United Nations


Convention on the Rights of the Child

Distr.: General

13 August 2012

Original: English

Com mittee on the Rights of the Child

Sixty- third session

27 May–14 June 2013

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict

List of issues concerning additional and updated information related to the consideration of the initial report of Uzbekistan (CRC/C/OPAC/UZB/1)

The State party is requested to submit in writing additional, updated information, if possible before 1 February 2013, not exceeding 15 pages.

The Committee may take up all aspects of children’s rights contained in the Optional Protocol during the dialogue with the State p arty.

1.Please provide disaggregated data (by sex, age, region, ethnic group, socioeconomic background, and urban or rural areas) on the number of persons under the age of 18 who attend military school training. Please provide information on the curriculum of the military schools and whether students are permitted to handle weapons.

2.Please indicate if the recruitment or use in hostilities by armed groups other than the armed forces of the State party is criminalized, in accordance with article 4, paragraph 2, of the Optional Protocol.

3.With reference to the national action plans for children mentioned in paragraph 17 of the State party report, please indicate how such plans relate to the offences under the Optional Protocol.

4.Please provide information on dissemination to the general public, relevant professional groups and children of information on the issues covered by the Optional Protocol.

5.Please indicate which governmental department or body is responsible for the coordination and evaluation of activities to implement the Optional Protocol.

6.Please provide information on the military-patriotic education and military sports competitions conducted in secondary schools. Please inform the Committee of the content of such educational programmes and clarify whether children are permitted to handle weapons during such competitions. In particular, please describe the programmes conducted by Soglom Avlod Uchun as mentioned in paragraphs 107 and108 of the State party report.

7.Please provide disaggregated data, including by sex, age, and country of origin, on the number of unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children who are present in the State party who may have been involved in armed conflicts abroad. In this respect, please provide information on physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration programmes for such children.

8.Please indicate whether national legislation prohibits the export of arms, including small arms and light weapons, and military assistance to countries where children are known to be or could be recruited or used in armed conflict and/or hostilities, in accordance with article 7, paragraph 1.

9.Please provide information whether there is extraterritorial jurisdiction for crimes covered under the Optional Protocol and, if so, under which specific legislation. Please also inform the Committee of the practice and policy for requesting extradition for crimes under the Optional Protocol.