United Nations


International Convention on the Elimination of A ll Forms of Racial Discrimination

Distr.: General

26 April 2013


Original: English/French/Spanish

Meeting of States Parties

Twenty-fifth M eeting

New York, 3 June 2013

Item 5 of the provisional agenda

Election of nine members of the Committee

on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

to replace those whose terms of office will

expire on 19 January 2014, in accordance

with article 8, paragraphs 1 to 5, of the


Election of nine members of the Committee to replace those whose terms expire on 19 January 2014

Note by the Secretary-General *

1.In conformity with article 8 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [GA resolution 2106 (XX)], the twenty-fifth Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary‑General at United Nations Headquarters on 3 June 2013 for the purpose of electing nine members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination from a list of candidates nominated by States parties, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 19 January 2014.

I.Members whose terms expire on 19 January 2014

2.The terms of the Committee members listed below expire on 19 January 2014.

Name of member

Country of nationality

Mr. Nourredine Amir


Ms. Anastasia Crickley


Mr. Régis de Gouttes


Mr. Kokou Mawuena Ika Kana Ewomsan


Mr. Anwar Kemal


Mr. Gün Kut


Mr. Jose A. Lindgren Alves


Mr. Waliakoye Saidou


Mr. Patrick Thornberry

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

II.List of candidates nominated by States Parties

3.In accordance with article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 18 December 2012, invited States parties to submit, within two months, their nominations for the election of nine members to the Committee. All CVs received by 4 March 2013 are annexed to this document.

4.Pursuant to article 8, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of the persons nominated for election to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, indicating the States parties that nominated them. Biographical details of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are given in annexes to this document.

Name of candidate

Nominated by

Mr. Noureddine Amir


Mr. Oumarou Bocar


Mr. Marc Bossuyt


Ms. Anastasia Crickley


Mr. Régis de Gouttes


Mr. Sergio Dario di Gioia


Ms. Afiwa-Kindena Hohoueto


Mr. Rovshan Ismayilov


Mr. Anwar Kemal


Mr. Melhem Khalaf


Mr. Gün Kut


Mr. José Augusto Lindgren Alves


Mr. Masli Quilaman


Mr. Lucien Rakotoniaina


Mr. Saidou Waliakoye


Mr. Yeung Sik Yuen Yeung Kam John


III.Members whose terms expire on 19 January 2016

5.The terms of the Committee members listed below expire on 19 January 2016.

Name of member

Country of nationality

Mr. Alexei S. Avtonomov

Russian Federation

Mr. José Francisco Calí Tzay


Ms. Fatimata-Binta Victoire Dah

Burkina Faso

Mr. Ion Diaconu


Mr. Huang Yong’an


Ms. Patricia Nozipho January-Bardill

South Africa

Mr. Dilip Lahiri


Mr. Pastor Elías Murillo Martínez


Mr. Carlos Manuel Vázquez

United States of America


Annex I

Mr. Noureddine Amir (Algeria)

Date and place of birth: 5 December 1940, Tunis

Working languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish

Current position/function

Twelve years of experience in the area of United Nations human rights conventions

Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination since 2002

Vice-Chairperson of the Committee from 2002 to 2004

Representative of the Committee to the inter-committee meeting of the human rights treaty bodies and follow-up coordinator for the Committee’s recommendations since 2008

Currently Vice-Chairperson of the Committee

Educational background

Preparatory courses:

General literature certificate, University of Algiers, 1970;

Certificate in Hispano-American civilization.

Degree in rural and urban sociology, University of Algiers, 1980

Advanced studies diploma (DEA) in political science, international relations, University of Paris I, Sorbonne

Advanced studies diploma (DEA) in political science, defence policy, University of Paris I, Sorbonne

Doctorate in political science, prepared under the guidance of Ms. Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, Kremlinologist and member of the Académie française, University of Paris I, Sorbonne

Diplomatic and university career


Founder member of the Association of Algerian Diplomats

1963–1964: Press and information officer, Algerian Embassy, Washington D.C.

1964–1966: Attaché, Algerian Embassy, Pakistan

1967–1970: Southern Asia officer, Asia-Latin America Department

1971–1975: Press and information officer, Algerian Embassy, Switzerland

1976–1980: Officer for international economic and financial institutions

1980–1981: Algerian affairs officer, European Economic Community (EEC)

1983–1986: Officer-in-charge of the Strategic Affairs and Disarmament Bureau

1986–1990: Consul General of Algeria in Strasbourg and Dean of Consular Corps of Strasbourg from 1989 to1990

Established a policy of cooperation with the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights

1992–1993: Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Officer-in-charge of research and analysis for Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi (former Minister for Foreign Affairs)

1994–1998: Minister-Counsellor, Algerian Embassy in Rabat

1998–2002: Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Professor of political science, University of Algiers: law of diplomacy, diplomatic drafting, systemic analysis of international relations and human rights;

Professor of diplomatic law and diplomatic relations (international treaties), National School of Administration, Algiers;

Training of students from the African continent, National School of Administration, Algiers.

Lectures, seminars, works and publications

“New issues in US foreign policy”, John Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C., USA, 1964;

“Droit international africain” (African international law), Yaoundé, Cameroon, 1984;

“L’Algérie de la période numide à ce jour” (Algeria from the Numidian period to the present);

“Les accords de Schengen” (The Schengen Agreements);

“Les accords de Barcelone: les flux migratoires” (The Barcelona Agreements: migration flows);

Author of inter-parental agreements on children of mixed parentage;

“La dernière décennie des relations internationales – les conflits dans le monde” (International relations over the last decade – conflicts around the world), National School of Administration, Algiers, 2000;

“Le développement régional en Afrique” (Regional development in Africa), Niamey, 2001;

Humanitarian and human rights law:

“La sécurité internationale et toutes les formes des discrimination raciales dans le monde” (International security and all forms of racial discrimination in the world), Symposium on international security, Algiers, 2002;

“La mise en œuvre de la Convention internationale sur toutes les formes de discriminations raciales” (Implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination), National Human Rights Observatory, Algiers, and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, 2004;

“Le droit à l’égalité et à la non-discrimination” (The right to equality and non-discrimination), Cairo, 2005;

“La convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination: les non-ressortissants” (The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: non-nationals), Cairo, 2005, University of Algiers.


[French only]

Informations complémentaires sur les compétences et l'éducation de base du candidat

Nourredine Amir (Algérie)

Conférencier, séminariste, travaux et publications (cont …)

La pratique de la politique du suivi des recommandations du C.E.R.D (Association des Juristes Internationaux, Genève, 2008) ;

Publication parue dans « International law studies Journal », Décembre 2012 : « La discrimination et la haine religieuse et leur impact dans les relations internationales ».



