United Nations


International Covenant on Civil and Political R ights

Distr.: General

23 July 2012


Original: English/French

Meeting of States Parties

Thirty-second meeting

New York, 6 September 2012

Item 5 of the provisional agenda

Election, in accordance with articles 28– 34 of the

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of nine members of the Human Rights Committee to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2012

Election of nine members of the Human Rights Committee, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2012 *

Note by the Secretary-General


1.In accordance with articles 30, paragraph 4, and 32 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the thirty-second meeting of States parties to the Covenant will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Thursday, 6 September 2012.

2.The curricula vitae of 11 candidates received by 26 June 2012 are reproduced in document CCPR/SP/81.

3.Attached to the present document are the curricula vitae of the candidates proposed by Burkina Faso and Mozambique after 27 June 2012.

Sinai Jossefa Nhatitima

Date and place of birth: 14 April 1943, Inhambane Province, Mozambique

Working languages: Portuguese, English, French

Current position/function: Retired judge

Main professional activities (1978 to 2010)

1.Delegate of the Attorney General in Inhambane Province

2.Presiding Judge of the Court of Sofala Province

3.Presiding Judge of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Sofala Province

4.Presiding Judge of the 9th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Maputo City

5.Deputy Attorney General of the Republic

6.Attorney General of the Republic

7.Judge Counselor of the Administrative Court and simultaneously chair of the Administrative Litigation Section

8.Member of the Supreme Council for the Judiciary

Educational background

Eduardo Mondlane University, Faculty of Law (LLB)

Attendance of various courses on subjects related to International Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Refugees

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

President of the Mozambique Red Cross between 1987 and 2005

President of the General Assembly of the Ariel Foundation Against Pediatric AIDS

Instituter and Acting Chair of the Foundation for the Promotion of Citizenship

Member of the International Association of Magistrates for Democracy and Freedom

Member of the International Association of Prosecutors

Awarded in 1990 with the title of “Ambassador of Good Will from Arkansas” by the then Governor of Arkansas and later President of the United States of America, Mr. Bill Clinton, in recognition of the professional and humanitarian activities developed

List of most recent publications in the field

Do not have any work published in book form, but authored several papers presented in the framework of the activities realized between 1978 and 2011, dealing with matters of justice, legality, law, including international humanitarian law and made in national and international forums

Augustin Marie-Gervais Loada

Date and place of birth: 28 August 1966, Tenkodogo, Burkina Faso

Current position/function: Tenured professor

Main professional activities

Educational background

1989–1994Doctorate in Political Science, Centre d’étude d’Afrique noire, Sciences Po Bordeaux, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, France

1985–1989Masters in Public Law, Ecole Supérieure de Droit, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

1978–1985Baccalaureate, Lycée II Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire

Academic honours

Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, Burkina Faso (April 2010)

Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, Côte d’Ivoire (November 2011)

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

University career

2004to dateTenured professor (public law and political science)

1997Senior lecturer, holder of agrégation (law faculties)

1995Teaching assistant (public law and political science)

University positions

2004–2012Head of teaching and research unit at the Doctoral School of Legal and Political Sciences and in charge of postgraduate diploma in public law and political sciences

2004–2007Dean, teaching and research unit for legal and political sciences, University of Ouagadougou

Experience on examining boards for doctoral theses and competitive teaching examinations (concours d ’ agrégation)

Supervision of doctoral theses

Robert Yougbaré, “La représentation extérieure des organisations d’intégration oust-africaines dans les négociations commerciales”, Université Ouaga 2, 2012

Pierre-Damien Habumuremyi, “Pouvoir politique et ethnicité au Rwanda: analyse du conflit rwandais et de l’offre politique de l’après 1994 pour la reconstruction d’un Etat nation”, Université Ouaga 2, 2012

Ouédraogo Séni, “La lutte contre la fraude à la constitution”, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, 2011

Supervision of numerous doctoral theses still being written

Member of the examining board for the concours d’agrégation held every two years by the Conseil africain et malgache pour l’enseignement supérieur to recruit senior law lecturers

2011Political sciences section, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

2009Political sciences section, Cotonou, Benin

2007Legal and political sciences section, Libreville, Gabon

List of most recent publications in the field

Numerous publications and reports on questions of governance, elections, constitutional systems, environmental law, administration, decentralization etc.

