United Nations


International Covenant on Civil and Political R ights

Distr.: General

17 December 2021

Original: English

Human Rights Committee

Report on follow-up to the concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee *

1.The Committee, in accordance with article 40 (4) of the Covenant, may prepare follow-up reports based on the various articles and provisions of the Covenant with a view to assisting States parties in fulfilling their reporting obligations. The present report, comprising the present document and four addenda, was prepared pursuant to that article.

2.The addenda contain summaries of the information received by the Special Rapporteur for follow-up to concluding observations, and the Committee’s evaluations and decisions adopted during its 133rd session. The status of the follow-up to concluding observations adopted by the Committee since its 105th session, held in July 2012, is outlined in a table prepared by the secretariat. A summary of the assessment criteria is provided below.

A Reply/action largely satisfactory: The State party has provided evidence of significant action taken towards the implementation of the recommendation made by the Committee.

B Reply/action partially satisfactory: The State party has taken steps towards the implementation of the recommendation, but additional information or action remains necessary.

C Reply/action not satisfactory: A response has been received, but action taken or information provided by the State party is not relevant or does not implement the recommendation.

D No cooperation with the Committee: No follow-up report has been received after the reminder(s).

E Information or measures taken are contrary to or reflect rejection of the recommendation.