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5. 5 %

7. 02 %

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6. 96 %

6. 95 %

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7. 2 %

7. 28 %

7. 54 %

7. 62 %

















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7. 30 %

1 2. 02 %

1 2. 20 %

1 2. 70 %

1 2. 99 %

1 3. 17 %

1 3. 33 %

1 3. 41 %

1 3. 47 %

1 3. 56 %




1 4.据报道,包括藏族、维吾尔族和回族穆斯林在内的一些少数民族宗教信仰自由和言论自由受到限制,请就此进行评论(上次审议结论性意见第244段;中国报告第111-119段)。


1 5.请说明中方为解决某些信教少数民族,包括藏族、维吾尔族和回族在就业、充分的生活标准和就医方面的困难所采取的步骤和措施(例如:中国报告第103-10段)。2007年的《就业促进法》是否包含监督和执行的条款?

















1 6.请问缔约国是否采取额外的措施以消除少数民族儿童在受教育方面的不平等,尤其是藏族儿童和彝族(四川)儿童(上次审议结论性意见第245段;中国报告第94-102段)。请进一步提供资料说明中方提高少数民族妇女识字率的具体步骤以及衡量该项工作进展的方式(中国报告第127段)。








1 7.缔约国如何加强少数民族语言的使用和学习及何种机构负责执行双语教学政策?请提供关于少数民族语言在高等教育中使用情况的资料(中国报告第99-102段)。缔约国是否制订宣传少数民族历史、传统、文化和宗教知识的规划?请说明在实践中,是否可以在区级或地级公共机构使用少数民族语言(核心文件第749段;中国报告第89-9 3, 140段)?











1 8.据报道,少数民族地区的发展规划破坏了当地的文化传统,影响了包括蒙古人、藏族人和维吾尔族人等少数民族群体(中国报告第120-122段),请就此进行评论。对于发展项目,特别是对少数民族的环境有潜在负面影响的项目的设计和执行,中方设立了何种机制以征求少数民族群众意见并使其参与其中?据称,在一些少数民族地区,尤其是在西藏的发展规划,都伴随着汉族人的移居,请就此进行评论。






图表 : 西藏 1964 - 2008 年总人口及藏族人口数变化示意图

图表 : 西藏 1964 - 2007 年藏族人口占西藏总人口中比重变化示意

1 9.请说明中方在20085月四川地震后的灾区重建工作中,在保护和保存羌族的核心文化价值和传统生活方式方面所做的努力。








2 0.请进一步提供关于在香港的外国籍家政工人的具体工作条件的资料(上次审议结论性意见第248段)。尤其是,他们的最低工资是否等同于国家规定的最低工资(中国香港特区报告第77段)?是否仍要求家政工人“住家”(中国香港特区报告第147段)?家政工人是否享受同国民一样的怀孕保障(中国香港特区报告第150段)?他们是否同国民一样拥有基本的医疗保险(中国香港特区报告第151段)?如何确保关于家政工人工作时间的协议不构成歧视(中国香港特区报告第148段)?


2 1.关于香港和澳门,请提供针对非华人种群的汉语培训措施的成效的材料(中国香港特区报告第177段;中国澳门特区报告第15段)。


第 六 条

2 2.忆及上次委员会的结论性意见(A/56/18,第249段),请说明涉及公约规定的司法案件是否被提交法院(核心文件第244段;中国香港特区报告第13段;中国澳门特区报告第22段)。



2 3.请提供关于确保不同民族在法院面前一律平等的具体措施的资料,其中包括提供本地语言翻译的举措。请提供更加详细的资料说明对少数民族的法律援助(中国报告第137段)。








2 4.如果有,请提供关于少数民族群众根据中国报告中提及的宪法第41条或法律,就与公约规定不符的行为成功获得赔偿的案例资料(核心文件第44-47段;中国报告第130-132段)。


2 5.请说明中方,包括香港是否有申诉机制以审查对警察歧视少数民族的不当行为的指控(中国香港特区报告第116-119段)。





2 6.请提供中国报告中提及的,关于香港劳动仲裁庭迫使外籍家政工人接受歧视性协议的案件的材料。(中国香港特区报告第190段)。


2 7.请说明缔约国是否考虑对公约第14条作出声明。



2 8.请进一步提供材料说明中方在教育领域中采取的改善民族间关系以及消除可能导致种族歧视的偏见的措施。





2 9.请进一步向委员会提供关于“种族和谐促进委员会”和“香港少数民族论坛”工作情况的资料(中国香港特区报告第7 4, 197段)。







目 录

页 次





















目 录 ( 续 )

























































































































































































































































National Human Rights Action Plan of China ( 2009 - 2010 )

Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China



I. GuaranteeofEconomic, SocialandCulturalRights








(8)Safeguardingfarmers' rightsandinterests

(9)GuaranteeofhumanrightsinthereconstructionofareashitbythedevastatingearthquakeinWenchuan, SichuanProvince

II. GuaranteeofCivilandPoliticalRights









III. GuaranteeoftheRightsandInterestsofEthnicMinorities, Women, Children, ElderlyPeopleandtheDisabled




(4)Seniorcitizens' rights


IV. EducationinHumanRights

V. PerformingInternationalHumanRightsDuties, andConductingExchangesandCooperationintheFieldofInternationalHumanRights




The realization of human rights in the broadest sense has been a long-cherished ideal of mankind and also a long-pursued goal of the Chinese government and people.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 194 9, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Chin a, the Chinese governmen t, combining the universal principles of human rights and the concrete realities of Chin a, has made unremitting efforts to promote and safeguard human rights. Henc e, the fate of the Chinese people has changed fundamentall y, and China has achieved historic development in its efforts to safeguard human rights. It is worth mentioning tha t, since the introduction of the reform and opening-up policy at the end of 197 8, China has enshrined respect for and protection of human rights in its Constitution as a major principle of governmen t, and has taken effective measures to promote the cause of human right s, while enhancing the material and cultural life of the Chinese people and providing firm guarantees for their politica l, economi c, cultural and social rights. Thu s, a new chapter has opened in the history of the development of the cause of human rights in China.

China is a developing country with a population of 1. 3 billio n, low per-capita share of resource s, underdeveloped productivity and unbalanced economic and cultural development. Having just entered the stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernizatio n, China is faced with the arduous tasks of refor m, development and stabilization. Due to the influences and limitations of natur e, histor y, cultur e, economic and social development leve l, and other factor s, China still confronts many challenges and has a long road ahead in its efforts to improve its human rights situation.

By putting people firs t, the Chinese government makes sure the constitutional principle that "the state respects and protects the human rights of its citizens" is implemented. While respecting the universal principles of human right s, the Chinese government in the light of the basic realities of Chin a, gives priority to the protection of the people's rights to subsistence and developmen t, and lawfully guarantees the rights of all members of society to equal participation and development on the basis of facilitating sound and rapid economic and social development. In the practice of governanc e, the Chinese government stands by the principle that development is for the peopl e, by the people and with the people sharing its fruit s, spares no effort to solve the most specific problems of the utmost and immediate concern to the peopl e, promotes social equity and justic e, and strives to ensure that all the people enjoy their rights to educatio n, employmen t, medical and old-age car e, and housing. The Chinese government persists in ensuring the people's position as masters of the countr y, expands citizens' orderly participation in political affairs at each level and in every fiel d, improves the institutions for democrac y, diversifies its forms and expands its channel s, carries out democratic electio n, decision-makin g, administration and supervision in accordance with the law to guarantee people's rights to be informe d, to participat e, to be hear d, and to oversee. In additio n, the Chinese government advocates strengthening international communicatio n, dialogue and cooperation regarding human right s, collaborating with other countries to accelerate the healthy development of the international cause of human right s, and contributes its share to building a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.

The Chinese government unswervingly pushes forward the cause of human rights in Chin a, an d, in response to the United Nations' call for establishing a national human rights action pla n, has instituted the National Human Rights Action Plan of China ( 2009-2010 ) on the basis of painstakingly summing up past experience and objectively analyzing the current situation. The plan defines the Chinese government's goals in promoting and protecting human right s, and the specific measures it is taking to this end.

The plan was framed on the following fundamental principle s : Firs t, in pursuit of the basic principles prescribed in the Constitution of Chin a, and the essentials of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Right s, the plan is aimed at improving laws and regulations upholding human rights and advancing the cause of China's human rights in accordance with the law ; secon d, adhering to the principle that all kinds of human rights are interdependent and inseparabl e, the plan encourages the coordinated development of economi c, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political right s, and the balanced development of individual and collective rights ; thir d, in the light of practicality and China's realit y, the plan ensures the feasibility of the proposed goals and measure s, and scientifically promotes the development of the cause of human rights in China.

The National Human Rights Action Plan of China ( 2009-2010 ) involves broad participation by the relevant government departments and all social sectors. The Chinese government has established the "joint meeting mechanism for the National Human Rights Action Plan" for the purpose of working out a good plan. The Information Office of the State Council and Ministry of Foreign Affair s, two members of the "joint meeting mechanism" , take the responsibility of convening meetings. Other members includ e : Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congres s, Committee for Social and Legal Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committe e, Supreme People's Cour t, Supreme People's Procuratorat e, National Development and Reform Commissio n, Ministry of Educatio n, State Ethnic Affairs Commissio n, Ministry of Civil Affair s, Ministry of Justic e, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Securit y, Ministry of Healt h, China Disabled Persons' Federatio n, and China Society for Human Rights Studie s, altogether53 organizations.

A group of experts from universities and research institution s, including Nankai Universit y, Shanghai Academy of Social Science s, Shandong Universit y, China University of Political Science and La w, Chinese Academy of Social Science s, Beijing Universit y, Wuhan Universit y, Renmin University of Chin a, and the Central Party Schoo l, also participated in the drafting and formulation of the plan. In the drafting and formulation proces s, joint meetings were held on many occasions to conduct thorough discussions with relevant government departments ; several symposia were convened with representation from over 20 organization s, such as China Law Societ y, All-China Lawyers' Associatio n, China Legal Aid Foundatio n, China Environmental Protection Foundatio n, Chinese Society of Educatio n, China Women's Development Foundatio n, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviatio n, China Foundation for Disabled Person s, and China Foundation for Human Rights Developmen t, to solicit suggestions for revisions through thorough discussions among social and non-governmental organization s, universities and research institution s, and other social sectors.