Analyse Sociologique de l’Histoire algérienne;

Analyse économique;

Mathématiques-Statistiques (appliquées) Macroéconomie-Microéconomie;

Observation sociale ; Méthodologie sociologique ; Psychologie sociale;

Sociologie culturelle et politique ; Inventaire critique des sciences sociales;

Economie du socialisme;

Méthode des sciences juridiques;

Lecture d’auteurs sociologiques;

Etude des Chartes de la Révolution Algérienne;

Théorie du système social et de la formation de la personnalité;

Sociologie rurale et urbaine ; Fléaux sociaux et urbains ; Economie rurale;

Méthodologie et Techniques de Recherche;

Géographie humaine – Géographie humaine du Maghreb;

Sociologie du changement social et des fonctionnements des sociétés;

Analyse critique du fonctionnement des théories contemporaines;

Analyse sociologique des Révolutions agraires;

Expert en Politique de Défense: Désignation par les Ministres africains de la Défense de l’OUA et reconnu par la commission de désarmement à l’ONU;

Relations Internationales; Désarmement ; Droit et Questions juridiques ; Economie Internationale;

La Russie et le Tiers Monde;

Les grandes puissances au Proche-Orient;

Sémiotique des relations internationales;

Analyse systémique et relations internationales;

Le problème palestinien et les pays arabes;

Contrôle des armes et désarmement;

Stratégie et relations internationales;

La stratégie des grandes puissances;

Aspects juridique du nouvel ordre économique international;

Aspects juridiques relatifs au transfert de technologie et commerce international;

Le nouveau droit de la mer;

Questions juridiques actuelles de l’intégration économique régionale en Afrique;

Les régimes fluviaux internationaux;

Le droit de decolonisation;


Membre de l’Armée Algérienne de Libération Nationale;

Médaille du corps consulaire de Strasbourg;

Médaille de la ville de Strasbourg;

Médaille du Conseil Général de Strasbourg;

Médaille des Universités Louis Pasteur et Robert Schumann de Strasbourg.

Annex II

Mr. Oumarou Bocar (Mali)

Date and place of birth: 25 May 1954, Kirchamba, Diré district

Education and university degrees

Basic education diploma (DEF), upper secondary level, Diré, 1972

Secondary education certificate, philo-languages, Franco-Arab High School of Timbuktu, 1975

Diploma, National School of Administration, Legal Sciences Section, Bamako, 1979

Diploma, French National School for the Judiciary – International Section, Paris, 1981

Advanced studies diploma (DEA) in criminal law and criminal science, Social Sciences University of Toulouse, 1981

Doctorate in criminal law and criminal sciences, Social Sciences University of Toulouse, 1986

Other training courses and internships

Training seminars on narcotic drugs, Lomé, Bamako, 1987–1988

Training course on breastfeeding, breast-milk substitutes and the international legal framework, Ouagadougou, 1989

Training internship in human rights at the Institute for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, and in Strasbourg, France, 1991

Introductory training course and workshop on the American judicial system (Washington, Kansas City, New Orleans, Reno, Chicago, San Francisco, New York), 1996

Training for trainers, International Development Law Organisation (IDLO), Rome, 2001

Participation in dozens of initial and further training seminars on a variety of subjects

Professional experience

Adviser, Ministry of Justice, 1981. Area of responsibility: Legislation. Participated in the preparation of legislation at the General Secretariat of the Government (SGG)

Full-time professor at the National School of Administration, 1984. Lecturer, tutor and supervisor of final dissertations

Assistant National Director for Criminal Affairs, 1987. Responsible for formulation of criminal legislation, enforcement of penalty provisions, human resources administration

Judge, National Security Court (for three years cumulatively with duties as Assistant National Director for Criminal Affairs), 1987. Sat on trial bench as judge for serious indictable offences against public property in the commercial division of the Court, or officiated at trial

Senior investigating judge, Court of First Instance, Commune III, Bamako, 1989. Responsible for organization of chambers, investigation proceedings

Technical adviser, Office of the Prime Minister, 1991: Prepared research briefings, participated in meetings and other projects

Senior investigating judge, Court of First Instance, Commune III, Bamako, 1992

Head of mission, Ministry of Justice, 1993: Designed and launched justice modernization campaign, established justice modernization unit and designed multi-year justice reform plan

Director-General of the National Judicial Training Institute (INFJ), 1993: Designed, developed, implemented and followed up initial and further training programmes for judicial personnel; managed human resources; and launched institutional, pedagogical, workplace and infrastructure reform initiatives (Zopp Study: INFJ: looking ahead to 2010 – master plan for INFJ reform, master plan for integrated INFJ buildings, etc.)

Developed and organized training seminars in various areas, such as:

The role of the high courts in legal standardization in Africa. The Association des Hautes Juridictions Francophones (Association of French-speaking High Courts) was an outgrowth of this seminar;

Participated in the design of the Espace d’Interpellation Démocratique (Democratic Discussion Forum).

Developed and organized hundreds of training seminars in a variety of areas including:

Land laws;

Justice and the press;

Human rights;


Citizen training;

Judicial proceedings;


Court registries;

Community law, etc.


[French only]

Informations complémentaires sur les autres activités et distinctions honorifiques du candidat

Oumarou Bocar (Mali)

Autres activités

Consultant ayant mené des expertises dans des domaines diversifies. Exemple: Droits de l’Homme, le Droit de l’Enfant, Droit de la Femme, Droit de la Presse, Droits Humains et VIH/SIDA, Formation à la Citoyenneté, Droit Foncier, Développement institutionnel etc.

Conférencier ou intervenant à l’occasion de plusieurs rencontres, travaux, séminaires nationaux, internationaux au Mali et à l’Etranger.

Professeur vacataire à l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration (1982–1983 et 1987–1991): Dispense des cours magistraux en Droit Pénal Général, Procédure Pénale, Droit Pénal Spécial, Droit Pénal des Affaires, dirige des travaux en Droit Civil, encadre des travaux de recherché.

Professeur vacataire au Centre de Développement Communautaire (1982–1986): Dispense des cours magistraux en Droit Civil, dirige des travaux de recherche;

Formateur à l’Ecole d’État-major: Dispense des conférences en Droit International Humanitaire.

Formateur à la Cellule de Perfectionnement en Administration et Gestion (CEPAG): Assure des formations en direction des Gouverneurs de région, des Commandants de Cercle, des Chefs d’Arrondissement, des Douaniers à travers tout le pays.

Chercheur associé pour l’élaboration du budget (gestion axée sur les résultats GAR)

Membre du Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature (deux mandats)

Membre du bureau du Syndicat Autonome de la Magistrature (un mandat)

Membre du Conseil de l’Ordre des Pharmaciens (3 mandats)

Membre fondateur de l’Association Malienne des Droits de l’Homme

Fondateur d’une Association Villageoise de Développement local

Membre du Conseil d’Administration de l’ERSUMA

Distinctions honorifiques

Chevalier de l’Ordre National

Officier de l’Ordre National

Commandeur de l’Ordre National

Ciwara d’Excellence (offert à la Commission de Rédaction du Rapport National – Unicef dont j’étais le Président).

Annex III

Mr. Marc Bossuyt (Belgium)

Date and place of birth: 9 January 1944, Ghent, Belgium

Working languages: Dutch, French, English

Current position/function

President (09/10/2007–08/01/2014) of the Constitutional Court of Belgium

Main professional activities

Judge (since end January 1997), Constitutional Court of Belgium

Professor of public international law, University of Antwerp, 1977–2007

Commissioner-General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, 1987–1997

Educational background

Honorary doctorate in law, University of Hasselt, 2011; Doctorate in political science, University of Geneva, Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales (IUHEI); Doctorate in law, University of Ghent, 1968

Diploma in international law and comparative human rights law, International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, 1972

Certificate of International Relations, Bologna Centre of the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 1969

Other main activities relevant to the mandate of the Committee

Member (2000–2003) and Rapporteur (2001) of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Member (1981–1985; 1992–1999; 2004–2006), Rapporteur (1992; 1997), Vice-Chairperson (1983; 1999; 2005) and Chairperson (2006) of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

Chairman/Rapporteur of the Working Group on the Draft Declaration of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Durban, 2001

Representative of Belgium (1986–1991), Vice-Chairperson (1986) and Chairperson (1989) of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights

List of most recent publications in the field

“Nationalité et minorités en droit international” (Nationality and minorities in international law) in Droit international et nationalité. Colloque de Poitiers de la Sociéte française pour le droit international. Paris, Pedone, 2012, pp. 145–163

