United Nations


International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

Distr.: General

10 June 2020

Original: English

English, French and Spanish only

Committee on Enforced Disappearances

Nine teenth session

7–25 September 2020

Item 1 of the provisional agenda

Adoption of the agenda

Annotated provisional agenda

Provisional agenda

1.Adoption of the agenda.

2.Tribute to victims of enforced disappearance.

3.Information received by the Committee.

4.Matters relating to the Committee’s methods of work:

(a)Methods of work relating to articles 29–34 of the Convention;

(b)Strategy to increase ratification of the Convention;

(c)Methods of work relating to reprisals;

(d)Other matters.

5.Consideration of reports of States parties to the Convention.

6.Consideration of lists of issues and lists of issues in the absence of a report.

7. Consideration of additional information submitted by States parties.

8.Follow-up to concluding observations on reports of States parties.

9.Consideration of report on urgent action requests (art. 30 of the Convention).

10.Consideration of individual communications (art. 31 of the Convention).

11.Follow-up to Views of the Committee.

12.Discussion on the 2020 treaty body review process.

13.Meeting with States Members of the United Nations.

14.Meeting with United Nations agencies and mechanisms and intergovernmental organizations.

15.Meeting with national human rights institutions.

16.Meeting with non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.

17.Provisional agenda of the twentieth session.


1.Adoption of the agenda

In accordance with rule 8 of the rules of procedure, the first item on the provisional agenda for any session shall be the adoption of the agenda, except for the election of the officers. Under this item, the Committee will consider and adopt the agenda for its nineteenth session.

2.Tribute to victims of enforced disappearance

The Committee will pay tribute to victims of enforced disappearance.

3.Information received by the Committee

The Committee will consider any information received in relation to articles 33 and 34 of the Convention.

4.Matters relating to the Committee’s methods of work

(a)Methods of work relating to articles 29–34 of the Convention

The Committee will continue to develop a methodology and working procedures for the implementation of articles 29–34 of the Convention.

(b)Strategy to increase ratification of the Convention

The Committee will examine the rate at which the Convention is being ratified and discuss strategies to encourage both ratification of the Convention and acceptance of the competence of the Committee under articles 31 and 32 of the Convention.

(c)Methods of work relating to reprisals

The Committee will continue to develop a methodology and working procedures for its work on reprisals.

(d)Other matters

The Committee will discuss any other matters relating to its methods of work.

5.Consideration of reports of States parties to the Convention

The Committee will consider the reports of Mongolia and Switzerland, submitted pursuant to article 29 (1) of the Convention.

Originally scheduled for 30 March 2020 and 1 April 2020, the Committee’s consideration of these reports was postponed in compliance with the precautionary measures taken in the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

In accordance with rule 51 of its rules of procedure, the Committee, through the Secretary-General, will inform the States parties concerned of the dates on which their respective reports are scheduled to be considered.

6.Consideration of lists of issues and lists of issues in the absence of a report

The Committee will examine and adopt lists of issues in relation to the reports submitted by Czechia (CED/C/CZE/1), Greece (CED/C/GRC/1) and the Niger (CED/C/NER/1), pursuant to article 29 (1) of the Convention. The Committee will also examine and adopt a list of issues in the absence of a report from Mali.

7.Consideration of additional information submitted by States parties

The Committee will consider the additional information submitted by Colombia (CED/C/COL/AI/1) and Iraq (CED/C/IRQ/AI/1), pursuant to article 29 (4) of the Convention.

In accordance with rule 51 of the rules of procedure, the Committee, through the Secretary-General, will inform the States parties concerned of the dates on which the additional information is scheduled to be considered.

8.Follow-up to concluding observations on reports of States parties

The Committee will consider the report of the rapporteurs on follow-up to its concluding observations, pursuant to article 29 of the Convention and rule 54 of the rules of procedure.

9.Consideration of report on urgent action requests (art. 30 of the Convention)

The Committee’s working group tasked with considering urgent action requests under article 30 of the Convention will report to the Committee on the requests received and the follow-up actions taken since the previous session.

10.Consideration of individual communications (art. 31 of the Convention)

The Committee will examine individual communications pursuant to article 31 of the Convention.

11.Follow-up to Views of the Committee

The Committee will consider the report of the rapporteur on follow-up to its Views pursuant to article 31 and rule 79 of the Committee’s rules of procedure.

12.Discussion on the 2020 treaty body review process

The Committee will hold meetings with relevant stakeholders to discuss elements of the 2020 treaty body review process.

13.Meeting with States Members of the United Nations

The Committee will hold a meeting with States parties and States signatories to the Convention and other States Members of the United Nations to discuss relevant topics under the Convention.

14.Meeting with United Nations agencies and mechanisms and intergovernmental organizations

The Committee will meet with United Nations agencies and mechanisms and with intergovernmental organizations that work on issues related to enforced disappearance.

15.Meeting with national human rights institutions

The Committee will hold a meeting with national human rights institutions on matters relating to the implementation of the Convention.

16.Meeting with non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders

The Committee will hold a meeting with non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders on matters relating to the implementation of the Convention.

17.Provisional agenda of the twentieth session

The Committee will discuss the list of items to be included in the provisional agenda for its twentieth session, to be held in March 2021 (exact dates to be confirmed).