The National Human Rights Action Plan of China ( 2009-2010 ) is a document explaining the policy of the Chinese government with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights during the period 2009-201 0, covering the politica l, economi c, social and cultural fields. Governments and government departments at all levels shall make the action plan part of their responsibilitie s, and proactively implement it in line with the principle of "each performing its own functions and sharing out the work and responsibilities." All enterprise s, public institution s, social and non-governmental organization s, press and media agencie s, and the general public shall give vigorous publicity to this action pla n, and expedite its implementation. Initiated by the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affair s, the "joint meeting mechanism for the National Human Rights Action Pla n, " comprising legislative and judicial organs and departments under the State Counci l, is responsible for coordinating the implementatio n, supervision and assessment of the plan.

The State Council has approved this action plan and has authorized its Information Office to promulgate it as follows . )

I . Guarantee of Economi c, Social and Cultural Rights

In 2009 and 201 0, the state will take proactive and effective measures to offset the negative impacts of international financial crisi s, and ensure the economi c, social and cultural rights of all members of society.

( 1 ) Right to work

Efforts will be made to promote employment and re-employmen t, and guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Coordinating the rural and urban employment situations in accordance with the Law on Employment Promotion to secure the growth of employment. In 2009 and 201 0, an additional 18 million urban workers will be employed and 18 million rural laborers will move to cities or towns and find jobs there. The registered urban unemployment rate will be kept below 5 percen t, and the priority is to find employment for college graduates and rural migrant workers.

Widespread introduction of labor contracts will involve encouraging collective contract s, improving the mechanism of coordination among employer s, employees and the governmen t, implementing the minimum salary system and steadily raising workers' salary levels in accordance with the Labor Contract Law.

Expanding vocational training to bring the total number of skilled workers to 110 million nationwid e, with technicians and senior technicians accounting for 5 percent of all skilled workers and senior workers accounting for 20 percent of all skilled workers.

Adhering to the principles of "safety firs t, with focus on prevention and taking comprehensive measures to guarantee production safet y, " strengthening labor protectio n, and improving production conditions in accordance with the Law on Safe Production. The goal is to reduce the number of deaths caused by industrial accidents per 100 million yuan GDP by 35 percent compared with the figure for 200 5, and the deaths per 10 0, 000 workers in factorie s, mines and businesses by 25 percent.

Solving labor disputes fairly and promptly to promote harmonious and stable labor relations ; tightening supervision over salary paymen t, spreading the practice of employer leaving a deposit in banks to guarantee salary paymen t, and affixing the legal liability of deliberate default on payment in accordance with the Law on Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes.

( 2 ) Right to basic living conditions

Effective measures will continue to steadily raise the incomes of rural and urban resident s, especially people with middle- and low-incom e, and improve the system of subsistence allowances so as to ensure the right of urban and rural residents to a basic standard of living.

Raising citizens' incomes so that the average annual disposable income of urban residents will reach 1 5, 781 yuan or more and that rural residents will see their net annual income increase by 6 percent every year from the 4, 761 yuan in 200 8.

Intensifying efforts in poverty-alleviation work so as to smoothly solve the food and clothing problems of the target population as soon as possibl e, gradually raise their income s, and help them shed poverty and make good. In this regar d, the "Raindrop Program" ( Launched in November 2006 by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Developmen t, the program is aimed at training and qualifying 5 million young and middle-aged impoverished farmers and 30 0, 000 demobilized soldiers from poverty-stricken areas for jobs elsewhere during the 11th Five-Year Plan period ( 2006-2010 ) . ) will provide pre-employment training for 1 million impoverished laborers and practical skill training for 10 million laborers every year.

Building more commercial and affordable housing to improve the living conditions of urban families with middle- and low-incomes ; improving the low-rent housing program and accelerating the pace to solve the housing problems of the urban poor ; and strictly implementing the relevant systems regarding demolition permit s, fund supervisio n, relevant agreement s, evaluatio n, examination and approval of projects to be transferre d, housing securit y, compensation and ai d, and public hearing s, so as to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of people whose housing is demolished to make way for new construction.

Improving the system of subsistence allowances. The state will revise the Regulations on Basic Living Allowances to Urban Resident s, and formulate the Methods on the Measurement and Adjustment of Urban Basic Living Allowance s, the Methods of Calculating the Income of Urban Families Entitled to Basic Living Allowance s, and the Implementing Methods for the Classification of Urban Basic Living Allowances. It will accelerate the drafting of the Regulations on the Rural Basic Living Allowances to standardize the practices for rural basic living allowance s, the screening of the beneficiaries and the classified aid to the m, so that those in need will receive the necessary help and the level of allowance will be raised gradually.

( 3 ) Right to social security

The insurance systems covering basic old-age pensio n, basic medical car e, unemploymen t, work-related injury and maternit y, as well as the social-aid system will be perfecte d, so as to raise the level of social security.

The drafting of provisions supplementary to social security laws and regulations will be speeded u p, and relevant system will be established or improved to strengthen the managemen t, use and supervision of social insurance funds. Law s, regulations and policies regarding social insurance funds will be implemented to guarantee the sound management and safety of the funds.

The coverage of various types of social insurance will be expanded. By 201 0, the population covered by the urban basic old-age pension insurance is expected to exceed 223 million ; that covered by basic medical care insuranc e, 400 million ; that by unemployment insuranc e, 120 million ; that by work-related injury insuranc e, 140 million ; and that by maternity insuranc e, over 100 million. The population covered by rural social old-age pension insurance and corporate annuity will expand year by year.

The pooling of social security funds will be raised to higher level s, with the pooling of funds for basic old-age pension insurance being raised to the provincial level while that for medical car e, unemployment and work-related injury insurance being raised to the city ( prefecture ) level. The system of reserve fund for work-related injury insurance will be improved.

The system of "Five Guarantees" ( Guarantee of foo d, clothin g, housin g, medical car e, and burial ( education ) expenses for elderly peopl e, handicapped people and residents under the age of 16 living in the countryside who have lost the ability to wor k, have no sources of income and have no people to support them. ) will be improved. The Methods on the Management of Rural Five-Guarantee Provider s, the Standards for Rural Five-Guarantee Service s, and the Construction Plan of Rural Five-Guarantee Facilities will be worked out. The "Xiaguang Program" ( Launched by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in January 200 7, using government investment and welfare lottery fund s, this program intends to build and renovate nursing homes for people under the care of the system of Five Guarantees in rural areas in the period 2006-201 0.) will be continued to ensure that rural residents under the care of the system of "Five Guarantees" enjoy the average standard of living of local villagers.

The system of aid to urban vagrants and beggars will be improved. The state will revise the Measures for Assisting and Managing Urban Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Livelihoo d, and institute the Regulations on Aid to and Protection of Vagrant Minor s, the Service Standards of Assistance and Management Center s, the Service Standards of Assistance and Protection Centers for Vagrant Minor s, and other administrative rules and documents. More assistance and protection centers for vagrant children with complete sets of facilities will be constructed in cities at the prefectural level or abov e, and in key counties and districts.

( 4 ) Right to health

The basic framework for a basic medical and health system covering the entire nation will be established so as to make China among the countries providing national basic health service.

The main goals expected to be reached in 2010 ar e : average life expectanc y, 73 years ; infant mortality rat e, below 1 4. 9 per thousand ; mortality rate of children under fiv e, below 1 7. 7 per thousand ; mortality rate of pregnant and lying-in wome n, below 40 per 10 0, 000 ; and the free national immunity vaccination program for childre n, 95 percent in cities and 90 percent in the countryside.

Expediting the establishment of the basic medical care system. By 201 0, the allowances from the budgets of governments at all levels to urban residents covered by medical insurance and rural residents covered by new rural cooperative medical services will be raised to 120 yuan per person annually. By 201 1, urban workers' basic medical insuranc e, urban residents' basic medical insurance and new rural co-operative medical services will spread to cover the entire natio n, with the rate of people taking out such insurance policies and of those who participate in rural cooperative medical services both reaching 90 percent or higher. The proportion of in-patient expenses to be reimbursed will be raised graduall y, and the proportion and scope of out-patient expenses to be reimbursed will also be expanded.

Improving basic medical and health services. Within three year s, starting in 200 9, efforts will be made to support the construction of 2, 000 county-level hospitals ( including traditional Chinese medicine hospitals ) , so that every county will have at least one up-to-standard hospital ; 3, 700 community health service centers and 1 1, 000 community health service stations will be built or renovated in cities. The construction of 2 9, 000 township hospitals planned and financially supported by the central authorities will be complete d, as will the renovation or expansion of 5, 000 hospitals in key township s, resulting in one to three hospitals for each county.

Promoting equality in right to basic health services. Starting in 200 9, a uniform health record for all residents will be established throughout the country. Regular health checkups will be conducted for people over 65 years ol d, so will be growth tests for infants below the age of thre e, prenatal examinations and postnatal visits for pregnant women and women who have given birt h, and prevention and counseling services for sufferers of high blood pressur e, diabete s, mental illnesse s, AIDS and tuberculosis. Major public health programs will be carried out to prevent and control tuberculosis and other fatal disease s, spread national immunizatio n, and ensure in-patient delivery of newborns by rural women. Other programs will be carried out to help those below the age of 15 receive Hepatitis B vaccine s, eliminate risk posed by coal-burning fluorine poisonin g, extract cataracts from poor patients to give back their eyesigh t, improve rural water and toilet facilitie s, and provide folic acid to rural women who are going to get pregnant and who are in their early pregnancy to prevent the birth of deformed babies.