“Strasbourg et les demandeurs d’asile: des juges sur un terrain glissant” (Judges on thin ice: The European Court of Human Rights and the treatment of asylum seekers). Brussels, Bruylant, 2010, 189 pp

“The South African Constitutional Court and Socio-economic Rights”. In Liège, Strasbourg , Bruxelles: parcours des droits de l’homme: Liber amicorum Michel M elchior. Limal, Anthemis, 2010, pp. 281–309

“Témoignage d’une présence belge au sein des organes des Nations Unies en matière de droits de l’homme” (First-hand account of Belgian representation on United Nations treaty bodies). In Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, 2008, pp. 329–346

“Le Conseil des droits de l’homme: une réforme douteuse?” (The Human Rights Council: a questionable reform?). In Droit du pouvoir, pouvoir du droit: mélanges offerts à Jean Salmon. Brussels, Bruylant, 2007, pp. 1183–1192

“Le mandat et le statut des experts indépendants” (Mandate and rules governing independent experts). In Decaux, Emmanuel, ed., Les Nations Unies et les Droits de l’Homme. Paris, Pedone, 2006, pp. 209–216

“Non-discrimination as enshrined in article 2, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, United Nations, Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Preliminary report, E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/19

(With Stefan Sottiaux). “Hate Speech” & “Immunities” In Shelton, Dinah, ed., The Encyclopedia of genocide and crimes against humanity, vol. I, pp. 433–436 and vol. II, pp. 485–488. New York, Thomson Gale, 2005

(With Stef Vandeginste). “The issue of reparation for slavery and colonialism and the Durban World Conference against Racism”, Human Rights Law Journal 2001, pp. 341–350

“The concept and practice of affirmative action”, United Nations, Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Final report, E/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/21

“Les lois belges relatives à la répression du racisme” (Belgian laws relating to the suppression of racism). In Decaux, Emmanuel, ed., Le droit face au racisme. Paris, Pedone, Publications de la Fondation Marangopoulos pour les droits de l’homme, Série No. 4, 1999, pp. 118–125

Annex IV

Anastasia Crickley (Ireland)

Date and place of birth: 7 September 1950

Working languages: English, German and Irish, basic proficiency in Spanish and French

Current positions and functions

Elected member of the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Jan 2010, member of the Bureau and Rapporteur for the Committee

Head of the Department of Applied Social Studies, National University of Ireland, Maynooth


Bachelor of Social Science, University of College Dublin, 1971

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Studies and Certificate of Qualification in Social Work, University of Wales, Swansea, 1981

M.A. in Community Studies, University of Bradford, 1982

Activities relevant to the mandate of the Committee

Current member, Bureau member and Rapporteur for the Committee.

Inaugural Chair of the Management and Executive Boards of the European Union (EU) Fundamental Rights Agency (2007–2010)

First woman Chair of the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (2003–2007)

Personal Representative of the Chair-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also focussing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions (2004–2008)

Board Member (2002–2006) and (2010–2014) of the Council of Europe Advisory Committee for the Framework Convention on National Minorities

Founder member of the European Network against Racism and Irish Network Racism

Chairperson National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism (Ireland) 1999–2009

Chairperson Liberia Support Group Ireland 2013

Co-founder and Chairperson of Pavee Point (National Travellers & Roma Centre)

Founder member of Global Migration Policy Associates 2012

Relevant publications, papers, contributions

Co-Chair CERD Consultation on Hate Speech, Palais de Nations, Geneva, August 2012

Keynote Address 5th European Fundamental Rights Platform Meeting, Vienna, April 2012

Contributor Experts Seminar on Religious Freedom, Geneva for Human Rights, Geneva, December 2012

Contributor Gender Equality and Freedom of Religion and Belief Seminar, OHCHR, Geneva, January 2013

Keynote Address Law Society Annual Human Rights Conference, Dublin, October 2011

Contributor Centre for Reproductive Rights Consultation, New York, November 2011

Participant Dublin II Seminar on Strengthening the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies System, November 2011

Contributor to High Level Seminar: Implementation of UN Treaty Body Concluding Observations: The Role of National and Regional Mechanisms in Europe. University of Bristol, UK, September 2011

Contributor to the UN Forum on Minority Issues, 2008, 2009 & 2011

Contributor First Working Group on Freedom of Expression Joint Africa/Europe Initiative, Tunis, December 2011

Effective Minority Participation: Challenges and Opportunities in Ireland and Europe, Address at the Minority Issues Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2009

Connecting Communities of Discourse: How the Judiciary, Academic, Government and International Institutions Further the Work of Religions Freedom, Keynote Address, 16th Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, International Centre for Law and Religious Studies, Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, October 2009

Introductory and closing remarks at the EU Fundamental Rights Agency European Conference on Roma Housing, Brussels, Belgium, October 2009

Indicators on the Rights of the Child in the European Union, Keynote Address, Annual Conference of the EU Ombudsmen for Children, Paris, France, September 2009

Racism in Europe: Old Issues, New Challenges, Presentation to the US Helsinki Commission, Capital Hill, Washington, USA, July 2008

Linking inclusion and Equality, Closing Address to the EU Commission Annual Anti-Discrimination Programme Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, June 2008

Supporting Human Rights in the European Union, Address to the Arab/European Human Rights Dialogue, Rabat, Morocco, May 2008

EU Anti Discrimination Policy and Practice, Address at the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences, Beijing, China, May 2008

Annex V

Mr. Régis de Gouttes (France)

Date and place of birth: 26 October 1940, Palleville (Tarn), France

Working languages: French (mother tongue), Spanish, English

Current position/function

Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, having served as Chairperson from 2006 to 2008; Member and Vice-President of the French National Advisory Commission on Human Rights; Member of the Ethics Committee of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Vice-President of the Human Rights Training Institute of the Paris Bar Association; Honorary First Advocate-General at the Court of Cassation of France.

Main professional activities

Areas of specialization: Judicial functions, Ministry of Justice and French Court of Cassation; International functions, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (specialization in public and private international law and human rights).

National experience: First Advocate-General at the Court of Cassation of France (2001–2010); Head of the French central authority for intercountry adoption (1999–2001); Advocate-General at the Court of Cassation (1993–2000) and at the Paris Appeal Court (1989–1993); Assistant Director of Legal Affairs (1985–1990) and Legal Adviser (1977–1981) at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Deputy Director of Criminal Justice at the French Ministry of Justice (1984–1985); Assistant Director of the Private Office of the French Minister of Justice (Robert Badinter, 1983); Judge since 1970.

Educational background

Law degree

Diploma of higher studies (DES) in private law, criminal science and comparative international law, International Faculty of Comparative Law, Strasbourg

Diploma, Institute of Political Studies, Toulouse

Diploma, French National School for the Judiciary

Diploma in Spanish, Chamber of Commerce of Toulouse

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Apart from his activities as Chairperson of the Committee from 2006 to 2008 and as a current member of the Committee, in which he serves as Rapporteur for the individual complaints procedure through participation in inter-committee meetings, Mr. de Gouttes is a deputy member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and an ad hoc judge at the European Court of Human Rights. He lectures on the role of the Committee at the French National School for the Judiciary, the National School of Administration and several universities. In addition, he has been a member and Chairperson of the Steering Committee for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (1995–1996), a member of the European Committee on Crime Problems of the Council of Europe and Assistant Director of Legal Affairs at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

List of most recent publications in the field

Contributor to the OHCHR film on the human rights treaty bodies and to Human Rights Treaties Division Newsletter No. 13 on the individual complaints procedure before these treaty bodies

Contributor to the International workshop on enhancing cooperation between United Nations and regional human rights mechanisms (Geneva, 12–14 December 2012)

