against Women

Sixty-eighth session

23 October-17 November 2017

Item 4 of the provisional agenda

Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under

article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms

of Discrimination against Women

List of issues and questions in relation to the ninth periodic report of Norway

Constitutional, legislative and institutional framework

1.Please provide information on how indicator 5.1.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals is reflected in the State party’s legislation, policies and programmes. Given the continuing and growing tendency for gender neutrality in the State party’s legislation, policies and programmes, please provide information on the evaluation of the impact of this approach in terms of promoting women’s rights and achieving equality. It is indicated in the ninth periodic report of the State party (CEDAW/C/NOR/9) that the revised legislative drafting instructions no longer explicitly mention the requirement to assess implications for the State party’s human rights obligations, including gender equality and non-discrimination (para. 8). Please indicate how due consideration of these obligations will be ensured.

2.Please provide updated information on measures taken to implement the Committee’s previous recommendations on awareness-raising with regard to the Convention and the Optional Protocol thereto (see CEDAW/C/NOR/CO/8, para. 12 (a) (c)). Please indicate whether police officers, law enforcement officers, judges, lawyers, public officers and all other actors in the justice system are systematically trained on the Convention and the Optional Protocol thereto. Please provide information on instances in which the Convention has been invoked, directly applied or referred to in court proceedings and indicate the number, nature and outcomes of cases of discrimination against women.

National machinery for the advancement of women

3.Please provide information on the proportion of the national budget allocated to the national machinery for the advancement of women and on the efforts made to ensure that gender mainstreaming is consistently applied in the development and implementation of all laws, regulations, policies and programmes at all levels. It is indicated in the report that the State party has conducted several evaluations of its action plans, policies and programmes. Please provide information on the methodology used for these evaluations and their follow-up. Please indicate how the law ensures the inclusion of a gender perspective in all policies and programmes of the State party.

4.Please provide updated information regarding the plan to authorize the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud and Tribunal to hear cases of sexual harassment (para. 19) and to impose compensation for non-pecuniary damage (para. 172). Please inform the Committee about the methodology, findings and recommendations of the research conducted by the Centre for Research on Gender Equality and subsequent policy measures adopted (para. 169). Please provide information on the impact assessment of the gender equality action plan of 2014 and subsequent measures taken in that regard (para. 44).

Temporary special measures

5.Please indicate whether the State party envisages the establishment of quotas, accompanied by incentives, adequate sanctions and/or enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance, for women’s participation in politics, in particular at the municipal level. Please indicate whether temporary special measures are envisaged to accelerate the achievement of de facto equality for all women, including migrant women, in all areas covered by the Convention.


6.The Committee received information that youth culture in the State party is increasingly characterized by the objectification of adolescent girls and women and that young people engage in rituals that promote sexual violence and harassment, such as upper secondary graduation celebrations (russetiden), buddy systems for new students and closed Internet forums for men. Please provide information on collaboration with the media to counteract these phenomena. Given that stereotypes and gender norms relating to rape and ideas about what constitutes rape may lead to offences of rape not being reported to the police or not being adequately followed up on by the police and the justice system, please provide information on measures taken to prevent the stigmatization of victims and to combat stereotypes that may perpetuate violence against women. Given the presence of pornography-influenced sexual cultures among young men who commit sexual assaults, please provide information on any systematic and qualitative research undertaken to explore possible connections between pornography and sexual violence.

Violence against women

7.In addition to the statistics provided in annex 1 to the report, please provide additional disaggregated data on the number of:

(a)Cases of violence against women investigated and prosecuted, including information on the sanctions imposed on perpetrators;

(b)Women victims of violence who have been provided with legal assistance and relevant support services;

(c)Women victims of violence who have been compensated;

(d)Non-contact orders (restraining orders) issued as a percentage of the total number of orders sought.

8.In the light of the level of empowerment of women in the State party, please provide information about the reasons for the persistence and continued prevalence of domestic violence. Please provide information on the results of the research on: (a) the causes, extent and consequences of domestic violence; (b) intimate partner homicide (para. 45); and (c) domestic violence in Sami communities (para. 106). Please also indicate subsequent policy measures taken to address these phenomena. Please provide the Committee with qualitative and quantitative information on the effects of the 2016 action plan on hate speech, in particular with regard to hate speech targeting women. Please provide information on measures taken or envisaged to address digital violence targeting women.

9.Please provide qualitative and quantitative information regarding progress in introducing the spousal assault risk assessment (SARA) tool and reverse assault alarms and in appointing family violence coordinators and sexual abuse coordinators in all police districts, and specify whether these are full-time positions (paras. 52, 54 and 55). Given the discontinuation of the specialized course on sexual abuse offered by the Norwegian Police University College in Oslo, please indicate what measures the State party has taken to ensure the quality of the investigation in sexual abuse cases. Please provide information on the outcome of the debate on whether national health legislation ought to clarify the duty of the health and care services to help to identify and prevent violence and sexual abuse (para. 214).