Infectious diseases will be brought under control. Endeavors will be made to strengthen the prevention and treatment of AID S, and the prevention and control of major infectious diseases. The coverage of direct reporting of infectious disease incidences by medical and health institutions at the county level and above will be 100 percen t, and that by those at town and township level will be 80 percent. The completeness and timeliness of such reporting will be 90 percent or above. Planned immunity will be made compulsory ; the current zero rate of poliomyelitis will be maintaine d, and the incidence of the preventable measles will drop by 50 percent compared with the 2007 figur e, and incidence of other preventable infectious diseases such as meningitis B, rabies and hemorrhagic fever will drop by 30 percent compared with the 2007 figures. The categories of immunity vaccines under state planning will be expande d, vaccination for rural residents and migrant population will be intensifie d, with priority being given to newborn s, in-school students and other vulnerable person s, and the prevalence of Hepatitis B will be put under effective control. The prevention and treatment of parasitical and other endemic diseases will be tightene d, so as to bring all relevant counties ( cities and districts ) up to the standards of control.

The Law on Food Safety will be enacte d, and systems governing food and medicine production permit s, compulsory tes t, market acces s, recal l, and import and export inspection and quarantine will be put in plac e, and examination and supervision will be strengthened over the implementation of the Law so as to ensure that the Law is enforced to the letter and our foodstuffs and medicines are safe.

Providing safe drinking water for another 60 million rural population in 200 9, so as to realize the goal of "halving the proportion of the population unable to sustainably get safe drinking water by 2015" set by the United Nation s, ahead of schedule.

More community sports facilities will be built for both urban and rural residents. By 201 0, such facilities per capita will reach 1. 4 sq m, and public sporting facilities in urban neighborhoods and rural towns and villages will be markedly improved. National fitness programs will be further sprea d, mass sport organizations will be encouraged and the national fitness system will be improved.

( 5 ) Right to education

Priority will be given to compulsory education and rural education ; vocational education will be developed with great effort s, and the quality of higher learning will be enhanced ; after-school education will be promote d, so as to guarantee the citizens' right to equal schooling.

The Outline of State Medium- and Long-term Program on Education Reform and Development through 2020 will be worked ou t, and the goal s, task s, and main measures of reform and development will be defined. The final aim is to raise the overall educational level of Chinese citizens.

Nine-year compulsory education will be comprehensively implemented to achieve a net enrollment rate of 99 percent in elementary school s, gross enrollment rate of 98 percent in junior high school s, and retention rate of 95 percent for students during three years of junior high school. The efforts to eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people will continu e, to cut the illiteracy rate among them to below 4 percent. The state will make sure that almost all the children of migrant workers will receive nine-year compulsory educatio n, that children in medium-sized and large cities and economically developed areas will receive three years of pre-school educatio n, and the number of rural children receiving one-year pre-school education will be in-creased markedly.

The balanced development of compulsory education will be promote d, with emphasis placed on running every school well and caring for the healthy growth of every child. With an active response to the "inclusive education" advocated by the UNESC O, both the physical and the mental health of every child will be stressed. Special attention will be paid to raising the educational quality of rural schools and reforming urban schools that remain weak in teaching.

The progress of rural education will be accelerated. The state will ensure teachers of middle and elementary schools in rural areas receive their salaries in full and on time and the schools' operating outlay is guaranteed. Renovation of the buildings of junior high schools in rural areas in central and western Chin a, and building of clean school campuses in the new countryside will be carried out. Distance-education network of rural schools will be completed. Special programs will continue to attract college graduates to work at rural schools. For instanc e, they can apply for teaching posts at rural elementary and junior high school s, or volunteer to teach in western China. They may get free enrollment for a master's degree in education if they work for a certain period in rural schools.

Vocational education will be boosted by building 2, 000 key vocational practice bases with complete array of discipline s, good facilities and rich resources that can be shared by all. Support will also be given to the construction of a batch of county-level vocational education center s, secondary vocational schools and 100model vocational colleges.

The central government has appropriated special funds for the project of improving the quality of undergraduate teaching and reform at institutions of higher learning. The 211 Program ( This is a program of the Chinese government to give priority to the building of 100 key institutions of higher learning and a batch of key branches of learning in the 21st century. ) and the 985 Program ( Launched by the Ministry of Education in May 199 8, the program aimed at building a number of world-class universities and some universities with advanced international level that are well-known in the world. ) will continue to quicken the construction of high-level universities.

After-school education will be expanded. In 2009 and 201 0, the central government will pool 3 billion yuan of lottery earnings to support the building and operation of after-school facilitie s, and by 2010 every county ( district ) across the country will have one venue for after-school activities to guarantee the right of minors to after-school education.

The system of assistance to poor students will be improved by increasing budget input s, implementing all policies concerning financial aid to such student s, expanding the assistance coverage and raising the level of assistance.

( 6 ) Cultural rights

Effective measures will be taken to promote cultural undertakings and guarantee the citizens' basic cultural rights.

Building a public cultural service system. A network of public cultural service facilities covering both urban and rural areas will be basically complete d, which ensures that there are large theater s, public librarie s, museum s, art gallerie s, cinemas and mass-culture centers in all major cities ; cultural center s, libraries and cinemas in counties ( cities ) ; cultural activity halls in rural administrative villages ; and cultural centers in urban communities. In the central and western region s, 2 6, 700 all-inclusive cultural stations will be buil t, rebuilt or expanded ; and some 7 0, 000 farmers' reading rooms will be set up every year. By the end of 201 0, the number of farmers' reading rooms across the country will reach 23 7, 00 0. A digital cultural service system covering urban and rural areas will be built with 1. 115 billion yuan of state investment.

Fulfilling the target set for the national cultural resources sharing project in the 11th Five-year Plan. By the end of 201 0, the 100TB digital resources construction task will be finishe d, with a branch center in each county and a grassroots service center in every village.

Overall promotion of digitalized movi e, radio and TV service. The national surface digital television broadcasting networ k, satellite live broadcasting system and mobile multimedia broadcasting system will be established and integrate d, forming a vast content resource management system and an information integratio n, distribution and exchange platfor m, as well as a platform for integrating digital film programs. Mobile digital film projection in rural areas will also be promoted.

Implementing major culture industry projects strategy to expedite the construction of culture industry bases and regional culture industry groups with special characteristics. The growth of key culture industry enterprises and strategic investors will be promote d, encouraging non-public capital to enter culture industries permitted by current policies and promoting the development of private artistic performance troupes. Intermediary culture agencie s, such as artistic performance agencie s, intangible assets evaluation agencies and information and consultation agencie s, will be developed in accordance with the law.

Encouraging cultural creativity and popularization. A special fund for cultural development and a special fund for the creation and performance of excellent theatrical programs will be established to support the creation of new programs in traditional operas as well as their training of performers and charity performance s, and to boost cultural and artistic activities for the purpose of public welfare or as a demonstration. State-run art troupes are encouraged to perform at community-level venues. In 2009 and 201 0, the state will invest 100 million yuan to provide some 300 mobile stages for art troupes and other grassroots cultural establishments so that they can easily and regularly go to the countryside to stage performances. The government will appropriate 3. 4 billion yua n, using live satellite broadcasting technolog y, to make radio and TV broadcasting available in 71 6, 600villages each with at least 20 households where electricity is available by the end of 201 0. The fund will also help bring digital film projection to rural areas throughout the countr y, one showing per month in each village.

Continuously making museums and patriotic education bases open to the public free of charg e, and conducting studies for formulating laws and instituting systems regarding the guarantee of cultural undertakings of a public welfare nature.

Intensifying efforts in the protection of intellectual property rights and punishing all infringements of IPR in accordance with the law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of IPR holders. A public patent search and service platform will be put in place.

( 7 ) Environmental rights

Upholding the principle of harmonious development between man and nature and the rational exploitation and utilization of natural resource s, China will take an active part in international cooperation in an effort to create an environment favorable for human existence and sustainable development and build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society to guarantee the public's environmental rights.

By the year 201 0, the emission of sulfur dioxide and the amount of chemical oxygen demand will be brought under control ; the environment quality in major areas and cities will be improved and the deterioration of the ecological environment will be basically checked ; and the environment is safe from nuclear and radiation hazard. In 201 0, the amount of chemical oxygen demand and the emission of sulfur dioxide will be 10 percent lower than those in 200 5, and the percentage of poor-quality surface water areas of Level V under the state's water-monitoring standards will be down by 4. 1 percentage points from that of 200 5. Meanwhil e, the percentage of areas in the seven major water systems categorized as higher than Level III will increase by 2 percentage point s, and the percentage of days in a year surpassing 292 days with better than Level-II air quality in major cities will be up by 5. 6 percentage points.

Implementing the National Environment and Health Action Plan ( 2007-2015 ) by improving the lega l, managemen t, and scientific and technological support systems related to the environment and health to limit the impact of hazardous environmental factors on healt h, reduce the occurrence of environment-related diseases to safeguard the public health. This will help realize the compulsory targets for environmental protection set in the Outline of the 11th Five-year Plan and the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Strengthening the rule of law in the sphere of environmental protection to safeguard the public's environmental rights and interests. Special actions will be taken to protect public health by intensifying monitoring over and punishing enterprises that discharge pollutants against the la w, and by investigating and severely punishing acts and cases of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection. Environmental safety checkups will be conducted continuousl y, focusing on enterprises in the petroleu m, chemical and smelting industries located by rivers and in densely populated areas to eliminate potential risk factors that threaten the environment. Supervision and management of dangerous chemical s, dangerous wastes and radioactive wastes will be strengthened to ward off environment-related risks. To promote open government administratio n, China practices the system of publicizing state policie s, law s, regulations and project approval s, as well as releasing information on the handling of cases related to environmental protection. The work of handling public complaints and petitions will be improved to bring the role of the "12369" environmental protection hotline into full pla y, and to widen and smooth out the channels for people to report and complain to the government.