Publication of his annual lectures on the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination given at the French National School of Administration, the French National School for the Judiciary, and several universities. See Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme (Quarterly review of human rights) and Revue générale du droit international public (General review of public international law)

Annex VI

Mr. Sergio Dario di Gioia (Argentina)

Date and place of birth: 31 December 1957, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Working languages: Spanish, English, French and Italian

Current position/function

Head and parliamentary secretary, Office of the Second Vice-President of the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires


Social Psychologist and Executive Director of the Fundación Angela María Aieta de Gullo para la proteccion y defensa de los derechos económicos sociales y culturales (FAMAG) (Angela María Aieta de Gullo Foundation for the Protection and Defence of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)

Main professional activities

Lawyer – has practised public law since 6 July 1979

Undergraduate and graduate professor of public law (theory of the State, parliamentary law, constitutional law and combating impunity), Faculty of Law, National University of Buenos Aires

Doctorate, National University of Buenos Aires

Full professor of constitutional law and theory of the State, University of Palermo

Executive Director, FAMAG (see above)

Academic qualifications

Attorney at law/Auxiliary attorney

Social psychologist

Permanent assistant professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Buenos Aires

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the Committee

Former member, Board of Directors, National Institute to Combat Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), attached to the federal Government of Argentina (2000–2004)

Former Executive Director, Amnesty International, Argentine Section (2002–2003)

Former member, Executive Board, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (since 1984)

List of most recent publications in the field

Aportes para una Teoría del Estado. Estado de Derecho, Derechos Humanos y Lucha contra la Impunidad en un Mundo Globalizado. Legitimidad y Responsabilidad Internacional del Estado (Contributions to a Theory of the State. Rule of Law, Human Rights and the Battle against Impunity in a Globalized World. Legitimacy and International Responsibility of the State). Instituto Torcuato Di Tella: 2008

“Derechos humanos y discriminación” (Human rights and discrimination), Cada 17 newspaper, 2011

“Criminalidad y discriminación” (Criminality and discrimination), Cada 17 newspaper, 2011

Annex VII

Ms. Afiwa-Kindena Hohoueto (Togo)

Date and place of birth: 23 November 1956, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Working languages: Read, write and speak French perfectly; read and write English and speak it moderately well

Current position/function

Magistrate hors hiérarchie (senior judge)

University education

2004 – Advanced university degree in fundamental rights, University of Nantes, France

2003 – Regional diploma in legal education, Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA)

2000 – Specialization in action research, training course given by the International Centre for Training in Action Research (CIFRA) – German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

1984 – Diploma in Justice, French National School for the Judiciary (ENM), Paris, France

1983 – Diploma, National School of Administration – Cycle III (ENA), Lomé, Togo

1980 – Masters degree in legal science

Professional experience

Coordinator, National Commission of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) (since September 2012);

Chairperson, Board of Directors, Judicial Professions Training Centre, Togo (since 2010);

Coordinator, National Programme for the Modernization of the Justice System, Togo (2006–2012);

Chief, Research and Judicial Modernization Unit (2008–2012);

Inspector-General, Judicial Services, Ministry of Justice, Togo (2003–2007);

Assistant Inspector-General, Judicial Services, Ministry of Justice, Togo (2001–2003);

Judge, Supreme Court of Togo (1997–2001);

Assistant public prosecutor, Court of Appeal of Lomé (1996–1997);

Judge, Court of Appeal of Lomé (1993–1996);

Senior examining judge (1990–1993);

President, First Criminal Division, First-Class Court of First Instance, Lomé (1987–1990);

Admission, Togolese judiciary, 1985.

Professional expertise

Focal point, Ministry of Justice

Represented the Ministry of Justice in formulating and drafting the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP 2);

Represented the Ministry of Justice in formulating and drafting the Accelerated Growth Strategy for Employment Promotion (SCAPE);

Represented the Ministry of Justice in formulating and drafting all instruments relating to subregional economic integration, Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)/West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU);

President of the task force acting as temporary executive board of the Judicial Professions Training Centre (CFPJ).

Legal consultant

Member, National Commission on Eligibility for Refugee Status (UNHCR);

Consultant on strategies for peace and conflict resolution in Africa – member from Togo at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS);

Member of the national team of trainers in gender and development – trainer and consultant in gender and development for the following bodies:

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA);

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF);

Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ATBEF);

Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS);

Family Health Division, Ministry of Health;

Planning and Population Directorate, Ministry of Planning;

Ministry for Social Affairs, the Advancement of Women and the Protection of Children.

Legal expertise, Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA)

Member, Board of Directors, OHADA Regional Higher School for the Judiciary (since 2011);

Member, OHADA Member States Committee of Experts;

Former Chairperson, OHADA Committee of Experts of Member States for the revision of the Uniform Act Relating to General Commercial Law and the Uniform Act Organizing Securities (2010);

Coordinator, OHADA National Commission (from 2003 to 2005 and since 2012);

OHADA regional and national legal trainer.


[French only]

Informations complémentaires sur les autres activités, publications, études et mémoires et distinctions honorifiques du candidat

Afiwa-Kindena Hohoueto (Togo)

Expertises professionnelles (cont …)


Enseignante de droit dans le cadre du programme de formation initiale et de renforcement des capacités des officiers de la Police Judiciaire (Police et Gendarmerie) – Togo (1986–1990);

Enseignante de droit pénal et procédure pénale à l’École Nationale d’Administration (ENA), cycles II et III – Togo.

Organisatrice et animatrice d’ateliers de formation juridique

Coordonnatrice d’ateliers de renforcement des capacités des personnels judiciaires (magistrats, greffiers, avocats, huissiers de justice, notaires, commissaires priseurs, OPJ).

Compétences techniques spécifiques

Juriste de grande expérience (28 ans de service aussi bien dans des fonctions juridictionnelles qu’administratives et de contrôle); technicité assurée; créativité;

Membre actif des OSC de droits humains: connaissance du terrain, formatrice juridique communautaire;

Évaluatrice de projets de développement.

Aptitudes à la gestion administrative et budgétaire

Expériences acquises dans la gestion des projets; apprentissage rapide des procédures des différents bailleurs;

Respect des normes et de la hiérarchie, capacité de mobilisation des compétences et des fonds.

Aptitudes à l’encadrement (information, délégation, responsabilisation)

Expérience de supervision: chef de service depuis toujours sur le plan professionnel; rompue au travail en équipe, en partenariat et en réseau;

Diligente, contact facile, courtoise et respectueuse; bonnes relations avec les collègues; capacité d’écoute, d’analyse et de synthèse.

Engagements communautaires

Promotion féminine

Membre fondatrice et activiste de l’ONG GF2D (Groupe de réflexion et d’action Femme – Démocratie – Développement);

Chargée de programme juridique au GF2D (1994–1997);

Formatrice en éducation juridique communautaire et encadrement juridique des CVD (comités villageois de développement);

Formatrice de parajuristes et animateurs d’éducation civique;

Secrétaire générale adjointe du GF2D (1999–2003);

Membre et activiste du WILDAF-TOGO/FEDDAF (Réseau régional Femmes Droits et Développement en Afrique);

Membre de la Fédération Internationale des Femmes de Carrières Juridiques (FIFCJ);

Membre de la Fédération Africaine des Femmes juristes.

Lions Club International

Membre fondateur et Past – Présidente du Lions-club Lomé-Soleil;

Past – Présidente de la Zone 171 – Afrique;

Formatrice de District 403 A de l’Association Internationale des Lions Clubs.