10.Please provide information on how employers are made aware of and held accountable for their obligations under the Gender Equality Act to prevent and introduce notification procedures in cases of sexual harassment in the workplace. Given the reluctance of victims of sexual harassment to bring cases to the courts, please indicate what measures the State party envisages taking to address this problem.

11.Please provide information on measures taken to identify cases of female genital mutilation among migrant communities, as well as on measures taken to protect the victims, to prevent these practices and to ensure effective punishment for the perpetrators. In addition to the information provided in annex 2, chapter 4.2, please inform the Committee about measures taken or envisaged to more effectively prevent forced marriage within migrant populations and to provide victims with appropriate rehabilitation, counselling services and shelters.

Trafficking and exploitation of prostitution

12.Given that the State party’s Penal Code of 2015 increased the maximum sentence for trafficking to six years and that a new action plan on trafficking in persons was adopted in December 2016, please provide information on how the implementation of these new measures is monitored. Please also provide information on measures taken to: (a) develop a national referral mechanism for victim identification; (b) ensure continuity in entitlements and follow-up in connection with changes in the residence status of victims; and (c) ensure that adequate resources are allocated to relevant agencies such as the justice, health and social sectors and the immigration authorities under the new action plan.

13.Please provide information on whether the measures taken to address trafficking are designed to comprehensively address the particular vulnerability of women refugees and asylum seekers. Please also provide updated information on international, regional and bilateral cooperation with countries of origin, transit and destination to prevent trafficking, in particular among vulnerable groups of women. Please inform the Committee about the findings of the white paper and the outcome of the parliamentary debate on the ban on purchasing sex and other current challenges associated with prostitution (para. 213).


14.Please provide updated information on measures taken to address the persistence of gender segregation in upper secondary education (para. 232). Please also provide updated information on measures taken to address the underrepresentation of women among university professors (para. 32) and measures taken to address the concentration of women in traditionally feminized fields of education.


15.In accordance with the Committee’s follow-up letter of 16 December 2014, please provide updated information on steps taken to address the priority concerns expressed by the Committee in its previous concluding observations (CEDAW/C/NOR/CO/8, para. 30 (a), (d), (e) and (f)). In particular, please provide updated information on measures taken to give full legislative effect to the principle of equal pay for work of equal value and to address the overrepresentation of women in low-paid sectors of employment. Please also provide additional information on the specific steps taken to tackle the persistent occupational segregation of men and women in the labour market and to promote women’s opportunities for career development and access to a wider range of jobs.

16.Please provide information on measures taken to ensure that employers receive adequate gender-sensitive training and are committed to the achievement of gender equality in the professional sector. In addition to the information provided in paragraphs 94 and 95, please inform the Committee about recent measures taken to address discrimination based on pregnancy, especially with regard to women in temporary and part-time positions. Please indicate whether the State party envisages giving fathers an independent right to earn parental benefit. In addition to the information provided in paragraph 6, please provide information on access to and opportunities in the labour market for women with disabilities, and on measures taken to facilitate the access of immigrant women to permanent full-time positions in the labour market. Please provide updated information on the draft comprehensive policy for adults at risk of labour market exclusion, in particular as it relates to disadvantaged groups of women (para. 134) such as refugees and asylum seekers.


17.With reference to the legislative framework described in paragraphs 116 to 120, please provide information on specific measures taken to implement this framework in practice and to address the risk of structural discrimination against Sami women in the public health system and other related challenges described in the official Norwegian report on the Sami languages of 2016 (No. 18: “Hjertespråket”). Please provide updated information on the draft sexual health strategy and the young people’s health strategy (para. 197).

Economic empowerment

18.Please provide information on measures taken to ensure that women can play leading roles in decision-making processes relating to issues of sustainable development, including climate change (target 5.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals).

Asylum-seeking and refugee women

19.Please provide updated information, including disaggregated statistical data, on the situation of women refugees and asylum seekers and detailed information with regard to the nature of the legal protection afforded to women refugees. In addition, please provide information about the evolution of the State party’s immigration and asylum policy during the reporting period as well as statistical data on family reunification and on returns. Please also provide information about steps taken to establish a gender-sensitive national mechanism for the early processing of asylum cases. Please indicate whether asylum-seeking women are guaranteed access to independent, qualified and free legal advice and representation.

Other disadvantaged groups of women

20.Please provide additional information on steps taken to promote the rights of women with disabilities in the State party. Please indicate measures taken to implement the recommendations of the report published in 2015 entitled “Likeverdige forhold for kvinner og menn under kriminalomsorgens ansvar” (Equal conditions for women and men under the responsibility of the Correctional Service) and the Parliamentary Ombud’s thematic report entitled “Women in prison”, published in 2017.

Marriage and family relations

21.In the light of the Committee’s general recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the economic consequences of marriage, family relations and their dissolution, please indicate whether the State party envisages amending its legislation to adequately redress the economic disparities between spouses resulting from the existing sex segregation of the labour market and women’s greater share in unpaid work, and their impact on women’s pensions in case of divorce, by compensating for the loss of future pensions of women who stayed at home to care for their family. Please also indicate any progress made towards guaranteeing that women living in de facto relationships benefit from economic protection equal to that of married women.