Doing all we can to make the ratio of energy consumption per GDP unit in 2010 around 20 percent lower than that in 200 5.

Developing renewable energy resource s, and working toward the goal of increasing their consumption to 10 percent of the total energy consumption by 201 0.

Implementing China's National Plan for Coping with Climate Change by slowing down greenhouse gas emission. While enhancing energy utilization efficiency and developing renewable energy resources to reduce the emission of carbon dioxid e, China will strive to maintain the discharge of nitrous oxide in the processes of industrial production at the 2005 leve l, to increase the forestry coverage to 20 percen t, and increase the annual carbon sink by about 50 million tons of carbon dioxide over the level of 200 5. By 201 0, the country expects to have 40 million ha of improved grassland s, have 110 million ha of degrade d, sand-encroached and alkaline grasslands treate d, and raise to 0. 5 the effective utility coefficient of agricultural irrigation water. At the same tim e, China will put around 90 percent of its typical forest ecological systems and national key wild animals and plants under proper protectio n, to increase the percentage of nature reserves to the total land area in the country to about 16 percen t, and to treat 22 million ha of desertified land. Half of China's total wetland area is to be satisfactorily protected.

In the 2009-2010 perio d, an additional 10 0, 000 sq km of land that has suffered soil erosion previously will be treated comprehensivel y, and 12 0, 000 sq km of land will undergo ecological restoration. The ecologically vulnerable environment of such rivers as the Heih e, Tarim and Shiyang will be improved.

( 8 ) Safeguarding farmers' rights and interests

China will make great efforts to break the dual structure of urban and rural system s, speed up the construction of a new countryside and safeguard farmers' legitimate rights and interests.

Guaranteeing farmers' land right. The government has made it a point to confirm and register rural land and issue land-right certificate s, protect farmers' right to own and use their land and obtain profits from the lan d, and punish any actions violating the regulations on land management. The market for circulating the right to contract and manage land will be improve d, where the farmers can turn over their land-use and contract rights by means of subcontrac t, leas e, interchange or transfe r, or by joining stock cooperative s, following the principle of voluntariness and with compensation. Overall reform of the collective forest ownership system is expected to make headwa y, aiming to ensure that farmers have equal right to manage collective forest land under contract and to ensure their status as the main player of operation.

Protecting farmers' usufructuary right to their homesteads. On the principles of having a strict and efficient administratio n, raising efficiency and making it convenient for and beneficial to the peopl e, the management of farmers' homesteads will be strengthened to better suit farmers' needs in their house construction. The examination and approval procedure for homesteads will be standardized and simplifie d, and made open through public bulletins to get the supervision of the villagers. Supervision over the distribution and use of homesteads in rural areas will be reinforced to raise the efficiency of homestead utilization in rural areas.

Reforming the land requisition system by strictly defining land for public use and land for business purpose s, gradually reducing the scope of land requisition and improving the compensation mechanism for land requisitioned. The requisition of collective land in rural areas in accordance with the law should follow the principle of same price for the same lan d, paying in full and in a timely manner reasonable compensation to the collective or farmers whose lands have been requisitioned. Meanwhil e, the farmers' employmen t, housing and social security problems should be addressed properly. Farmers are allowed to take part i n, in accordance with the la w, the development and management of collective land used for non-public-welfare purposes that is not included in the overall land-use plan for urban construction.

Raising farmers' income level. The Chinese government will increase the subsidies for grain-producing farmers by relatively a large margin each yea r, improving the dynamic mechanism for adjusting the comprehensive subsidies for agricultural production means in association with their price hikes. Efforts will be made to improve the price-forming mechanism for grain and other major agricultural product s, as well as the protection system for the prices of agricultural product s, and the regulatory system of the agricultural product market by steadily raising the minimum grain-purchase prices. The state will improve the methods of protecting the prices of other major agricultural product s, and keep the prices of agricultural products at a reasonable level.

Promoting equality between urban and rural areas in availability of basic public services. This will help balance the distribution of public resources between urban and rural area s, and enable the free flow of elements of production. A rural credit guarantee system is to be set up with government suppor t, multi-party participation and market operatio n, and efforts will be made to accelerate the building of a mechanism for agricultural reinsurance that can split the risks of major disasters. The government will also speed up the building of a unified urban-rural human resources market to help farmers find jobs away from their hometowns or in non-agricultural employment within their region s, or setting up businesses after returning to their hometowns.

Improving farmers' health. By 201 0, a new rural cooperative medical care system will cover virtually all the rural residents. Every township will have a government-run hospita l, and every administrative village will have a clinic. Rural grassroots health and hygiene work will be strengthened to ensure that the pass rate of health and hygiene work at grassroots level reaches 80 percent in every county. China plans to solve the drinking water problem for 120 million people in rural areas in the period 2009-201 0. This will make drinking water safe in villages that are now moderately or seriously haunted by fluorin e, arsenic or schistosomes. To this en d, the government will work out the 2010-2013 Plan for the Nationwide Safe Drinking Water Project in Rural Areas.

Strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of rural migrant workers. Equal treatment for migrant workers and urban resident workers will be gradually realized in terms of paymen t, skill trainin g, etc. , and the treatment of the migrant workers regarding their children's educatio n, public hygien e, as well as renting and purchasing of houses will be improved step by step. Working conditions of migrant workers will be improve d, and coverage of industry-related injury insuranc e, medical care insurance and old age pension for migrant workers will be expanded. Methods for migrant workers underwriting basic old-age insurance policies will be formulated and implemented as soon as possible. Efforts will be made to push forward the reform of the household registration system to gradually relax the requirements for settling down in small and medium-sized cities.

( 9 ) Guarantee of human rights in the reconstruction of areas hit by the devastating earthquake in Wenchua n, Sichuan Province

The massive earthquake which struck Wenchua n, Sichuan Provinc e, on May 1 2, 2008 caused colossal life and property losses to the areas hit. The State Council specially enacted the Regulations on Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction and the General Plan for Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Restoratio n, decided to finish the major reconstruction task s, make the basic living conditions of the victims and the economic development level of the quake-hit areas restore to or exceed the pre-quake levels in three years' tim e, and attain the goal that every family has a house to live in as well as an income from employmen t, with social security for everyone.

enBasically completing rebuilding of collapsed or seriously destroyed farmers' houses to ensure that quake survivors can move into new houses by the end of December 200 9.

Taking a range of measures to resolve the problem of employment for over 1 million people in the restoration areas included in the pla n, with emphasis on finding a job for at least one member of each jobless family. In these area s, urban residents' average disposable income and rural residents' average net income will surpass the levels before the earthquak e, with a secured basic living standard for all people in the quake-devastated areas.

Rebuilding and restoring elementary and middle schools to high quality. Priority is given to restoring and rebuilding county-level hospitals and public service institutions for disease prevention and contro l, women's and children's healthcare and family plannin g, as well as township-level clinics and major township family planning service stations.

Respecting earthquake victims. Registering the names of people who died or disappeared in the earthquake and made them known to the public.

Persistently supervising and checking the use of relief funds and materials to ensure that they are all sent to and used for people in the disaster-hit areas and for the smooth progress of the rehabilitation and reconstruction work. Regulations have been worked out and improved for the management and use of relief funds donated by societ y, stressing special checks on major areas and key links. The people are given full scope in their supervisory role. Any illegal acts of embezzlemen t, or unauthorized withholding or misappropriation of relief funds or materials will be investigated and severely dealt with in accordance with the law.

Implementing the Law on Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction and other relevant laws and regulations to provide better legal guarantee for future precautions against earthquakes and disaster reduction. Knowledge of disaster reduction and the necessary precautions against disasters should be made more widely known through campaigns to popularize the m, and education in this regard should be included in the national education system. Disaster-reduction-related knowledge should also be integrated into the activities of spreading cultura l, science and technology and hygiene knowledge in the countryside. The construction of emergcy shelters and venues for disaster relief should be included in urban and rural planning.

II . Guarantee of Civil and Political Rights

In the period 2009-201 0, China will continue to strengthen work to improve democracy and the rule of la w, improving systems for democrac y, diversifying the forms of democracy and expanding the channels of democrac y, strengthening the protection of civil rights in the execution of administrative laws and in judicial practice s, and raising the level of ensuring people's civil and political rights.

( 1 ) Rights of the person

China will improve its preventative and relief measures to protect citizens' personal rights in every process of law enforcement and judicial work.

The state prohibits the extortion of confessions by torture. Evidence will be collected in accordance with the legally prescribed process. It is strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threa t, enticemen t, deceit or other unlawful means. Anyone who coerces confessions out of a suspect by tortur e, corporal punishmen t, abuse or insult shall be handled in accordance with the seriousness of the acts and consequences. If the case constitutes a crim e, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

The state prohibits illegal detention by law enforcement personnel. Taking a criminal suspect in custod y, changing the place of custod y, or extending the term of detention must be carried out in accordance with the law. Wrongful or prolonged detention shall be prevented. The state will improve the measures of providing economic compensatio n, legal remedies and rehabilitation to victims. Those who are responsible for illega l, wrongful or prolonged detention shall be subjected to inquiry and punished if found culpable.

Death penalty shall be strictly controlled and prudently applied. Every precaution shall be taken in meting out death sentenc e, and the system of death sentence with a two-year reprieve shall be improved. If a criminal sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve commits no intentional offense during the suspension period of the sentenc e, he / she will not be executed at the end of such suspension perio d, and his / her punishment will be commuted in accordance with the law.

The state implements stringent judicial procedures for death sentence s, and improves such procedures for review. Death penalty cases shall be handled in accordance with the relevant articles of the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law. China adheres to the basic principle of legally prescribed punishment for each specified crim e, suitable punishment for each crim e, criminal law equally applicable to everyon e, public trial and statutory procedures. It attaches equal importance to procedural impartiality and substantive impartialit y, and guarantees the full execution of litigation rights ( including the right to defense ) of criminal suspects and defendants. China sticks to the principle of public trial for death penalty cases of second instanc e, so as to ensure the integrity of such cases. Apart from the death sentences given by the Supreme People's Court in accordance with the la w, all death sentences must be reported to the Supreme People's Court for review and approval. The People's Procuratorate shall tighten its supervision over death penalty cases in accordance with the law.