Publications, études et mémoires

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna, Élaboration et rédaction de l’Avant-projet de Loi révisant la Loi sur les Réfugiés au Togo (2012);

Coordonnatrice des groupes de révision du code pénal et du code de procédure pénale (2010–2012);

SARR Fatou/Hohoueto Afiwa Kindéna, Analyse diagnostic et Stratégie nationale d’intégration du Genre dans les politiques et programmes au Togo – Togo/PNUD (2005–2006);

HOHOUETO Afiwa Kindéna, La remise en cause de la neutralité du droit dans le traitement des femmes au Togo: accessibilité des femmes aux services juridiques et judiciaires, Mémoire DESS Droits Fondamentaux, Université de Nantes – France (Mai 2004);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna: Module Genre – Citoyenneté – Développement, Direction Générale de la Promotion Féminine/UNFPA (2003);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna: Étude sur le cadre juridique, droit coutumier et exposition des femmes au VIH – SIDA, ATBF/UNIFEM (Juin 2003);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna: Étude sur les disparités entre la législation nationale et la CEDEF – Ministère des Affaires Sociales/UNICEF (Juin 2002);

Rapport initial du Togo sur la CEDEF (Avril 2002);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna/Kuwonu Kafui: Élaboration et rédaction de l’avant-projet de la loi sur la santé de la reproduction, Étude commandée par la Direction de la Planification et de la Population (2002);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna: Élaboration et rédaction du manuel “Pour une société sans violences au Togo” à l’intention des OPJ, Magistrats et Avocats – WiLDAF/FEDDAF (Juin 2002);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna: Étude comparative sur les disparités entre la législation nationale et la CEDEF – Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Protection de l’Enfance/UNICEF (Juin 2002);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna/AREMU Lassissi, Étude sur l’amélioration des moyens de prise en charge financière des soins de santé reçus par les femmes portefaix du grand marché de Lomé – Mémoire de la Recherche-Action GTZ, Lomé (2000);

Hohoueto Afiwa-Kindéna, Le divorce au Togo – Livret d’informations GF2D/CRIFF (2000).

Distinctions et prix

Nominée de la première édition de reconnaissance “Femme Leader de l’année”, Lomé (2009).

Annex VIII

Rovshan Ismayilov (Azerbaijan)

Date and place of birth: 8 May 1971, Azerbaijan

Working languages: Azerbaijani (mother tongue), English, Russian, Turkish and Ukrainian (basic)

Current position/function

Judge, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, Baku State University

Main professional activities

June 2010 to present – Judge, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan

September 2000 to June 2010 – Human Rights Section Coordinator, Legal Clinic, Baku State University

September 1994 to present – Baku State University, Department of Constitutional Law, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor (Constitutional Law, Constitution Adjudication, Human Rights Law)

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

October 2003 to December 2003 – Member, Working Group for drafting Law on Gender Equality, Milli Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

1996–2001 – Board Member, European Human Rights Center/Baku

1995 – Member, Working Group for drafting a new Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Educational background

1994 – Baku State University, Diploma in Laws with Honours of the First Class (equivalent to LLM)

2000 – Candidate of Legal Sciences (equivalent to PhD), defended at Odessa National Academy, Ukraine

February–June 2002 – visiting scholar at Indiana University, USA, Fellow of Baku State – Indiana University Linkage Program

January–August 2005 – visiting scholar at Indiana University, USA, Fellow of Fulbright Program

Annex IX

Anwar Kemal (Pakistan)

Date and place of birth: 16 January 1943, Bhopal, India

Working languages: English

Current position/function

In 2007 Mr. Kemal was accepted by CERD to fill the unexpired term of the late Mr. Agha Shahi. In 2010 he was elected by the States Parties for a full term. 2010–2011 served as Chairperson of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. 2008–2009 served as Vice Chairman and Member, Early Warning Working Group of the Committee. Mr. Kemal served as Rapporteur for the Republic of Korea, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Canada.

Main professional activities

During Mr. Kemal’s Chairmanship (2010–11), CERD considered a record 44 State party reports, which helped to clear the backlog of pending reports. The General Assembly welcomed “the efforts made by the Committee to erase the backlog of reports pending consideration,” (Para 15 of UNGA resolution on ICERD at its 67th Session in 2012). With the support of the Committee and the Secretariat, Mr. Kemal improved the quality of interaction with States parties, resulting in focused, constructive, mutually respectful dialogue under improved time management. The General Assembly expressed “its appreciation for the efforts made so far by the Committee to improve the efficiency of its working methods, including with a view to further harmonizing the working methods of the treaty bodies,” and encouraged “the Committee to continue its activities in this regard”. (Para 11 of UNGA resolution on ICERD at its 67th Session in 2012).

Educational background

M.A. in Political Science, University of Pennsylvania (1964). (John Boyer scholarship award). Cultural exchange student at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (1961–63). Subjects of Study: Constitutional Development in Thailand; Role of the Military in Thai Politics. B.A. at Government College, Lahore (1960). Woodrow Wilson Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre, Washington DC (1995).

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Mr. Kemal participated in the Dublin process aimed at strengthening the Human Rights Treaty Body system; attended expert-level meetings in Poznan, Seoul, Dublin as well as consultations with States parties at Sion. Addressed High-Level meeting on 10th Anniversary of the DDPA at UN headquarters, 22 Sept 2011, also Chairpersons meetings in Brussels and Geneva. Addressed UNAR conference in Rome (March 2011) and launch of UNESCO-USA-Brazil project on Teaching Respect for All (January 2012). During Mr. Kemal’s tenure, CERD enhanced interaction with members of civil society (NGOs) by meeting them weekly with simultaneous interpretation, apart for the traditional informal lunch-hour meetings.

1978–82, as ACABQ member and Vice Chair/Acting Chair of the Negotiating Committee on the Financial Emergency of the UN, Mr. Kemal acquired valuable experience in Budgetary & Financial matters, relevant to one of the current challenges facing the Treaty Body System.

List of most recent publications in the field

Committed to Pursuing an Unfinished Project: Creating space for cultural diversity and flourishing cultures. (Spring 2009 Issue of SaengSaeng, a journal published in Seoul in association with UNESCO).

Annex X

Melhem Khalaf (Lebanon)

Date and place of birth: 20 January 1962, Beirut, Lebanon

Working languages: Fluent in Arabic and French, moderate knowledge of English

Current position/function

Lawyer, University Professor, Civil Society Activist

Professional experience

January 2005–Present: Founding Partner, Khalaf Law Firm, Beirut, Lebanon

Khalaf Law Firm is a highly visible law firm with a strong emphasis on the following areas of practice:

Corporate Law, Civil Law, Real Estate Law, Intellectual Property Laws, Labour Law;

Internet and Technology Law;

Criminal Law (Children Rights, Prisoners’ Rights);

Offshore Incorporation services.

1991–December 2004: Senior Associate, Fayez Hajj Chahine Law Firm, Beirut, Lebanon

Professor Fayez Hajj Chahine Law Firm is a prominent Law Firm in Lebanon where the two major partners have respectively assumed the prestigious position of Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut. String involvement in Litigation Department.

1989 – Internship at “Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)”, Paris, France

The National Center for Scientific Research CNRS is a public research institute funded by the French Government and entrusted with a variety of research matters encompassing a wide array of scientific, human, social and legal aspects.