Constitutional law in Burkina Faso

(with L. Marius Ibriga) Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques (Ouagadougou, PADEG, 2008)

Presidential, legislative and municipal elections in Burkina Faso

1.“Contrôler l’opposition dans un régime semi-autoritaire: le cas de Burkina Faso de Blaise Compaoré”, in Révoltes et oppositions dans un régime semi-autoritaire: le cas de Burkina Faso, Mathieu Hilders and Jacinthe Mazzocchetti, eds. (Paris, Karthala, 2010).

2.“Burkina Faso: petites manoeuvres et grandes résolutions face aux mobilisations”, in Etats des résistances dans le Sud – 2009. Face à la crise alimentaire (annual publication, December 2008).

3.“Burkina Faso: pauvreté, façade démocratique et … plébiscite paradoxal” in Etats des résistances dans le Sud – 2008 (annual publication, December 2007).

4.“L’élection présidentielle du 13 novembre 2005: un plébiscite par défaut?”, Politique africaine, No. 101, March/April 2006.

5.(with Carlos Santiso) “Explaining the unexpected: electoral reform and democratic governance in Burkina Faso”, Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 41, No. 3, 2003.

6.“Le droit de suffrage en Afrique francophone: sens et usages sociaux”, Revue burkinabè de droit, 2006.

7.“Les élections législatives burkinabè du 11 mai 1998: des élections pas comme les autres?”, Politique africaine, No. 69, March 1998.

8.(with R. Otayek) “Burkina Faso: Les élections municipales du 12 février 1995”, Politique africaine, No. 58, July 1995.

9.“La limitation du nombre de mandats présidentiels en Afrique francophone”, Afrilex, No. 3, 2003 (online journal).

10.“Les mutations politiques en Afrique francophone”, ed., Encyclopaedia Universalis, 2001.

Political system in Burkina Faso

1.“Réflexions sur la société civile en Afrique à partir du Burkina de l’après Norbert Zongo”, Politique africaine, December 1999.

2.“Blaise Compaoré ou l’architecte d’un nouvel ordre”, in Le Burkina entre révolution et démocratie, R. Otayek et al., eds. (Paris, Karthala, 1996).

3.“Burkina Faso, les rentes de la légitimation démocratique”, in L ’ Afrique politique (Paris, Karthala, 1995).

Environmental law

1.“Le droit à la participation en matière d’environnement au Burkina Faso”, in Sociétés rurales et environnement: Gestion des ressources et dynamiques locales du Sud, G. Rossi, P. Lavigne-Delville and D. Narbeburu, eds. (Paris, Karthala/Regards/Gret, 1998).

2.“Une réforme agro-foncière scissipare: la genèse du code de l’environnement burkinabè”, in La création du droit en Afrique, D. Darbon and J. du Bois de Gaudusson (Paris, Karthala, 1997).

Administration and decentralization

1.“Où en est l’Administration publique en Afrique”, in L ’ Afrique politique, 2001.

2.“L’État administratif au Burkina Faso: Administration et régimes politiques (1983–1993)”, Doctoral thesis (Political Science, African Studies), Centre d’étude d’Afrique noire – Institut d’études politiques, Bordeaux 1994.

3.“Les politiques des modernisation administrative au Burkina Faso”, Dissertation for postgraduate diploma in political science, Institut d’études politiques, Bordeaux, 1993.

4.“Administration et collectivités locales au Burkina Faso”, Dissertation for postgraduate diploma in African Studies (Law and Public Administration), Centre d’étude d’Afrique noire, Bordeaux, 1990.