The state establishes and improves supervisory mechanisms for enforcement of law and administration of justice. The state shall rigorously implement a responsibility system in law enforcemen t, a law enforcement quality evaluation syste m, a system of accountability for cases mishandle d, a system of leadership accountabilit y, and a system of resignation. In accordance with the la w, China punishes unlawful infringements of citizens' personal rights by state functionaries taking advantage of their positions and powers. Judicial officers shall be punished for infringements of citizens' personal right s, such as extracting evidence illegally or by violenc e, in accordance with the law.

( 2 ) Rights of detainees

The state will improve the legislation concerning prison management and take effective measures to ensure detainees' rights and humanitarian treatment.

The state will make efforts to improve the law s, regulation s, policies and measures related to the protection of detainees' rights and humanitarian treatment.

In accordance with the la w, the state strictly carries out every procedure in the execution of criminal punishmen t, such as taking a convict into custod y, commutatio n, parol e, temporary serving of a sentence outside prison and release from prison. The procedures for law enforcement shall be further standardize d, so as to ensure that they are rigorous and detaile d, and that the legal documents and warrants provided at every stage of law enforcement are authenti c, properly kept and documented in files.

The state is improving the system of accountabilit y, the system of publicatio n, the system of performance evaluation and examinatio n, and the system of investigating wrongdoing in law enforcement in prisons and detention houses ; it is establishing a supervisory system and a power-restraint mechanism for law enforcemen t, and intensifying investigation into illegal activities committed during law enforcement and punishing those who are held accountable.

Effective measures shall be taken to prohibit such acts as corporal punishmen t, abus e, insult of detainees or the extraction of confessions by torture. All interrogation rooms must impose a physical separation between detainees and interrogators. The state establishes and promotes the system of conducting a physical examination of detainees before and after an interrogation.

The state is further improving the system of treatment for detainees. The rules regarding detainees' correspondenc e, meeting with peopl e, entertainmen t, and family visits shall be improved. The state is improving the sanitation management system for detainees as well as their medical treatmen t, and promoting standardized management of detainees' life and health care. The state will pay attention to individualized education and correction of detainee s, popularizing and intensifying education concerning mental health and psychological counseling. More funds will be made available to improve the environment and conditions for detainees in prisons and detention house s, and to help cover the expenses for daily supplie s, overhea d, the purchase and wear and tear of equipmen t, maintenance and other expenditures.

The state is improving an open system of law enforcement in prisons and detention houses by making public detainees' rights as well as the law-enforcement standards and procedures to detainee s, their families and society at large. Supervision is effectively carried out over law-enforcement activities in prisons and detention houses by providing complaint services ( letter boxes or telephone numbers ) , directly meeting leaders of prisons or detention house s, or hiring public supervisors.

The state is intensifying real-time supervision conducted by the people's procuratorate on law enforcement in prisons and detention houses. For detainees' convenienc e, complaint letter boxes are set up in their cell s, and a detainee may meet the procurator stationed in a prison or detention house by appointmen t, if the former feels he has been abused and wants to make a complaint.

( 3 ) The right to a fair trial

The stat e, in accordance with the la w, guarantees the rights of litigant s, especially those charged with criminal offence s, to an impartial trial.

The state takes effective steps to guarantee the lawfu l, timely and impartial trial of all case s, and ensures clear fact s, sufficient evidence and legitimate trial procedures.

The information of open trials shall be fully released. As for open trial case s, the people's court shall announc e, three days before the opening of the sessio n, the summary of the case to be heard in publi c, the name of the defendan t, and the time and place of the court session. People's courts are required by law to give the reasons for cases that are not tried openly.

When trying cases openl y, the court allows for evidence to be provided openl y, witnesses to be questioned openl y, all arguments made openl y, and all judgments announced openly. Citizens with valid certificates may attend any open court session.

People's courts with necessary conditions shall record or video their court sessions and major relevant trial activitie s, and establish audio-visual archives of trial work. The parties concerned ma y, in accordance with the la w, consult or duplicate materials documented by the courts.

The state encourages the higher people's courts at all levels to intensify their efforts to publicly release their judgment paper that has come into effect by working out detailed measure s, such as via publication s, local networks or the Internet.

The state takes concrete measures to ensure people's jurors' right to participate in court trials in accordance with the la w, allowing them to exercise their voting right independently in a collegial panel concerning the facts determined and the application of law in the judgment.

The state encourages the revision and abolition of various law s, regulations and regulatory documents that are inconsistent with the Lawyers Law ; guarantees lawyers' rights to mee t, correspond with and review files of persons in custod y, and to conduct investigations and collect evidence. The state also guarantees the personal rights of lawyers and their right to debate or defend when they carry out their duties.

The state expands the targeted recipients and scope of judicial assistance. In light of relevant rules and actual case situatio n, the litigation fees shall be lowered by simplifying the procedures and increasing the range and sums of litigation costs that can be deferre d, reduced or exempted in accordance with the law. The state promotes legislative work to provide national assistance to victims of crim e, specifying the condition s, standards and procedures for such national assistance.

The state is strengthening the legal aid syste m, and fulfilling the government's responsibility in this regard. It is also expanding the coverage of legal aid and increasing related fundin g, to extend convenien t, rapid and sound legal aid to more poor people.

The state is revising the State Compensation La w, and clarifying compensation issue s, involving the applican t, the categories and scop e, the organs under compensatory obligatio n, as well as the procedure s, means and calculating standard s, thus guaranteeing citizen s, legal persons and other entities in their obtaining of state compensation.

( 4 ) Freedom of religious belief

China fully implements the policy of freedom of religious belie f, an d, in accordance with the la w, manages religious affairs and protects citizens' freedom of religious belief.

The stat e, in accordance with the la w, protects normal religious activitie s, as well as the lawful rights and interests of religious bodie s, venues of religious activities and religious believers.

The state implements the Regulations on Religious Affair s, improves relevant auxiliary regulations and enacts relevant local laws and regulations to guarantee freedom of religious belief of citizens.

The state protects its citizens from being compelled to believe in or not believe in any religio n, and from any discrimination on the grounds of religious belie f, and guarantees the rights and interests of religious believers.

The state respects ethnic minorities' religious belief s, and protects their religious cultural heritage. It continues to make necessary investments in the maintenance and reconstruction of temple s, mosques and other religious facilities of important historical and cultural value in ethnic-minority areas.

The state gives full play to the positive role of religious circles in the promotion of social harmony and socio-economic development. It also encourages and supports religious circles in launching social welfare program s, exploring methods and channels for religions to better serve society and promote the people's well-being.

( 5 ) The right to be informed

The Chinese government will make more efforts to keep the public informed of government affair s, and improve relevant laws and regulation s, so as to guarantee citizens' right of information.

By implementing the Regulations on the Disclosure of Government Informatio n, the state will make comprehensiv e, regular assessments of the work of the government and relevant departments about the disclosure of government informatio n, examine and urge organizations responsible for public affairs management to make public of information related to government affair s, and in accordance with the law call to account personnel in charge and people directly responsible who violate the Regulations. Local regulations concerning how to make known to the public government affairs will be improved.

A comprehensive system ensuring transparency in government affairs will be gradually put in place. Governments at town and town-ship levels shall make public the implementation of relevant state policies regarding rural wor k, their revenue and expenditur e, and their use of various kinds of special funds. Governments at the county or city levels shall mainly publicize plans about local developmen t, the examination and approval of major projects and their executio n, government procurement detail s, the requisition of land s, demolition of houses and so on. Provincial governments shall mainly publicize policies and overall plans for local economic and social developmen t, fiscal budget reports and final account report s, and property transactions. E-government will be promoted to gradually achieve the goal that governments above the county level and their departments each has a website and most government organs and public institutions each has a hotline.

Government news release system and the spokesperson system will be improved. The state will make greater efforts to train spokespersons and news release staf f, releasing news in various form s, enhancing the quality of press conference s, releasing government in-formation in a timel y, accurate and authoritative manne r, so as to increase the transparency of government work and improve the level of information service by the government.

The state will release information on natural disaster s, emergencies and production safety accidents in a timely and accurate manne r, and in accordance with the la w, and publicizes timely the results of investigation and handling of serious or exceptionally serious production safety accidents.

The state will make efforts to make village affairs more transparent. Catalogues of information regarding village affairs to be released to the public will be compiled by county-level organ s, so as to mak

( 6 ) The right to participate

The government will expand citizens' participation in political affairs in an orderly way at all levels and in all sector s, so as to guarantee citizens' right to participate.

The people's congress system will be improved. Revisions will be made to the Election Law to improve the election system. Deputies to the people's congresses will be elected according to the same ratio of population in both urban and rural areas ; the proportions of deputies from among ethnic minoritie s, returned overseas Chines e, wome n, grassroots worker s, farmers and migrant workers in the total number of deputies to people's congresses at all levels will be increased appropriatel y, and the close ties between the deputies and their constituencies will be maintained. Earnest measures will be taken to ensure that deputies to people's congresses exercise their functions and powers in accordance with the law.

Political consultation will be incorporated further in the decision-making procedure s, and the effectiveness of the participation and deliberation of state affairs by personages from non-Communist parties and people with no political affiliation will be enhanced. The ratio of personages from non-Communist parties and people with no political affiliation holding leadership positions in government department s, particularly principal position s, will be appropriately increased. Respect will be shown to opinions and suggestions raised by people from non-Communist parties and people with no political affiliation at CPPCC meeting s, guaranteeing their right to make inspection s, take part in investigations and examination s, submit proposals and report social conditions and public opinion.