Academic experience

2005–Present: Lecturer in Arab Countries Laws, Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Law & Political Science, Beirut, Lebanon

2001–2009: Lecturer in Information Technology Contracts Master Course, Saint-Joseph University, Institute of Business Administration, Beirut, Lebanon

2006–2007: Lecturer in Human Law and Humanitarian Law courses (Joint program between the two Faculties above), Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Religious Sciences & Faculty of Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Beirut, Lebanon

1995–2004: Founder of a University Diploma in Law and Information Technology jointly delivered with the University of Montpellier in France, Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Law & Political Science, Beirut, Lebanon

1990–1996: Lecturer in Civil Law, Special Contracts, Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Law & Political Science, Beirut, Lebanon

December 2011 – Member of the jury for granting PhD in Law Degree, Thesis on the various types of Electronic Contracts, University of Poitiers, Faculty of Law, Poitiers, France

April 2010 – Member of the jury for granting PhD in Law Degree, Thesis on the Influence of the International Community Evolution on Democratization processes, Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Beirut, Lebanon

July 2008 – Member of the jury for granting PhD in Law Degree, Thesis: on “Juvenile Justice in the French and Lebanese legal systems”, University of Paris I — Pantheon — Sorbonne, Paris, France

January 2003 – Member of the jury for granting PhD in Law Degree, Thesis: on the Legal Regime of commercial trademarks, University of Lille II, Lille, France

1997–2002 – Member of a Research Team headed by Professor Michel BIBENT on “Law and Information Technology”, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France

June 1994 – Member of the jury for granting PhD in Law Degree, Thesis on Knowledge Representation and Electronic Encyclopaedia: An electronic model to access Muslim Laws of Marriage, University of Montpellier I, Montpellier, France


1990: University of Montpellier I, PHD in Law obtained with Honours. A Computer Automation approach to the Islamic Inheritance Law

1986: University of Montpellier I, MA/MS in Information Technology Law

1985: Saint Joseph University, Faculty of Law& Political Science, MA in Law

1980: Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour, Baccalaureate Degree

Various peace initiatives

Organizing a common prayer by Representatives of all Religious Communities in Lebanon (Public event aired live on all national TV stations every year since 2005;

Organizing a March for Peace in the middle of an acute political crisis in Lebanon;

Launching of a volunteers driven movement known as “Our Unity is our salvation” which gathers hundreds of volunteers intervening on the ground at various milestones of the Lebanese war and political crisis;

Reconstruction of several neighbourhoods pursuant to car bomb attacks or natural disasters.

Prizes & awards

2001: Civism and Solidarity prize awarded by the French committee of NGOs for information and liaison with the United Nations;

2005: Chosen by “Magazine”, a Lebanese weekly magazine, among the top 100 influential persons in Lebanon;

2008: “UNSUNG HERO AWARD”2008 granted by the Institute for education of Peace and Justice at the Lebanese American University (LAU);

2010: Prize granted by the Alumni of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management at Saint-Joseph University;

2012: Prize granted by “ADYAN” association.



Additional information on publications, conferences, associations and memberships of candidate

Melhem Khalaf (Lebanon)

Publications and conferences

1990: PhD Thesis, University of Montpellier I, “A Computer Automation approach to the Islamic Inheritance Law”

Co-Organizer and Invited Speaker at various national and international conferences and conventions dealing with various subject matters such as Children Rights, Information Technology Laws, Civic Education for the Youth, etc.

A Partial List of such events includes:

2013 – Round Table on Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Moderator and Speaker. The league of Kamal Jumblatt Friends. Beirut, Lebanon

2013 – The legal status of missing persons in Lebanon. Study of the decree project submitted by the Ministry of Justice. “University for All”, Saint-Joseph University

2012 – Conference on “Fighting violence through respect” organized by the Parents Committee at Notre-Dame de Jamhour, Lebanon

2011 – Seminar on “University, Religion, Police: Can we still hope to regain the lost opportunities for peace on Earth? And how?” at Notre Dame University, Lebanese Center for Societal Research, Louaize, Lebanon

2011 – Conference on “Youth and the Concept of Peace” organized by the Catholic Information Center, Lebanon

2011 – Speaker and Member of the Scientific Committee for the 9th International French Seminar on the Promotion of Security and prevention of Trauma” “Youth and Passion of Risk: At what price?” Saint-Joseph University

2011 – Youth and Civil Society – Assembly of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Lebanon. Bkerke, Lebanon

2010 – Seminar on “Has it not become a matter of urgency to question Universities about the fate of Education and the Future of our Societies?” organized by the Lebanese Center for Societal Research at Notre-Dame University. The Second Reflexive Seminar

2010 – Seminar on Decentralization and the danger of a return to local feudalism. Notre Dame University, Lebanon

2009 – Conference on “Youth and the notion of justice and peace” within the framework of a seminar on Arab Women. Beirut, Lebanon

2009 – Conference on “Youth and the notion of justice and peace” within the framework of a seminar on Arab Women. Beirut, Lebanon

2008 – Living together, Input of Civil Society Associations, Managing religious diversity. Lebanon, Quebec, Canada. Saint-Joseph University

2007 – Round Table on Electronic Commerce, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Saint-Joseph University

2007 – Conference on Volunteering and the Spiritual dimension of Service rendering. University of Balamand, Lebanon

2007 – Seminar on Leadership in Civil Society Institutions. Notre Dame University, Lebanon

2004 – Arab League Conference, on contractual and legal aspects of Electronic Signature in the Arab World. Cairo, Egypt

2002 – Round Table on Law No. 422 dated June 6, 2002 on the fight against juvenile delinquency or protection of minors in legal conflicts. Beirut, Lebanon

2002 – Image of “the other” in the educational system. Holy-Spirit University

Associations & memberships (non-exhaustive list)

Former Member of the Commission for the Modernization of Laws in Lebanon at the Ministry of Justice;

Former Member of various law commissions at the Lebanese Parliament such as:

Commission for assessing the Lebanese legal arsenal related to children rights;

Assessing a draft of a new national law on Information and Communication Technologies;

Assessing a new national project for Prisons in Lebanon;

Former member of the Lebanese National Comity of “International Academy of Comparative Law” in The Hague;

Founder of “Offre Joie” Association in Lebanon, France, Iraq and other European Countries (See attached Document on OffreJoie – FARAH AL ATAA Activities);

Founding member of the Islamo-Christian initiative “Around Our Mother Mary”, an initiative that was recognized and adopted by the Lebanese government which declared March 25th of every year a National Holiday for Muslims and Christians in Lebanon;

Former National Coordinator for “Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes (MEJ)” an International Christian Youth Association;

Former volunteer at the Lebanese Red Cross;

Member of “Safe Citizen” Association.

Annex XI

Gün Kut (Turkey)

Date and place of birth: 4 March 1957, Istanbul

Working languages: English, French, Turkish (mother tongue)

Current position/function

2011–present: Chairperson, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Bogazici University, Istanbul

2010–present: Member of CERD

1996–present: Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Bogazici University, Istanbul

1996–present: Member in respect of Turkey, the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) of the Council of Europe

Main professional activities

Teaching courses on International Relations

Directing research and theses, and related academic activities at the University

ECRI activities

CERD activities

Educational background

Lycée de Galatasaray, 1976 (baccalaureate)

Bogazici University, 1981 (BA, Political Science)

State University of New York at Binghamton, 1985 (MA, Political Science)

State University of New York at Binghamton, 1986 (Ph.D., Political Science)

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Rapporteur for several country-by-country reports as part of the monitoring activities of ECRI.

Member of a number of permanent or ad hoc working groups dealing with ECRI’s relations with the civil society in Europe, and preparing draft General Policy recommendations on specific issues of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and related intolerance in member states of the Council of Europe.

Preparation of and/or contribution to various public events (conferences, symposia, round table meetings, media events on the fight against racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and related intolerance in Turkey and other member states of the Council of Europe.

Served as the Representative of the Council of Europe in the Executive Board of the European Union Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) prior to its restructuring as FRA in February 2007.

List of most recent publications in the field

Contribution to the drafting and finalization of a number of reports, recommendations, declarations published by ECRI (cf. ECRI web site www.coe.int/ecrit for a list).

