based care in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

42.UNICEF, Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child Day of General Discussion on “Children without Parental Care” Geneva, 16 September 2005.

43.U NHCR, Contribution to the general discussion of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on “Children without parental care”.

44.Bruce Abramson, Suggestions for Guidelines Pertaining to Children [and Adolescents] without Parental Care.

45.Save the Childr en, Some Highlights from Children’s Participation in the UN Secretary‑General’s Study on Violence against Children.

46.India Alliance for Child Rights, Children’s Right to Parenting Care and Support.

47.India Alliance for Child Rights,Children without P arental Care, the Indian Context 2005.

ورقات المعلومات الأساسية المقدمة

1.SOS Kinderdorf International, A Child’s right to a family.

2.Council of Europe,Recommendation Rec (2005)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the rights of children living in residential institutions and R ecommandation Rec (2005)5 du Comité des Ministres aux Etats membres relative aux droits des enfants vivant en institution (in French).

Recommendation 1601 (2003)1 Improving the lot of abandoned children in institutions and Recommandation 1601 (2003)1 Amélio ration du sort des enfants abandonnés en institution (in French).

Explanatory Report and Rapport explicatif (in French).

The rights of children in institutions: follow-up to Recommendation 1601 (2003) of the Parliamentary Assembly and Les droits des enfan ts en institutions: un suivi à la Recommandation 1601 (2003) de l’Assemblée parlementaire (in French).

The rights of children in institutions: follow-up to Recommendation 1601 (2003) of the Parliamentary Assembly (Document 10452) and Les droits des enfa nts en institutions: un suivi à la Recommandation 1601 (2003) de l’Assemblée parlementaire(Document 10452).

Children in institutions: prevention and alternative care and Enfants vivant en institution: prévention et mesures alternatives (in French).

3.Kjerstin Dahlblom, “Home alone” - the true story Children as caretakers in León, Nicaragua and “Home AloneExplanatory Note.

4.UNICEF,Survey on Child Abuse in Residential Care Institutions in Romania Introduction, Chapter I, Chapter II and Chapter III.

Policy Framework for Orphans and Other Children Made Vulnerable by HIV and AIDS in South Africa: “Building a Caring Society Together”.

Study of Institutionalised Children in Azerbaijan: Children’s Rights and Possibilities of De- institutionalisation Refor m.

Tool for Analytical Review of State Accountability to Protect Children from Violence in Care, in Juvenile Justice and in the Education System (Regional Consultation for the UN Study on Violence Against Children).

Childcare System Reform in Romania.

The Situation of Child Abandonment in Romania.

Flow Model Institutionalised Children in Romania and the Determining Variables.

Republic of Moldova: Life Skills Education for Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings, Evaluation report.

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