The system of people's self-governance at the grassroots level will be improve d, its scope expande d, and the system of democratic management perfected. The amendment of the Organic Law of the Villagers Committee will be pushed ahea d, and the level of villagers' self-governance and democratic management enhanced. The coverage of direct elections of urban neighborhood committee members will be expande d, aiming to reach 50 percent by 201 0. The democratic management system in enterprises and public institution s, with workers' conferences as its basic for m, will be improved ; the workers and staff are encouraged to share part of the management dutie s, and their legitimate rights and interests are safeguarded. Exploration shall be made for new methods and approaches by which neighborhood and social organizations in urban areas participate in neighborhood management and service s, and the existing forms of social participation in urban communal affair s, including democratic hearing and coordination meeting s, shall be improved. Effective methods and approaches shall be explored to let the floating population participate in residents' self-governance in the neighborhoods they usually live in.

Democratic and scientific decision-making will be promoted to expand public participation in the decision-making process. In principl e, public opinions will be solicited when law s, regulations or public policies which are closely related to the interests of the people are formulated. Institution building will be promoted for holding public hearings on the legislation of important laws and regulation s, soliciting public opinions for the formulation of major policies and measure s, and holding expert consultation or third-party verification when making decisions over major issues.

Guarantee will be extended to trade union s, women's federation s, youth federations and other mass organizations for them to carry out their work in accordance with the law and their respective charters. The channels will be broadened to support mass organizations to participate in social management and public service s, so as to protect the people's legitimate rights and interests. The government will earnestly solicit opinions from the mass organizations when formulating relevant law s, regulations and public policies.

The construction and management of social organizations will be strengthened to enhance their functions in serving society. Revisions will be made to the Regulations on the Registration and Management of Social Organization s, Interim Regulations on the Registration and Management of Private Non-enterprise Entitie s, and Regulations on the Management of Foundations to ensure social organizations conduct activities in accordance with the law and their respective charters. The government encourages social organizations to participate in social management and public service s, encourages the establishment of private non-enterprise entities in the fields of educatio n, science and technolog y, cultur e, health car e, sports and public welfare. It gives play to the social functions of social organizations such as industry association s, societie s, and chambers of commerc e, and develops and standardizes all kinds of foundations to promote programs for the public good.

e the publicity of village affairs more standardized.

( 7 ) The right to be heard

The state will take effective measures to develop the press and publications industry and ensure that all channels are unblocked to guarantee citizens' right to be heard.

Institutional guarantees for the legitimate rights of news agencies and journalists will be strengthene d, the legitimate rights and interests of news agencie s, journalist s, editors and the person ( s ) concerned in news items safeguarde d, and journalists' right to gathering material s, criticiz e, comment and publish ensured in accordance with the law. The government will continue to push forward the reform and development of television station s, radio station s, the Internet and the newspaper industry. Efforts will be made to reach the goal of 1, 000 people having 90 daily newspapers and every family having 0. 3 news-pape r, on averag e, by 201 0.

Law s, regulations and rules governing the Internet will be improved to promote the orderly development and application of the Internet and guarantee citizens' right to use the Internet in accordance with the law.

Laws and regulations related to the pres s, publishin g, radi o, film and television will be improved. The amendment of the Regulations on the Administration of Publications will be launche d, and the responsibility of people's governments at all levels in protecting legal publications will be clearly spelled out. The government will research and draft the Regulations on Copyright Protection of Folk Literature and Artistic Work s, and improve the legislation and systems regarding the guarantee of radio and television transmissio n, and motion pictures.

The state will give full play to the positive role of social organizations in expanding public participation and reporting their petitions for improvement of the self-governance capability of society. The proportions of deputies from social organizations to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference ( CPPCC ) at all levels will be increased. People's governments at all level s, when formulating major law s, regulations and public policie s, will solicit opinions and comments from social organizations. Industry associations and chambers of commerce will solicit suggestions from their respective trades and enterprises ; learned societies and research societies will study the demands of the common people ; foundations and organizations of a public welfare nature will report to authorities the appeals and demands of the underprivileged ; and neighborhood organizations in both urban and rural areas will get to know social conditions and public opinions better. All these measures are aimed at guiding people to express their opinions in a reasonable way and participate in public affairs in an orderly way.

The channels for people to make complaints in the form of letters and visits will be broadened and remain unblocked. The government will open up different channel s, including Green Pos t, special telephone line s, online complaints and agencie s, to ensure that the people can voice their petitions by lette r, fa x, e-mail or other written forms. A nationwide complaint information system will be buil t, a state-level office to deal with complaints set u p, and a system to solicit suggestions from the people established and improve d, so as to make it convenient for the people to voice their petition s, report problems and offer suggestions. We will persist in the system that Party and government leaders read letters from the people and make comments or issue instructions on them and receive visitors on a regular basis. Efforts will be made to improve the system in which Party and government leader s, deputies to Party congresse s, deputies to people's congresses and CPPCC members take the initiative to contact people who make complaints through letters and visit s, so as to safeguard the people's legitimate rights and interests.

( 8 ) The right to oversee

The state will improve laws and regulation s, and explore scientific and effective approaches to improve the mechanism of restraint and supervisio n, and guarantee the people's right of democratic supervision.

The Law on the Supervision by the Standing Committees of People's Congresses at All Levels shall be implemented to strengthen supervision by the people's congresses' over administrativ e, trial and procuratorial organ s, focusing on conspicuous problems that have a bearing on the overall situation of refor m, development and stabilit y, affect social harmony or cause strong public resentment. In the period 2009-201 0, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will hold hearings and deliberate on reports of the State Council concerning the building of the rural social security system and efforts to improve employment and reemployment ; and reports of the Supreme People's Court on strengthening enforcement of court rulings in civil case s, and special reports of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on strengthening inspection of malfeasance and other work. It will continue to strengthen examination and supervision of plans for national economic and social developmen t, and of budgets and final accounts. It will earnestly organize for inspection on the enforcement of the Trade Union La w, Stock-breeding La w, the Law on Food Safety and other law s, do a good job in the follow-up and supervision of any suggestions proposed in inspection reports on the enforcement of the Labor Contract La w, Compulsory Education La w, Law on the Protection of Minors and other laws. It will also strengthen examination and supervision regarding whether normative documents conform to the Constitution and laws.

The democratic supervision mechanism of the CPPCC will be improve d, making institutional improvements in the links of getting informatio n, communication and feedback to guarantee unblocked channels for democratic supervision and enhance the quality and efficiency of democratic supervision. Full play will be given to the role of CPPCC bills and proposals in democratic supervisio n, and government departments concerned shall handle them seriousl y, and give formal replies without delay.

The people's supervision over administrativ e, trial and procuratorial organs will be strengthene d, and efforts will be stepped up to exercise supervision over law enforcemen t, and government honesty and efficiency. The special supervisor system will be further improved to strengthen supervision over administrative organs and their functionaries. The state will explore and experiment with the special examiner system to supervis e, together with other forms of supervisio n, court operation and judicial officers in terms of trial styl e, style of wor k, professional ethic s, honesty and self-discipline. The state will explore and experiment with the special inspector syste m, reform and improve the people's supervisor syste m, and supervise procuratorial organ s, together with other forms of supervision.

The state will guarantee citizens' rights to criticiz e, give advice t o, complain o f, and accuse state organs and civil servant s, and give full play to the role of mass organization s, social organizations and the news media in supervising state organs and civil servants.

Laws and regulations on the prevention and punishment of corruption will be strictly implemente d, so will rules that require leading cadres to be clean and self-disciplined. Supervision over principal leading cadres will be earnestly strengthened to ensure the correct exercise of power. Full play will be given to the role of administrative supervision to resolutely stop unhealthy practices that hurt the fundamental interest of the publi c, and effective measures will be taken to deal with major issues that cause strong public resentment.

III . Guarantee of the Rights and Interests of Ethnic Minoritie s, Wome n, Childre n, Elderly People and the Disabled

In the period 2009-201 0, China will take further measures to protect the rights and interests of ethnic minoritie s, wome n, childre n, elderly people and the disabled.

( 1 ) The rights of ethnic minorities

China is a unified country composed of 56 ethnic groups identified and acknowledged by the central government. The 55 minority ethnic groups - Han Chinese not included - have a total population of 10 6. 43 millio n, accounting for 8. 41 percent of the total population of China ( Based on statistics released after the fifth national census in 2000 ) . In Chin a, all ethnic groups are equa l, and the state protects the lawful rights and interests of ethnic minorities.

Promoting lawmaking related to the affairs of ethnic minorities. The state will expedite the formulating of ancillary regulations that promote the implementation of the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy. The Regulations on Ethnic Minority Work in Cities and Regulations on Administrative Work in Ethnic Townships will be revised.

Guaranteeing that ethnic minorities exercise the right to manage the affairs of ethnic autonomous areas and participate in managing state affairs. The state will make sure that all the 55 minority ethnic groups have their representatives in the National People's Congres s, with at least one representative for any ethnic group with a very small population. Any minority ethnic group with a population of more than 1 million is guaranteed to have a member on the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The state will continue to guarantee that among the chairman and vice-chairmen of the standing committee of the people's congress of an autonomous area there shall be one or more citizens of the ethnic group or groups exercising regional autonomy in the area concerne d, and that the head of an autonomous regio n, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county shall be a citizen of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned. The state will guarantee that people from minority ethnic groups are well represented in state power organs as well as administrativ e, judicial and procuratorate organs at the central and local levels to participate in the management of state and regional affairs.

Promoting the development of education for ethnic minorities. The state will continue to establish and develop schools and organize preparatory classes for ethnic minoritie s, adopt bilingual teaching systems and give preferential treatment to students of minority ethnic groups in enrollment in schools and universities. It will promote boarding education in the vast rural and pastoral area s, and establish Tibetan junior high schools and Xinjiang senior high classes in the hinterland. By 201 0, more than95 percent of the population of ethnic autonomous areas should have access to nine-year compulsory education.