Annex XII

José Augusto Lindgren Alves (Brazil)

Date and place of birth: June 22, 1946. Niterói, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Working languages: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish

Current position/function

Brazilian Ambassador in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Member of CERD, elected for the first time in 2002

Main professional activities

Career diplomat, since 1970

Former Counsellor at the Brazilian Mission to the United Nations, in New York (1985–8)

Delegate to the former United Nations Commission on Human Rights (1986–1996)

Former Ambassador in Sofia (2002–6) and in Budapest (2006–8)

Delegate to the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993. Coordinator of the “task force” that helped to negotiate the Vienna Program of Action in the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993

Delegate to the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 1994

Head of the Department for Human Rights and Social Issues, Ministry of External Relations of Brazil, 1995–96

Delegate to the IV World Conference on Women: Equality, Development and Peace, Beijing, 1995

Delegate to the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements – Habitat II, Istanbul, 1996

Delegate to the World Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Durban, 2001

National Coordinator for the Alliance of Civilizations, Brasilia, 2008–10

Educational background

Graduate of the Law School of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 1969

Graduate of the Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations of Brazil (Instituto Rio-Branco), 1969

Higher Studies Course (doctorate), Instituto Rio-Branco, with the dissertation “The United Nations and Human Rights: the Operation of a System in Crisis”, 1989

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Member of the former United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Geneva, 1994–97

Member of the Council on the Rights of the Human Person, Brasilia, 1991–6

Lecturer on the United Nations and the international human rights system at the Universities of Thessaloniki, Stanford, Berkeley, Barcelona, Brasilia, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro

List of most recent publications in the field

International Relations and Social Issues: The Decade of Conferences, Brasilia, IBRI/FUNAG, 2001

“The Durban Conference Against Racism and Everyone’s Responsibilities”, in the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights Vol. 21, No. 3, September 2003.

Human Rights in Post-Modernity, São Paulo, Ed. Perspectiva, 2005

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in action (2002–05) – Rio, CEBRI, Dossiê Vol. 2, 2005

“Race and Religion in the United Nations C.E.R.D.”, University of San Francisco Law Review, V. 42, N. 4, Spring 2008

Annex XIII

Masli Quilaman (Philippines)

Date and place of birth: 6 January, 1967; Sagada, Mt. Province, Philippines


Elementary: Nuro Central Elementary School, Upi, Maguindanao (Graduated Valedictorian, Grade VI), St. Francis High School, Upi, Maguindanao (Graduated 1st Honour, Grade VII)

Secondary: St. Francis High School, Upi, Maguindanao (Graduated 1st Honourable Mention)

College: Mindanao State University – Main Campus, Marawi City, Bachelor of Arts, Major in English (Graduated Magna Cum Laude, Full Scholarship Grantee)

Post Graduate: Cotabato City State Polytechnic College, Cotabato City, Complete Academic Requirements in Master in Public Administration (MPA), Civil Service Commission Scholarship Grantee

Foreign Scholarship/Fellowship Grant: Chevening Fellowship of the British Government for implementing Human Rights Conventions Course, Nottingham University (Personally requested to be deferred)

Work experiences

By appointment

College Instructor, Cotabato City

Development Management Officer II; Research Specialist II; Supv. Tour. Oprns. Ofcr.; Sr. Tour Oprns. Ofcr.; Department of Tourism – ARMM

Presidential Staff Officer V, Office of the Presidential Adviser on Special Concerns-Indigenous Peoples Special Concerns, Malacañang, Manila

Director IV, Office of Empowerment & Human Rights, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples

Executive Director IV, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples

By designation

Executive Secretary-Regl Office; Head-Special Concern Unit-Regl Office; Head, Zamboanga Satellite Office & Head, Lanao del Sur Tourism Operations, DOT-ARMM

Executive Assistant, Indigenous Peoples Special Concerns Office (IPSCO)-Office of the Presidential Adviser on Special Concerns (OPASC), Malacanang

Current position

Director IV, Office on Policy Planning & Research, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples

Work/advocacy exposures abroad

“Familiarization-Assessment Tour (FAST)” of Sabah, Malaysia Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines (BIMP)-East Asian Growth Area (EAGA) Exploratory Initiatives, November 8–16, 1993, Sabah, Malaysia

“Eco-Tourism Exchange Program Initiatives” between Sandakan & Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, May 4–10, 1998, Sabah, Malaysia

“Regional Consultation on Lessons Learned Under the Human Rights Based Approach to Development” Sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) & the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR ), September 20–21, 2005, Bangkok, Thailand

Exchange Program: Presented a paper on behalf of the NCIP Chairperson, Re: “NCIP of Philippines: Impact to Indigenous Peoples”, August 9–13, 2006, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Roundtable Forum on the “Involvement of Indigenous Peoples from Canada in Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building Efforts Abroad” Sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs-International Trade of Canada, March 14–17, 2007 Ottawa, Canada

Attendance to the “6th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues” Co-delegate of the Philippine Mission to the United Nations, May 14–25, 2007 United Nations Headquarter, New York, USA

Participated as Member of the Philippine Team during the Philippine Government’s presentation before the UN Human Rights Council for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Granted Commendation for “valuable participation” by the Executive Secretary and Chairman of the Presidential Human Rights Committee, Office of the President, April 10 to 16, 2008, United Nations Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Attended and served as Resource Person on the Conference, “The Role of National Institutions on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, October 17 to 24, 2008, New Delhi, India

Participated as Member of the Philippine Delegation during the Consideration of the 2nd to 4th Consolidated Philippine Implementation Report on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESR) by the United Nations Committee on the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights during its 41st Session, November 8 to 16, 2008, Palais Wilson United Nations, Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Participated as Member of the Philippine Delegation during the Consideration of the 2nd to 5th Consolidated Philippine Implementation Report on the Convention Against Torture (CAT) by the United Nations Committee on the Convention Against Torture during its 42nd Session, April 25 to May 1, 2009 Palais Wilson, United Nations Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. Granted with “profound gratitude” and commendation for “valuable participation” by the Executive Secretary and Chairman of the Presidential Human Rights Committee, Office of the President

Participated as Member of the Philippine Delegation and Served as NCIP Technical Working Group (TWG) Focal Person during the Consideration of the 15th to 20th Philippine Periodic Reports on the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) by the UN Committee on ICERD, August 18 to 19, 2009, Palais Wilson, United Nations Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland



Additional information on work/advocacy exposures abroad, awards, eligibility and training/seminars of candidate

Masli Quilaman (Philippines)

Work/advocacy exposures abroad (cont …)

Participated in the Workshop: “Indigenous Peoples and Peace building: A compilation of Best Practices” by the United Nations System Staff College (UNSCC), November 9 to 13, 2009, Barcelona, Spain

Participated during the 2nd Interactive Regional Dialogue on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the UN Mechanisms on the Promotion and Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights sponsored by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights-Regional Office for South-East Asia and UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok, December 14 to 15, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand

Awards Received

Consistent Boy Scouts of the Year awardee, 1979–1985 and the 1st Rizalian Scout Awardee (highest rank in the BSP), Province of Maguindanao, consistent YMCA Leadership Awardee and Gerry Roxas Leadership Awardee


Second Level: Presidential Decree 907 Grantee (Special granted to honour graduates of Civil Service Commission recognized prestigious colleges/universities in the Philippines)

Third Level: Career Service Executive Eligibility (CSEE) Career Executive Officer (CEO) VI, Passed the Assessment Center for CESO ranking


Attended various key resource information-sharing, capability building exercises and trainings, and administrative-development management planning Activities at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level career positions


157 Civil Society Organizations Nationwide (NGOs, IPOs, Church Organizations, & the Academe);

63 Indigenous Peoples Provincial Consultative Bodies; 3 City Consultative Bodies; and, 1 National Consultative Body with membership composed of Traditional Leaders, Elderly, Women, & Youth emanating from Ancestral Domains, Resettled Communities, Tribal Councils & Indigenous Peoples Organization.

