United Nations


International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families

Distr.: General

11 April 2022

Original: English

Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All

Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families

Thirty-fourth session

Summary record ( p artial )* of th e 492nd meeting**

Held at the Palais Wilson, Geneva, on Friday, 8 April 2022, at 3 p.m.

Chair:Mr. Corzo Sosa


Organizational matters

Closure of the session

The discussion covered in the summary record began at 5.30 p.m.

Organizational matters

1.The Chair said that, at its thirty-fourth session, the Committee had elected a new Bureau composed of himself as Chair, Ms. Diallo, Ms. Dzumhur and Mr. Taghi-Zada as Vice-Chairs and Mr. García Sáenz as Rapporteur. It had held in-person constructive dialogues with delegations from Burkina Faso and Paraguay and a hybrid constructive dialogue with a delegation from Cabo Verde and had adopted concluding observations on the periodic reports of all three States parties. It had also adopted a list of issues for Uruguay and lists of issues prior to reporting for Kyrgyzstan and Peru, as well as the follow-up report assessment letters concerning Mauritania and Sri Lanka.

2.In addition, the Committee had been briefed by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants regarding potential collaboration and had held discussions with staff of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the status of the 2020 treaty body review. It had also held meetings with representatives of civil society and several United Nations agencies.

3.The Committee had taken a number of important decisions on enhancing its work and visibility and would be designing its 2022–2023 workplan with that goal in mind. For instance, it planned to support the eight-year reporting cycle and would henceforth apply the simplified reporting procedure to all States parties unless they expressly opted out. It had also decided to proceed with a joint publication on statelessness with the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion and to participate in the technical round tables to be held in the context of the International Migration Review Forum.

4.Regarding general comments, the Committee had decided to raise awareness of general comment No. 5 on migrants’ rights to liberty, freedom from arbitrary detention and their connection with other human rights through, inter alia, greater engagement with various partners, the organization of workshops and seminars and the use of social media. An outline for a sixth draft general comment on the convergence between the Convention and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration had been presented, and the Committee was expected to meet in Morocco the following month to move forward on the drafting process. A day of general discussion on the new general comment would be held at the next session. In his capacity as Chair, he had initiated consultations with the Chairs of three other treaty bodies to explore the possibility of joint general comments or thematic studies.

Closure of the session

5.The Chair, following the customary exchange of courtesies, declared the thirty-fourth session of the Committee on Migrant Workers closed.

The meeting rose at 5.45 p.m.