Strengthening the training of personnel of ethnic minoritie s, and making efforts to let the proportion of people from ethnic minorities in employment approach the proportion of the ethnic minority population to that of China's total population. The state will trai n, by rotatio n, cadres of ethnic minorities at the district / county leve l, and have cadres working in the field of ethnic minority work receive training in modern management and general skills. It will pick candidates from among the middle-aged and young cadres of ethnic minorities at the county ( cit y, banne r, district ) and township levels to receive college educatio n, including sending outstanding middle-aged and young technicians of ethnic minorities to other countries for training programs.

Guaranteeing ethnic minorities' right to lear n, use and develop their own spoken and written languages. The state will train people to be specialists in the spoken and written languages of ethnic minoritie s, and guarantee the use of such languages in the judicia l, administrative and educational fields. It will increase financial aid to publications using languages of ethnic minoritie s, and support the publishing of books and magazines in ethnic-minority languages. It will help enhance the capabilities to produce ( as well as the capabilities to translate ) film s, and radio and television programs in languages of ethnic minorities. It will raise the rate of coverage of radio and television broadcasting in languages of ethnic minorities in border region s, and promote the standardization and informationization of the spoken and written languages of ethnic minorities.

Promoting the development of the cultures of ethnic minorities. The government will continue to introduce to China and the rest of the world the famous cultural and artistic accomplishments of ethnic minorities in the fields of literatur e, oper a, musi c, danc e, fine art s, handicraft s, architectur e, custom s, costume and food. It will produce fine film s, and radio and television programs with ethnic minorities as the subject matte r, and support ethnic publishing projects that have a significant impact on the cultural development of ethnic minorities ; donate books and magazines in languages of ethnic minorities as well as Chinese to libraries and elementary and middle schools in counties ( citie s, banner s, districts ) where ethnic minorities live in compact communitie s, and to farming and pastoral areas inhabited by ethnic minorities ; and protec t, develop and foster performing arts with characteristics of ethnic minorities.

Promoting economic development in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities and raising the standard of living of the ethnic minorities. The state will increase investment in economic and social programs in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. During the period 2009-201 0, the state will appropriate more than 2 billion yuan as a development fund for ethnic minorities to accelerate their economic and social development. Of the su m, nearly 1 billion yuan will be used to help the construction of infrastructur e, the renovation of dilapidated house s, the improvement of people's living and production condition s, industrial developmen t, salaries and social programs in regions where ethnic minorities with relatively small populations live in compact communities. The state will continue to support the economic and social development of border area s, focusing on solving difficulties in people's livelihood in those areas. Poverty elimination in extremely impoverished ethnic villages will be a priority. The goal is to make these villages have access to road s, electricit y, telephone servic e, and radio and TV program s, making sure that these villages have school s, clinic s, safe drinking water for people and livestoc k, safe housing as well as farm fields or pastureland that can provide sufficient food and clothing for the villagers.

( 2 ) Women's rights

The state will continue its efforts to realize the goals stated in the Program for the Development of Chinese Women ( 2001-2010 ) , promoting gender equality as well as guaranteeing women's legitimate rights and interests.

Increasing women's participation in the management of state and social affairs. People's congresse s, political consultative conferences and local governments at all levels should have at least one female member in their leadership. Women should be present in at least 50 percent of the government leadership of central government ministrie s, provincial governments ( governments of autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government ) and city governments ( governments of prefectures and leagues ) . The proportion of female civil servants in the leadership of departments and divisions will be increased in government bodies above the city ( prefecture ) level. At least 20 percent of the reserve cadres at provincia l, city and county levels should be women. The proportion of women civil servants in state organs at all levels will be increase d, and in professions and industries where women are in the majority the number of women holding managerial posts should be in an appropriate proportion to the number of total women workers. An appropriate number of women members will be included in community committees and village committees.

Guaranteeing equal right for women in employment and their access to economic resources. Gender discrimination is prohibited in the recruit of new workers and staff. Special provisions for the protection of women will be included in job contracts and collective contract s, and special labor protection measures for women will be improved. The coverage of maternity insurance for urban female employees will reach 90 percent. The membership and legal rights of women in rural collective economic organizations will be guarantee d, and local practices against related laws or regulations must be corrected to ensure that women enjoy equal land rights and other property rights with men.

Guaranteeing women's right to education. The net enrollment rate of school age girls will reach 99 percen t, and the proportion of girls staying in elementary school for five years will reach 95percent. The gross enrollment rate of female students in junior high schools will reach 95 percent ; that in senior high school s, 75 percent ; and that in institutions of higher educatio n, 15 percent. The literacy rate of adult women will be raised to 85 percen t, and that of young and middle-aged wome n, 95 percent. Teachers' training programs should include education on gender awareness.

Guaranteeing women's reproductive rights and improving maternity health care services. Information and education on family planning and reproductive health will be provided for wome n, who enjoy equal rights in family planning with men. Information on contraception and reproductive health services will be provided for women to choos e, according to their individual condition s, saf e, effective and appropriate contraception methods. By 201 0, the coverage of maternity health care services in urban and rural areas will exceed 90 percent and 80 percen t, respectively. The dissemination rate of knowledge on reproductive health and family planning for women of childbearing age will reach 80 percent. In rural area s, the rate of women giving birth in hospitals will reach 90 percent. In remote areas where hospitalization for lying-in women is hard to achiev e, the utilization rate of new delivery methods will reach 95 percent. Complications caused by birth control surgery should be controlled under one per thousand.

Preventing and cracking down on the crimes of abducting and trafficking in women. The Action Plan to Crack Down on the Abduction and Trafficking in Women and Children ( 2008-2012 ) has been promulgated and implemente d, and an inter-ministry joint conference system of working units will be established to prevent and crack down on the crimes of abducting and trafficking in women and childre n, as well as to rescue and resettle those who have been abducted.

Prohibiting all forms of domestic violence against wome n, exploring and establishing a working mechanism that combines preventio n, prohibition and assistance in the fight against domestic violence.

Adopting forms of management appropriate for women convicts. The emphasis will be placed on enhancing the ability of female convicts to get jobs after they return to society through training courses in professional skills.

( 3 ) Children's rights

Centering around the "children first" principl e, the government will endeavor to realize the goals set in the Program for the Development of Children of China ( 2001-2010 ) , making every effort to guarantee children's rights to lif e, development and participation in various affairs.

Improving law and policy making for the juvenile population. Correlative regulations to the Law on the Protection of Minors will be revised at provincial level s, and supportive regulations to the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency will be made by local governments.

Guaranteeing children's right to health. Cases of children under five suffering serious malnutrition will drop by one-fourth from that of 200 0. Children's health care coverage will reach 90 percent in urban area s, and 60 percent in rural area s, and 90 percent of elementary and middle school students should pass the "National Physical Exercises Standards" test.

Promoting children's participation. The state will create an environment and opportunities to expand children's participation in famil y, schoo l, community and social affairs in line with children's physical and psychological development. Children's right to get access to necessary information will be guaranteed through the joint efforts of medi a, publishin g, radi o, television and film agencies.

Prohibiting the employment of child labor. Any individual or entity using child labor will face severe punishment.

- Preventing and cracking down on the crimes of abducting and trafficking in children. The government will establish and improve a rescuing mechanism to help children rescued from abduction integrate again into societ y, and help them with practical difficulties in lif e, legal right s, rehabilitation and other problems.

Reinforcing judicial protection for juveniles' rights. People's courts wil l, if neede d, set up special departments for the trial of juvenile delinquency cases and cases involving the protection of juveniles' rights. In accordance with the actual need s, public security organs and people's procuratorates will setup special working departments for the handling of juvenile delinquency cases or appoint special staff to deal with such cases. Efforts will be made to educate and rehabilitate juvenile delinquent s, and communities should play a more important role in helping them return to society. For young victims of crime s, physical and psychological rehabilitation will be provided.

Protecting disadvantaged children's rights. Families are encouraged to adopt or foster orphans and disabled children. For disadvantaged children with relative s, the guardianship system will be strengthene d, with help from society. Welfare centers for children will be standardized. By 201 0, every major prefecture-level city will have one welfare center for children's rearin g, protectio n, rehabilitation and education. In cities at and above the prefecture level and key counties ( districts ) , a batch of well-equipped sheltering centers for homeless children will be established. For children with eyesigh t, hearin g, language or intelligence problem s, special education will be provided.

Protecting girls' rights. Identifying the sex of a fetus for other than medical purposes and termination of pregnancy in the case of a female fetus are strictly prohibited. Crimes of killing or abandoning baby girls will be severely punished.

( 4 ) Senior citizens' rights

The government will continue to improve the social security system for the age d, pushing forward the establishment of a service system for the elderly and guaranteeing their legitimate rights and interests.

Revising the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderl y, and reinforcing legal protection of senior citizens' rights to housin g, propert y, marriag e, medical car e, old-age support and other areas.

Establishing an integrated service system for the elderl y, with home-based care as the basi s, community care as suppor t, and nursing homes as supplement. The government supports and encourages social engagement in old-age services through various mean s, including private running of public facilitie s, government-supported private facilities and government purchasing services for the elderly. Communities will play an important role in senior citizens' car e, tending their physica l, psychological and medical needs.

Pushing forward the construction of old-age service facilities. An additional 2. 2 million beds will be placed in the service centers for rural households enjoying the "five guarantees" ( guarantee of foo d, clothin g, housin g, medical car e, and burial [ education ] expenses for elderly peopl e, handicapped people and residents under the age of 16 living in the countryside who have lost the ability to wor k, have no sources of income and have no people to support them ) . Some 80 0, 000 new beds will be added to nursing homes for bereaved seniors in towns. A batch of nursing homes will be established in big and medium-sized cities. Nursing home s, recreation centers and comprehensive welfare centers for senior citizens will be constructed in rural area s, with the target coverage of 75 percent in the villages and towns.

Enriching senior citizens' cultural life. More colleges and schools for the elderly will be opened. At least one well-equipped recreation center will be established in each county in the western region of the countr y, and in every township in the central and eastern areas.