Annex XIV

Lucien Rakotoniaina (Madagascar)

Date and place of birth: 29 September 1949 in Antananarivo

Working languages: Malagasy: mother tongue, French: read, written and spoken (excellent), English: read, written and spoken (average)

Current position/function

1st grade Magistrate, Director of Human Rights and International Relations at the Ministry of Justice

Professional experience

1980 – Valedictorian at the entrance examination in the magistracy;

1980 – Judge TPI Fort Dauphin;

1981–1985: Prosecutor Judge TPI Antananarivo;

1986–1996: First Prosecutor Judge TPI Antananarivo;

1997–2002: President of the Criminal Courts at the Appeal Court of Antananarivo;


Director of Studies at the Ministry of Justice;

National Director of the project in partnership with UNDP;

Since 2003: Chairman of the Inter-ministerial Committee for drafting reports of Human Rights;

Since 2008: Director of Human Rights and International Relations.

Work and realisations

Initiator, founder and head of the operationalization of the Houses Protection of Rights in favour of the poor victims of violations of Human Rights community;

Initiator of the establishment of inter-ministerial committee drafting the initial and periodic reports related to human rights;

Preparation and presentation of reports to treaty bodies Madagascar (CERD – CEDAW – ICCPR – ICESCR);

Drafting of the national report under the Universal Periodic Review and (UPE);

Member of the Delegation of Madagascar during the Universal Periodic Review;

Member of the Troika at the Universal Periodic Review and the reports of (Morocco – Benin – Burkina Faso – Bahrain – Egypt);

Design and production support tools for the courts: Guide to the implementation of human rights for enforcement of the law (magistrates, lawyers, judicial officers of Police, Prison) – Criminal annotated bilingual guide Volume I, II and III (in progress) – Criminal Procedure bilingual guide;

Creation of audio-visual on the protection of human rights (violence against women and girls, corruption and human rights, child prostitution and others) in collaboration with the Embassy of France, Great UK, UNDP, and EMG BIANCO;

Creation of teaching material on the judicial application of international standards ratified by Madagascar;

Coordinator of the project “Support to the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Madagascar” in partnership with UNDP;

Implement Programs to Support the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;

Practical training support to the courts for the application of international standards ratified by Madagascar;

Directed studies on the implementation of international resolutions issued by UN bodies and treaty monitoring.

Educational background


Maîtrise en Droit, Option: Public Law and Political Science from the University of Madagascar, Antananarivo, Faculty of Law;

Diplôme de l’Institut d’Etudes Judiciaires (Law Study Institute).


Fight against Transnational Organized Crime: South Africa – Uganda – United States;

Trainer formation and practical training at Ecole-Professional School Management-Bordeaux and Dijon – France;

Military participation in the economic development (USF) USA Florida.


Author of Film Education:

“The Human Rights and Corruption”;

“Violence against women”;

“The trafficking of women and children”;

Guide the national language on the application of universal norms on arbitrary detention, the prohibition of torture”;

Supervisor of studies on traditional practices harmful and contrary to international conventions.

Activities in partnership with other Ministries

Development of cooperation with civil society in developing the agenda for the promotion and protection of human rights;

Validation of action plan participation in the development of legislation related to the promotion and protection of human rights which the law on the establishment of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR);

Member of the Board of Directors of the OLEP, the OMDA;

Trainer at the National School of Magistrates and Clerk to Madagascar.

Annex XV

Saidou Waliakoye (Niger)

Date and place of birth: 28 July 1969

Working languages: French

Current position/function

Secretary-General, National Commission on Human Rights, Niger

Expert, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination until January 2014

Main professional activities

The Secretary-General performs the administrative functions required to meet the objectives of the National Commission on Human Rights, which is responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights throughout the territory of the Republic of the Niger. He coordinates the activities of the administrative services, including the Directorate for Action to Combat Racial and Religious Discrimination.

Sworn member of the National Commission to Combat Trafficking in Persons, tasked primarily with the formulation of national policy and strategies to combat trafficking in persons.

Expert, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, responsible, together with the other Committee members, for considering initial and periodic reports and communications submitted by States parties to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Focal point, Network of West African Human Rights Institutions.

Substitute teacher, Police Academy, Master of Human Rights and Humanitarian Efforts, “Elite” training facility.

Academic background

Specialized advanced studies diploma (DESS) in international human rights law, Catholic University of Lyon, France

Masters degree in business law and judicial careers, Abomey Calavi University, Benin

Certificate in refugee law, UNHCR International Human Rights Institute, Strasbourg, France

International humanitarian law, Catholic University of Lyon, France

Conflict management, Centre for Human Rights, South Africa

List of most recent publications in the field

“Contenu des dispositions de la CERD: Portée Philosophique” (Content of the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: Philosophical impact), 2011

“Les discriminations subies par les migrants subsahariens en Libye” (Discrimination experienced by sub-Saharan migrants in Libya), 2010

“Les causes et la portée des conflits intracommunautaires au Niger” (The causes and repercussions of intracommunal conflicts in Niger), 2009.

“La mise en œuvre des articles de la CERD par les Etats parties” (The implementation by States parties of the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination), 2011.

Annex XVI

Yeung Sik Yuen Yeung Kam John (Mauritius)

Date and place of birth: 1 January 1947, Mauritius

Working languages: English and French, spoken Hakka (Chinese minority dialect) and Mauritian creole dialect

Current position/function

Chief Justice of Mauritius and/ Chairman, Judicial and Legal Service Commission

Commissioner, African Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights and

Chairperson of Working Group on Rights of Older Persons & Persons with Disabilities in Africa

Main professional activities

As Chief Justice I have overall responsibility for the administration of the Justice system in Mauritius. As Chairman of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission I am directly responsible with recruitment of Judges, Magistrates and State Law Officers. I am due to retire in December 2013 upon reaching retiring age after serving 41 years in the Judiciary.

I also serve on the African Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights as Commissioner until my term ends in November 2013. As Chairperson of the Working Group on Rights of Older Persons & Persons with Disabilities in Africa a first Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons has been drafted and is presently before the African Union Commission.

Educational background

Secondary school at St Joseph’s College, Mauritius with English, French and Latin at “A” level

LLB (Honours) Leeds University, England (1969)

Called to English Bar (Lincoln’s Inn) 1970

Université Paris II (Panthéon) French Law 1970–1972

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Served with UN Sub-commission for the Promotion & Protection of Human Rights (1998–2002) Served with Working Group on Minorities of Sub-commission (1999–2002)

Commissioner of African Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights (2007–to date) Chairman, Working Group on Rights of Older Persons & Persons with Disabilities in Africa

Member of Southern African Chief Justices Association Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple (2009) Honorary Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn (2009)

List of most recent publications in the field

Author of UN Working Paper on Human Rights Problems & Protection of the Roma (August 2000) [E/CN.4/Sub. 2/2000/28] Author UN Working Paper on Human Rights and Weapons of Mass Destruction, or With Indiscriminate Effect, or of a Nature to Cause Superfluous Injury or Unnecessary Suffering (August 2002) [E/CN. 4/Sub,. 2/2002/38], with update (August 2003) [E/CN. 4/Sub. 2/2003/35]; Author of Chapter on “Rights of Older Persons and persons with Disabilities in Africa” in the book “The African Regional Human Rights System: 30 years after the ACHPR and beyond” (2011)