Developing nonprofit non-governmental organizations that provide service to the elderl y, and increasing the number of volunteers and social workers.

( 5 ) The rights of the disabled

There are over 83 million people with various kinds of disabilities in Chin a, accounting for 6. 34 percent of the total population. The state has made great efforts to develop undertakings relating to the disabled and to beef up the building of the social security and service systems for the m, providing guarantees for the legitimate rights and interests of the disabled.

Improving the legal system to promote the development of undertakings for the disabled and to guarantee their legal rights. The state is pushing forward the formulation of the Mental Health La w, has started formulating the Regulations for the Rehabilitation of the Disable d, Regulations on the Construction ofa Barrier-Free Environmen t, and other administrative rules and regulation s, while encouraging local governments to revise the rules on implementing the Law on Protection of the Disabled and regulations for providing related preferential assistance.

Promoting disability preventio n, rehabilitation and other services. The state has started mapping out a national plan for preventing birth defects and reducing the number of disabled peopl e, exploring a way to establish a mechanism for early screening and rehabilitation for children aged up to six. Supervision of labor safety and hygiene will be strengthened to prevent and minimize disabilities caused by work-related injuries and diseases. In the period 2009-201 0, standardized community rehabilitation services will be carried out nationwide in 80 percent of urban districts and 70 percent of countie s, providing such services to 2 million disabled people. The provision of community or household services is encouraged for people suffering from intelligence or mental disabilities and disease s, as well as for seriously disabled people.

Promoting the construction of a barrier-free environment. Such work will be carried out in 100 cities. Assistance techniques or substitute technologies such as Braill e, sign languag e, captions and special communication facilities are to be adopted to pave the way for the disabled to receive and send out informatio n, and to participate in social activities. TV programs with sign language and special broadcasting programs for the disabled are to be launche d, together with the subtitling of TV programs and films.

Guaranteeing disabled people's right to education. Students with disabilities are guaranteed to benefit from relevant preferential policies of the stat e, and non-governmental programs to assist the disabled in schooling are also promoted. In central and western Chin a, a batch of special-education schools will be built or expanded. Secondary vocational schools are encouraged to set up special courses for the disabled.

Guaranteeing the disabled people's right to employment. The government will strengthen employment training for the disabled and the construction of an employment service networ k, standardize and develop business that offer jobs to a considerable number of disabled people at one go. It will promote compulsory hiring of disabled people in accordance with their proportion to the population at large. The protective employment system for the disabled will be improve d, which includes tax deduction and exemptio n, and the special production and marketing of certain products by the disabled. Measures such as creating welfare work posts and providing social security subsidies will be implemented to ensure that by the year 2010 there will be 30 0, 000 additional jobs for the disabled in cities and towns.

Enhancing support for poverty-stricken disabled people in rural areas. Help will be provided to enable the 4 million disabled rural people who want for food and clothing to have adequate food and clothin g, to enable the 40 0, 000 disabled rural people with financial difficulties in the central and western regions to receive training in practical skill s, and to enable 12 8, 000 rural disabled people to rebuild their dilapidated houses.

Guaranteeing the cultural and sports rights of the disabled. Disabled people will continue to use public cultural and sports facilities at a discount or free of charge. The Chinese government supports cultural programs of a public welfare natur e, such as the production of cultural and artistic products for the disable d, and the publication of books for the blind. Encouragement will also begiven to develop the special artistic skills of the disabled. Mass sports and fitness activities for the disabled will be promoted to boost their participation in the Paralympic Game s, the Special Olympics and the Deaflympics.

IV . Education in Human Rights

In the period 2009-201 0, along with the dissemination of knowledge of the law among the general publi c, the state will actively rely on the present systems of compulsory educatio n, secondary educatio n, higher education and vocational educatio n, training organizations in state agencie s, as well as the medi a, including radi o, televisio n, news-paper s, magazines and the Interne t, to carry out education in human rights in various forms in a planned wa y, popularizing and spreading knowledge of the law and human rights.

Gradually increasing the content of the law and human rights in courses of secondary and elementary schools. By making good use of the courses of Ideological and Moral Standard s, China will foster students' awareness of the obligations and rights of citizen s, tutoring them in the ideas of democrac y, rule of la w, freedo m, equalit y, fairness and justic e, as well as a healthy concept about interpersonal relation s, collectivis m, nation and society.

Human rights education in secondary and elementary schools will be conducted in a flexible and vivid way in line with the characteristics of students at young age. Through varied and vivid activities after clas s, students will receive education in human rights from first-hand experiences and build up a healthy personality. The reform of teaching and school management will be energetically pursue d, and a democrati c, equa l, and interactive relationship will be advocated between teachers and student s, encouraging students to participate in the democratic management of the class and schoo l, so as to enhance their awareness of democrac y, rule of law and human rights through experiencing an equal and democratic relationship.

In senior high school s, besides human rights education of a general natur e, education in the "basic rights and obligations of citizens" stipulated in the Constitution and knowledge of international human rights will be carried out.

The state continues to encourage institutions of higher learning to conduct research and education in human rights theory. Investigations into human rights education will be conducted in a number of institutions of higher learnin g, while scholars from universities and colleges are encouraged to carry out human right studies. The state will promote the formulating of plans for human rights education in institutions of higher learnin g, encouraging them to offer human rights as an elective course to all undergraduate student s, and offer the course of human rights law to undergraduate students majoring in the science of law. It will promote the compiling of textbooks on human rights law and the development of teaching courseware. A number of institutions of higher learning which started human rights education earlier than others will be designated as the bases for human rights education and training.

Human rights education and training will be carried out especially among government employee s, focusing on people working in public security agencie s, procuratorate s, court s, prison s, urban management organ s, and administrative law enforcement organs. The law enforcement departments will draw up their own plans for human rights education and training in line with their own work need s, highlighting publicity and education of regulations and laws on the protection of human right s, and give human rights education on a regular basis. The government will organize experts to compile special textbooks for human rights training. State agencies and cities with appropriate conditions will be selected as demonstration units for human rights education and trainin g, and follow-up examinations will be conducted.

Carrying out activities of human rights education among the general public to disseminate the knowledge of human rights and enhance the public's awareness of human rights. The government supports research on human rights theory and on-the-spot investigations throughout society organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studie s, as well as the holding of training classes and lectures on human rights. The government will encourage people to develop products for human rights education that appeal to the general publi c, and set up a permanent mechanism for education in human rights.

Making good use of the medi a, including radi o, televisio n, newspaper s, magazines and the Interne t, to disseminate the knowledge of human rights among the general public. The state encourages central and local news media to open special columns on human rights. It supports the development of the magazine Human Right s, China Human Rights Net and other nongovernmental websites on human right s, making good use of new medi a, including the Interne t, to spread knowledge of human rights.

Carrying out international exchanges and cooperation in human rights education. The state encourages and supports the China Society for Human Rights Studie s, as well as human rights research organizations in institutions of higher learning and social science academies and institute s, to make good use of their teaching and scientific re-search platforms to engage in international exchanges and cooperation through various channel s, and work hard to train senior professionals in human rights field with an international vision.

V . Performing International Human Rights Dutie s, and Conducting Exchanges and Cooperation in the Field of International Human Rights

In the period 2009-201 0, China will continue to fulfill its obligations to the international human rights conventions to which it has accede d, and initiate and actively participate in exchanges and cooperation in the field of international human rights.

( 1 ) Fulfillment of international human rights obligations

China cherishes the important role played by international instruments on human rights in promoting and protecting human rights. So fa r, China has acceded to 25 international conventions on human rights. China will earnestly fulfill its obligations to those convention s, submit timely reports on implementing the conventions to the treaty bodies concerne d, hold constructive dialogues with these treaty bodie s, take into full consideration the proposals raised by the m, and adopt rational and feasible ones in the light of China's actual conditions.

Completed the second report on implementing the "International Covenant on Economi c, Social and Cultural Right s, " and submitted it to the treaty bodies concerned for consideration.

Completed the 7th and 8th combined report on implementing the "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Wome n, " and submitted it to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women for consideration.

Completed the 3rd and 4th combined report on implementing the "Convention on the Rights of the Chil d, " and submitted it to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for consideration.

Completed the first report on implementing the "Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflic t, " and submitted it to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for consideration.

Completed the latest report on implementing the "Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Childre n, Child Prostitution and Child Pornograph y, " included it in the 3rd and 4th combined report on implementing the "Convention on the Rights of the Chil d, " and submitted them together to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for consideration.

Completed the first report on implementing the "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilitie s, " and submitted it to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for consideration.

Participated in the deliberation meeting held by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on China's 10t h, 11t h, 12th and 13th combined report submitted in accordance with the "International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination."

China has signed the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( ICCPR ) , "and willcontinue legislativ e, judicial and administrative reforms to make domestic laws better linked with this Covenan t, and prepare the ground for approval of the ICCPR.

Earnestly executed the "United Nations Anti-Corruption Conventio n, " and worked hard to link the Convention to domestic laws.

( 2 ) Exchanges and cooperation in the field of international human rights

China is committed to hold exchanges and cooperation in the field of international human rights and promoting the healthy development of international human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

China takes an active part in the work of the United Nations Human Rights Council ( HRC ) , and helps that body to solve human rights problems in a fai r, objective and non-alternative way.

China participated in the HRC's first Universal Periodic Review ( UPR ) for Chin a, holding constructive dialogues with various sides and carrying out rational proposals.

China continues its cooperation with the Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Counci l, answers letters from i t, and considers inviting a special rapporteur to visit China while taking into account the principle of balancing various human rights and China's reception abilities.

China continues technical cooperation with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

China continues to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) of the United Nation s, the UN Educationa l, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) , World Health Organization ( WHO ) , International Labor Organization ( ILO ) and other relevant international organizations.

China continues to hold bilateral dialogues and exchanges on human rights with various countries concerned on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

China continues to participate in human rights activities in the framework of the Asian-Pacific Region and Sub-region.

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